North Hampshire LCP Partnership ACTION PLAN 2010 – 2012

Priority: - To improve parental engagement within the Partnership

Organisation / Action / Impact
Basingstoke Voluntary Services / To support the partnership identify charities and community groups that can help deliver actions associated to this priority / More organisations actively supporting the development of this priority.
Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council will:
(Person responsible : June Balcombe) / Promote parental engagement in organising positive activities for young people outside of school time.
Raise awareness of youth activities available in holiday time to parents. / Parent input to and awareness of positive activities for young people.
Parent Support Adviserwill: / To ensure that parents feel that their voices are heard.
To represent parents’ views to other organisations where they do not feel able to.
To explain other organisations’ views to parents.
To work with parents 1:1 on parenting skills and engagement with school. / Parents will feel more comfortable dealing with schools, and understanding schools’ expectations of parents.
To improve parents’ engagement with their own children.
Post 16 Institutions:
Ina Green / Beth Linklater / Work towards a common college approach to increase parental engagement.
Identify ways to increase effective communication and to ensure parental views are taken into consideration, including Parent/Carer Surveys, Parent/Carer website page etc.
In difficult to reach cases, identify strategies for working with partner agencies. / .
Primary Schools: / Have increasing parental engagement included on their School Improvement Plan.
Think creatively about engaging parents and share practices.
Liaise with their partner pre-school, infant and junior/secondary school to share some activities.
Review their communication systems to support/inform and engage parents.
Monitor engagement and share data with LCP.
Review homework policies
Identify any experts remaining and use according to need (data driven)
Develop Engagement Activities to be a catalyst for multi-agencies. / Parental engagement becomes a priority for focus.
Ideas are generated and shared amongst partner schools.
Parents are targeted and relationships developed across both schools.
Parents are more informed and able to plan for engagement.
Reflection and review of good practice happens.
Good quality charters produced that inform parents of their role in their child’s education.
Secondary Schools: / Research ways of effective partnership working between schools and parents.
Invite parents to more events at the schools.
Family days around cookery, sport, technology and art eg Dad and son technology evening or mum and daughter art evening.
Partnership approach to positive communication to parents.
Engagement with ethnic minority groups and families who have English as an additional language.
Parent voice group to work with schools on sending out positive messages. / Breakdown barriers of negativity from parents.
Parents wanting to send their children to the Secondary schools.
Building positive relationships between the schools and parents.
Parents feel part of the community.
Parental support and advice is given to support students learning.
Build positive relationships with families from ethnic minority groups.
Wessex YOT will: / Offer help with parenting where need is identified.
Offer strategies for parents to ‘manage’ difficult behaviour in children and to try to re-assemble boundaries within the family. / To educate the parents on the impact of their behaviour/values/attitudes on the child’s outcomes in the community.
To empower parents.

