Present: Mrs B Brunsdon, Cllr Jo Edwarde (Chairman), Mr P Fenton, Mr A French , Mr R Hudson, Mrs J Littleford, Cllr T Mitchell, Cllr C Park (Vice Chairman) Cllr C Simmons, Cllr S van Maurik.

1.  Apologies for Absence
Received from Stephen Young. Stephen had expressed a wish to receive the Agenda and papers for the meeting in good time.
2.  Declaration of Personal or prejudicial interest.
Members were reminded to declare at any relevant agenda item.
3.  Review Terms of Reference
These were agreed unanimously with the following additions:
a)  Membership line 2, to read – The Chairman of the Committee and one other member must be Parish Councillors.
b)  Reporting Arrangements, add – and posted on the Parish Council web-site.
4.  Minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2009 (previously circulated)
The following amendment was made: Item 10b should refer to FP12
Proposed: Tom Mitchell. Seconded: Sheila van Maurik. The minutes were passed unanimously.
5.  Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)
Item 7 – Matters arising from previous meeting
The ownership of the yew Tree has not yet been established.
Item 10 – FP35c. Not done. Jo will reassess the need and Clair will action if necessary.
Item 11d – Jo had contacted Tim Squire at ESCC who confirmed that the HPC RoW committee had already submitted their objection and there was no need to do so again.
Item 14 – Sheila van Maurik was pleased to report that the village won a Silver Gilt award and the Memorial Garden received a Community Garden award. As Hartfield have won the event in the past the entry was judged in the Champion of Champions’ class which was won by Rustington. All concerned were congratulated on Hartfield’s result. Sheila added that the aspects preventing Hartfield from receiving a higher award were associated with the Estate and beyond the Parish Council’s control. The committee encouraged Sheila to communicate this to the Estate in the hope they will take action before next year.
Item 15 – FP11b. Unbeknown to the neighbouring landowner (who complained to HPC RoW committee), someone had cleared the tree and dragged it onto the neighbouring land, causing damage to trees and the fence. After investigation, Jo informed the landowner that the work was carried out by ESCC.
FP79 – There are now additional notices encouraging walkers to keep to the footpath.
6.  Correspondence
A correspondence sheet was distributed. After discussion it was decided that the detail of this was not necessary and it would be sufficient if Jo were only to report on significant correspondence or that which raised new issues.
There were 2 communications of significance:
Parking at Holtye Golf Course.
The Golf Club have put up signs saying the traditional parking area for walkers is private, for the use of Golf Club members and visitors. The land in question is Common Land but not yet Open Access land. Members felt this situation should be pursued by the Parish Council and clarified. The Club secretary, Di Botham, will be kept informed of this.
Refresher training.
Janet and Jo had attended the training which was predominantly concerning Health and Safety for working parties. Rachel Solomons is trying to bring out a regular Newsletter for Footpaths groups. The first one should be published in October.
7.  Footpaths update
  1. In addition to the report previously circulated, Jo added the following:
FP37a – within the last few days metal fencing has been erected to stop walkers and riders from crossing the bridge. Jo has written to ESCC expressing concern and urging the early reinstatement of the crossing.
FP15 – Chris Simmons has written to Wealden from the HPC Planning Committee asking for an update on the enforcement order concerning the sandschool. Clair thought there was some new work taking place and will investigate.
  1. Others
The damage caused by the collapsed badger sett on the Forest Way has been repaired.
8.  New referrals
  1. Ramblers – none to report
  2. Committee
Jo circulated a sheet documenting reported concerns (including those picked up by the working party). Committee members found the document useful and it will be circulated prior to each meeting, in future. More items were added at the meeting and the updated document is attached to these minutes.
  1. Others
Brenda expressed her concern about stiles that do not have dog latches which leads to access holes appearing in adjacent fences.
9.  Tree Warden’s report – Clair Park
The Weald Wood Fair will take place from Fri 18 Sept – Sunday 20 Sept at Bentley, near Halland. ESCC rangers will be there, plus the Compost Doctor and the Rethink Rubbish Bus.
The Tree Council and ESCC offer to send their newsletters electronically and Clair has opted into this.
Hedge Tree Grant
We were, sadly, unsuccessful in obtaining a grant to plant trees/a hedge at the Playschool. The sponsor of these grants was a brewery and it was thought unwise to link alcohol with the Playschool. Clair is on the look-out for other suitable sites should another grant opportunity arise.
The coffee morning at the House of Wood at Dallington was most interesting. The wood used is beautiful and the house is heated by underground wiring and solar panels. The “Time Exchange Scheme” was advertised and more information can be obtained from The Partnership Council. TEL. 0115 970 8200
Clair will be contacting the Hartfield History group re a possible archaeological survey of woods in the Parish. Training days are organised on 10 October and one in November.
The restoration of Windmills requires the favoured apple woods which are difficult to source, particularly straight grained apple wood.
The Sussex Branch of the International Tree Foundation is closing down due to changes at headquarters. A new affiliated group could be started up if sufficient new names of members come forward.
10. Working party undertakings
After discussion it was decided that, although the primary function of the working party is to keep the footpaths clear, occasionally some members would be willing to install or repair stiles and fingerposts. Every effort would be made to contact the landowner in plenty of time before any work is to be carried out. If there is no response from the landowner the work might be carried out anyway. Those willing to undertake this work are Peter Fenton, Chris Simmons, Anthony French and Peter Smith (previously consulted). It was thought likely that Mike Parcell would also join this group. ESCC would be willing to carry out an on-site training session and this will be arranged to coincide with the replacement of the stile on FP12. Jo will make the necessary arrangements and contact the group with further details.
Anthony French mentioned a stile on FP73 where a tread is missing. A new tread is available. Anthony will assess the situation and get back to Jo.
11. Date and Time of next meeting
Monday 14 December 2009, 7.30 pm in the Committee Room. / CP