1820 Glynwood Drive, Suite B

Prattville, Alabama 36066

Phone: 334-358-2455

Fax: 334-491-2456


General Information

Client(s) Name______Date______

Parent/Guardian Name ( if applicable)______

Client’s Date of Birth______Client’s Gender: Male Female

Address______Work Phone______

City______State______Zip_____Home Phone______


Employment Position(s) of parents (if client is minor child)


Education/Training or School and Grade of client______

Spouse’s Name______Spouse’s SSN______

Spouse’s Employer______Spouse’s Position______

Spouse’s Education/Training______

No. of Marriages______No. of Children______

Child’s/Siblings Name______Birthday______

Child’s/Sibling’s Name______Birthday______

Child’s/Sibling’s Name______Birthday______

Child’s/Sibling’s Name______Birthday______

Emergency Contact Person______Address______Phone#______


Insurance Information (If applicable)

Insured’s Name: ______


Insured’s Address: ______




Insured’s Phone Number:( ) ______

Insured’s ID Number: ______

Insured’s Policy Group or FECA #: ______Insured’s Date of Birth:______

Insured’s Gender: (Circle One) Male Female

Insured’s Employer Name:______

Insurance Plan Name or Program:______

Is there any other Health Benefit Plan (Circle One) Yes No

If Yes, Other Insured’s Name: (Last, First, Middle) ______

Insured’s Address______

StreetCity StateZip

Insured’s Phone #______

Other Insured’s Policy#______Group #______

Other Insured’s Date of Birth:______

Other Insured’s Gender: (Circle One) Male Female

Employer’s Name or School Name:______

Insurance Plan Name or Program Name:______

(confidential page 3)

Physical Health Information

Short Statement Regarding Current Physical Health of client(s) ______

List below any physical health problems:

  1. Date of Onset
  2. Date of Onset
  3. Date of Onset
  4. Date of Onset
  5. Date of Onset

Mental Health Information

Date of Most Recent Illness/Symptom of issue for which you are seeking counseling: ______

Have you previously had the same or similar symptom(s)? Yes____ No____

If yes, give first date: ______

If unable to return to work, give date:______

Hospitalization Dates Due to Current Illness/Symptoms:______

Is Current Condition Due to any of the following?

Auto Accidentyes ____ no____

Other Accidentyes ____ no____

Employmentyes ____ no____

Name of Referring Provider:______

If not referred by provider, how did you learn about us?______


Name of Primary Physician______Phone#______


Client’s Family Mental Health Background:

Is there any history of the following in the client’s family? (Family includes parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins)

DepressionYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

AnxietyYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

Bi-polarYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

SchizophreniaYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

Drug Abuse Yes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

AlcoholismYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

OtherYes ____No____ Family Member with Condition______

Are you currently seeing a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or other helping professional? ___yes ___no

If so, who?______

If you have ever been hospitalized, please explain.______


Are you currently involved in any legal actions? If so, please explain______


Is there a recent life crisis that has prompted you to seek counseling at this time?

___yes no___ If so, please describe______

I understand I am financially responsible for payment of charges at the time services are rendered. If insurance is filed, I also understand that I will be responsible for any fees not paid by theinsurance provider. I further acknowledge that I am voluntarily consenting to counseling and that no guarantees have been made as to the results of counseling.


Revised 2012