Priority: - To improve school attendance within the Partnership

Organisation / Action / Impact
Basingstoke & Deane Borough Councilwill:
(person responsible: June Balcombe) / ABC contracts to reflect school attendance (as appropriate) within conditions.
BME Attendance Project – in partnership with community safety and the police, develop training for headteachers/teachers around cultural diversity issues. / Supporting schools and families in encouraging the importance of schooling to young people.
Promotes an understanding of cultural barriers to attending school and ways of engaging with families from different ethnic backgrounds.
Contribute to raising aspirations of young people, (13-19). Explaining the benefits of education, training and qualifications. Give support to overcome barriers to engagement, and address any issues. / 1:1 support to discuss issues, barriers and concerns.
Liaise and refer to partners as appropriate.
Provide information, advice and guidance e.g. qualifications, careers, drugs, alcohol, stress, anger management, sexual health etc.
Support young people to move into education, employment or training after school. / Contribute –
Aim raising aspirations and empowering young people to make informed decisions that contribute to their well-being and future life.
Work in partnership with key agencies to reduce NEET.
Hants Police (PCSOs) will: / Liaise with schools for truants, assisting where possible
In terms of the circus, PCSOs will have a stand for alcohol – ASB – drugs – violence – personal safety.
Parent Support Adviserwill: / To work closely with Headteachers and Attendance Officers to identify children who are not attending school regularly.
To be available to work with parents of poor attendees when requested. / Parents will be made aware of future consequences of poor attendance.
Help available to overcome barriers to good attendance.
Post 16 Institutions:
Ina Green
Beth Linklater / Attendance expectation is 100% with BCOT and QMC having both identified a common KPI attendance target of 90%.
Set up a meeting between key players in each of the 2 colleges to identify and share existing policies and procedures for managing attendance, including lateness (attendance policies, recording of lateness and absence).
Identify and share good practice for communicating shared approach to key stakeholders eg parents/carers, employers (for Work Based Learners).
Share overall attendance data to encourage debate around best practice. / Good practice shared and implemented by partner colleges.
Key players in contact and working on agreed priorities.
Overall attendance data shared and individual college action plans in place.
Improved attendance and punctuality.
Secondary Schools:
Headteacher responsible / Set and share attendance targets, identifying any particular needs within the partnership.
Identify and share existing processes and practices in each target school for managing attendance, including lateness (attendance policies, morning routines in schools, recording of lateness and absence, communications to parents, message to staff, parent and children about attendance, home school agreement etc).
Identify key players in an around each of the target schools. Establish contact and work towards shared aims and outcomes.
Identify data to establish a baseline whole school, cohort Individual (siblings).
Agree on steps to be taken and by whom eg action planning.
Engage in discussion and possible projects related to curriculum relevance and attractiveness, behaviour for learning, policies related to attendance and behaviour.
Engage in discussions on monitoring attendance and punctuality.
Work closely with Primary and Post 16 to identify and take ?? in poor attendance and involve locality team
Link with PCSOs re poor attenders and eg pressure in the streets.
Provide particular activities in Year 6 for poor attenders and parents to boost confidence and establish good relationships prior to transition. / Improved attendance across the partnership.
Decisions reached about allocation of any resources based on need.
Good practice shared and implemented by partner schools.
Key players in contact and working on agreed priorities
Baseline data shares and individual school action plans in place by whole school, cohorts, individuals as necessary.
Partner input identified and in place
Policies shared, amended and publicised by the partnership.
Improvement in attendance and/or punctuality according to targets set.
Wessex YOT and YISPwill:
YOT = Youth Offending Team
YISP = Youth Inclusion Support Panel / Inform all schools of children subject to YOT intervention either
  • through early prevention (police involvement)
  • or through subject to court orders
Liaise with CSD, schools, CAMHS, EWO and police regarding children who have specific issues which means school attendance not a priority.
  • Offer education worker to liaise with school regarding child’s attendance.
/ School will be aware that the YOT are involved with the ‘child’ and who may be offering specialist help or referrals for the child’s needs which may be hindering their attendance.
Agree actions; make referrals e.g. child protection, missing children, MAPPA. To safeguard child or community.
To aid child’s involvement in the education process and attempt to get them back in school.
Organisation / Action / Impact
Services for Young Children will:
People responsible:
Children’s Centres,
EY Advisory team
Children’s Links / 1 Provide joined up systems for sustainable early engagement of parents in services.
This will be achieved through :
  • focussed work across the EY clusters
  • multi agency Practitioners Forums in children’s centres
  • integrated work with health teams and children’s centres (ante and post natal)
  • effective use of the children’s centre ‘Request for Support’ process by partners for vulnerable families
  • empowering and raising awareness with EY settings and providers to further develop information sharing systems
  • engagement of families in centre based and outreach services that meet their needs ( home visiting, parenting support, structured play activities )
2. Increase communication and joint working through LCP partnerships
This will be achieved through :
  • Effective use of commissioned services (currently NCMA and Children’s Links) to support LCP priorities
  • Development of clear reporting structures across LCPs (including local EY cluster groups , children’s centre forums)
3. Transition support
Promote the importance of transition in the early years of a child’s life and provide smoother transitions for families through close liaison with providers birth to 5 yrs
This will be achieved through:
  • Disseminating the Transition Toolkit materials to all EYFS providers within the LCP
  • Joint work with health teams and children’s centres to support parents, particularly the most vulnerable, from pre birth to 5 yrs
  • Expanding existing structures that effectively engage parents to support all stakeholders
  • Effective partnership between health, early years settings, children’s centres and EY inclusion services
  • Identification of children at risk of poor outcomes at point of entry to school
  • Parents engaged in a range of services to meet their child’s needs
  • Increased awareness and understanding of the services provided from antenatal – 5yrs within LCP clusters
  • Effective signposting systems are operated
  • Services are fully accessed by families, particularly the most vulnerable
  • There is a wider reach of services to families through EY practitioners support
  • Improved feeder/receiver information exchange at critical points in a child’s life
  • Providers are better equipped to understand and support the needs of children and families
  • Improved multi agency response to early intervention including increased use of CAF
  • On going reflection and evaluation of services being offered to inform future actions and shaping of delivery
  • Raised expectations and prioritisation to ensure that the workforce increases its skills in engaging and sustaining relationships with parents at all levels
Children and families are supported effectively at all points of transition