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Chapter 1—Organizational Behavior and Key Competencies


1.In Learning from Experience: John Yokoyama, Pike Place Fish Market, the principle of being-in-alignment means being guided by a vision of possibility.


The principle of being-in-alignment is based on a common purpose that honors diversity of thought, creates enormous synergy, and leads to ongoing breakthroughs.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 3-4

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Creation of ValueMSC:Recall

2.In Learning from Experience: John Yokoyama, Pike Place Fish Market, the principle of personal power involves empowering associates to take personal responsibility for the whole job.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 3-4

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Creation of ValueMSC:Recall

3.Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups within an organizational context, and the study of internal processes and practices as they influence the effectiveness of individuals, teams, and organizations.


NAT:AACSB Analytic | Creation of ValueMSC:Recall

4.A competency is an interrelated set of perceptions, attitudes, and values that enable an employee to provide value to the organization.


A competency is an interrelated cluster of knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an individual to be effective in most professional and managerial positions.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 4

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

5.A competency is an interrelated cluster of knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an individual to be effective.


NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

6.The seven key competencies described in the text are important only to those employees who are working in managerial or leadership positions.


The seven key competencies are increasingly important to the effectiveness of virtually all employees, not simply those in managerial and leadership roles.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 4

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

7.The seven key competencies needed for achieving effectiveness in organizational behavior are so highly interrelated that it is impossible to specify rigid boundaries between them.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:DifficultREF:p. 4

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

8.Decision making in organizations isn’t particularly orderly or totally within the control of managers.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


9.The ability of organizations to achieve their goals depends on the degree to which leadership abilities and styles enable managers and team leaders to plan, organize, control, influence, and act effectively.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


10.The individual is the starting point of organizational effectiveness.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


11.An effective employee understands what affects her or his own behavior before attempting to influence the behaviors of others.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


12.The career competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning--including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes.


This is the definition of the self competency. There is no competency called the career competency.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

13.The self competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning--including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes.


OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


14.An employee who buys a personal computer for use at home for exploring Internet sites that might help enhance her job performance is demonstrating the diversity competency.


This would be an example of the self competency.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

15.An employee who buys a personal computer for use at home for exploring Internet sites that might help enhance her job performance is demonstrating the self competency.


OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


16.Perceiving, appraising, and interpreting accurately yourself, others, and the immediate environment is one of the core components of the communication competency.


This is one of the key KSAs of the self competency.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

17.Perceiving, appraising, and interpreting accurately yourself, others, and the immediate environment is one of the core components of the self competency.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 8

OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


18.The change competency is the most fundamental of the seven key competencies, since its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully developing the other six competencies.


This is the self competency.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

19.The self competency is the most fundamental of the seven key competencies, since its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully developing the other six competencies.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 8

OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


20.The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills and abilities to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning--including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes.


This is the definition of the self competency.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB CommunicationMSC:Recall

21.Achievement of the self competency could be considered a prerequisite to the successful development of the other six competencies.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:DifficultREF:p. 8

OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


22.Achievement of the communication competency could be considered a prerequisite to the successful development of the other six competencies.


Achievement of the self competency could be considered a prerequisite to the successful development of the other six competencies, since its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully developing the other six competencies.

PTS:1DIF:DifficultREF:p. 8OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

23.In Self Competency: John Yokoyama’s Development Journey,Yokoyama had the idea to become “world famous.”.


The idea to be “world famous” came from an employee during a brainstorming session.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 9OBJ:1-1

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

24.In Self Competency: John Yokoyama’s Development Journey, the idea to become “world famous” came from a brainstorming session with employees.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


25.In Self Competency: John Yokoyama’s Development Journey, Yokoyama says it took him a year to transform himself from being a screamer.


OBJ:1-1NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


26.A career may be defined as a sequence of work-related positions occupied by a person during a lifetime.


OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


27.For all individuals working in the corporate world, the degree of success of a person's career can be effectively gauged by the level in the organizational hierarchy that they have attained at any given age.


This traditional path to "career success" is no longer available to many people because of downsizing, mergers, and the increasing tendency of management to place the responsibility on employees to develop their own competencies.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 10OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

28.Career development involves making decisions about an occupation and engaging in activities to attain career goals.


OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


29.A career is defined as the individual's choice of occupation, organization, and career path.


This is the definition of a career plan. A career is defined as a sequence of work-related experiences occupied by a person during a lifetime.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 10OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

30.A career plan is the individual’s choice of occupation, organization, and career path.


OBJ:1-2NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual Dynamics


31.A job is the individual’s choice of occupation, organization, and career path.


This is the definition of a career plan.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 10OBJ:1-2

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

32.Career success or failure is best determined by others. Not by the individual in the career.


Career success or failure is best determined by the individual, rather than by others.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 10OBJ:1-1

NAT:AACSB Analytic | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

33.The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts and feelings--verbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic, and the like--for accurately transferring and exchanging information and emotions.


OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


34.The communication competency may be thought of as the circulatory system that nourishes the other competencies.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 10

OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


35.The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts and feelings--verbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic, and the like--for accurately transferring and exchanging information and emotions.


OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


36.Active listening refers to the process of integrating information and emotions in a search for shared meaning and understanding.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 11

OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


37.The questioning skill refers to the ability to ask for information and opinions in a way that gets relevant, honest, and appropriate responses.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 11

OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


38.The empathizing skill refers to the ability to ask for information and opinions in a way that gets relevant, honest, and appropriate responses.


This defines the questioning skill. The empathizing skill refers to detecting and understanding another person's values, motives, and emotions.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 11OBJ:1-3

NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB CommunicationMSC:Recall

39.The empathizing skill refers to detecting and understanding another person's values, motives, and emotions.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 11

OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


40.The describing skill is especially important in nonverbal communication and active listening.


It is the empathizing skill that is particularly important in this context.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 11OBJ:1-3

NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB CommunicationMSC:Recall

41.Engaging in written communication refers to the ability to transfer data, information, ideas, and emotions by means of reports, letters, memos, notes, e-mail messages, and the like.


OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


42.Engaging in written communication refers to presenting ideas, information, and emotions to others, either one-to-one or in groups.


This refers to engaging in verbal communication

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 11OBJ:1-3

NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB CommunicationMSC:Recall

43.Engaging in verbal communication refers to presenting ideas, information, and emotions to others, either one-to-one or in groups.


OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB Communication


44.Engaging in verbal communication refers to the ability to transfer data, information, ideas, and emotions by means of reports, letters, memos, notes, e-mail messages, and the like.


This refers to engaging in written communication

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 11OBJ:1-3

NAT:AACSB Analytic | AACSB CommunicationMSC:Recall

45.In Communication Competency, Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith,on Dungy’s team, it’s hard to get through a game without getting at least one “loafs.”

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 11-12

OBJ:1-3NAT:AACSB Communication | Individual Dynamics


46.In Communication Competency, Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith, both coaches believe that they can get their teams to compete more fiercely and score more touchdowns by yelling loudly and often at them.


Both believe they can get their teams to compete more fiercely and score more touchdowns by giving directives calmly and treating players with respect by giving directives calmly and treating players with respect.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 11-12OBJ:1-3

NAT:AACSB Communication | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

47.The diversity competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value unique individual and group characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential sources of organizational strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual.


OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


48.Fostering an environment of inclusion with people who possess characteristics different from your own and learning from those with different characteristics, experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds are both examples of the diversity competency.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 12

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


49.The more common categories of diversity in organizations are typically subdivided into primary categories and secondary categories.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 13

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


50.Primary categories of diversity refer to genetic characteristics that affect a person's self-image and socialization.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 13

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


51.Secondary categories of diversity refer to learned characteristics that a person acquires and modifies throughout life.


OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


52.Primary categories of diversity refer to learned characteristics that a person acquires and modifies throughout life.


Primary categories of diversity refer to genetic characteristics that affect a person's self-image and socialization.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 13OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

53.Secondary categories of diversity refer to genetic characteristics that affect a person's self-image and socialization.


Secondary categories of diversity refer to learned characteristics that a person acquires and modifies throughout life.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 13OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

54.According to Elizabeth Pathy Salett, president of the National MultiCultural Institute, multiculturalism is an acknowledgment that the United States is a diverse nation and does not assume that any cultural tradition is ideal or perfect.


OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


55.As a category of diversity, age is defined solely by the number of years a person has been alive.


As a category of diversity, age includes the number of years a person has been alive and the generation into which the individual was born.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 13OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

56.The various generations have similar levels of trust in their organization and in upper management.


OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


57.Older worker tend to have more trust in their organization and in upper management than younger workers do.


The various generations have similar levels of trust in their organization and in upper management.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 14OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

58.Race accounts for less than 1 percent of the difference in a person's genetic heredity.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 14

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


59.Race is identification with a cultural group that has shared traditions and heritage, including national origin, language, religion, food, and customs.


Race refers to the biological groupings within humankind, representing superficial physical differences.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 14OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

60.Race refers to the biological groupings within humankind, representing superficial physical differences.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 14

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


61.Ethnicity refers to the biological groupings within humankind, representing superficial physical differences.


Ethnicity refers to identification with a cultural group that has shared traditions and heritage, including national origin, language, religion, food, and customs.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 14OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

62.Ethnicity refers to identification with a cultural group that has shared traditions and heritage, including national origin, language, religion, food, and customs.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 14

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


63.Individuals have relatively little influence over their secondary categories of diversity.


This is true for the primary categories of diversity. People have relatively more influence over their secondary categories of diversity during their lifetimes by making choices.

PTS:1DIF:ModerateREF:p. 15OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Comprehension

64.Older workers want stability in the workplace while younger workers love change.


Employees from all generations are uncomfortable with change.

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 15OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall

65.In Diversity Competency: Patricia Harris, McDonald’s Chief Diversity Officer, McDonald’s received an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) “Freedom to Compete Award” in 2006 as recognition of the company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.

ANS:TPTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 15-16

OBJ:1-4NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual Dynamics


66.In Diversity Competency: Patricia Harris, McDonald’s Chief Diversity Officer,Harris finds that diversity is the same all over the world for McDonald’s workers.


Harris comments: “Diversity has so many dimensions. It means different things in different countries.”

PTS:1DIF:EasyREF:p. 15-16OBJ:1-4

NAT:AACSB Diversity | Individual DynamicsMSC:Recall