Colony and Date Founded
1621---Pilgrims---Plymouth Colony
1630—Puritans--Mass.Bay Colony
Rhode Island---1644
New Hampshire---1679
New Netherland---1609
New York---1664
New Jersey---1702
North/South Carolina---1663
Georgia---1732 / Persons Responsible
William Bradford---Pilgrims
John Winthrop---Puritans
Plymouth colony merges with Mass. In 1691
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchison
Rev. Thomas Hooker
John Mason
Sir Ferdinando Gorges
Came from Mass.Bay Colony
Henry Hudson for Netherlands
Duke of York of England named it New York
Indian land—Dutch and Swedish gift from King Charles II to brother James---gives to his friends Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret
William Penn
Lord Baltimore
John Locke
8 English nobles
Joint Stock Company
London Company
John Smith----Jamestown
James Oglethorpe /

Why Founded

Religious freedom and start a new life
Dissatisfied with Mass.Bay Colony
Religious freedom
Religious freedom----frontier and settle new areas
Part of Mass.Bay Colony
Religious freedom
Greater opportunity in frontier
Fur, fishing and lumber industry
English fleet takes New Amsterdam from Dutch in 1664 and becomes New York City
Good harbor for trade
Attract new settlers for Dutch and Swedish colonists
Penn founded for religious freedom for the Quakers
Holy Experiment
Invited all people
Religious toleration—those who had a belief in Christ
Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 allowed for persecuted Catholics to settle in Maryland
Setup a new colony based upon social classes
Failed and divided into 2 parts
Colony based on economic interests---Gold---tobacco saves colony
Provide a place for debtors could start a new life
Buffer against Spanish Florida / How Governed and Owner
Mayflower Compact
General Court
Royal Colony
Consent of the governed
Self-governing Colony
Fundamental Orders of Conn.
Self-governing colony
Royal colony
1689---English Bill of Rights
Representative government
Royal colony
Royal colony
Representative government
Royal colony
Representative government
Proprietary colony
Representative government
Royal colony
Representative Government
Houses of Burgesses
Royal colony
Royal colony

Self-Governing colony: This allowed the settlers to govern themselves through a charter

Royal colony: King governed the colony through advisors sent from England

Proprietary colony: King gives the land to an individual and he is able to govern as he pleases

Characteristics of 13 Colonies

A. New England

1. good harbors

2. small farms and towns

3. trade centered around harbors

4. hilly, forested and shallow sail

cities: Boston 15,000 - 1750

5. fishing, lumber and trapping

6. family oriented, education, religion

B. Middle Colonies

  1. river valleys - good communication
  2. rolling hills - fertile sail
  3. "bread basket" - large farms - surplus food
  4. diverse population
  5. manufacturing

iron mines, shipyards, glass and paper

cities: New York and Philadelphia