Happy County Adult Education

Virtual Learning Contract for 2015-2016VSC Courses

As a student enrolled in the Virtual SC (VSC) through HappyCounty Adult Education, you have made a strong commitment to perform in order to achieve academic success. Specifically, you are agreeing to the following:

I am a resident of South Carolina.

I will abide by the HappyCounty Adult Education Student Conduct Policy. All communications must be appropriate as all can be retrieved by the instructor at any time.

I have successfully completed the online VSC Student Orientation

and understand that I must abide by the VSC’s

Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct.

I understand that I must be willing to commit at least ______hours per

day or ______hours per week to successfully complete my course(s).

I will check my e-mail daily for correspondences from my instructor and will contact my instructor immediately if I have questions.

I will check the pacing chart at the start of each week to establish where I need to be by the end of the week. I understand lessons must be completed at least weekly.

I will complete all assignments by the date determined by the instructor.

I understand that I will be contacted by my teacher when course work is overdue.

I understand that the course(s) must be completed no later than ______.

I understand that each full credit course final exam must be proctored by an Adult Education staff member at a designated time and site. If I am enrolled in a VSCcourse in which an End of Course exam is required, I must take it as part of the course requirements.

I understand that if I choose to drop a VSC course, I should first notify Happy County Adult Education’s Virtual Learning Coordinator (VLC) and follow the Withdraw/Drop policy as follows:

If I / VSC will / and the resultwill be
withdraw within the first 20 business days of the course start date, / record a grade of Withdrawn No Grade (WNG), / no penalty. My transcript will not be affected.
stop working on the course after the after the first 20 business days of the course start date, / continue to contact me to encourage completion of the course, documenting work completed and/or course work left un-attempted or incomplete (if I choose to stop working on the course), / a final course grade calculated from a review of work completed and work left incomplete. This grade will be posted on my transcript at the end of the session.

Repeating a VSC course in which a grade of WNG, WF or F was earned may or may NOT be an option, depending on the situation. My VLC will review my situation and determine an appropriate plan.

I have read and understand the Happy County Adult Education Virtual LearningContract for VSC Courses. Students who do not or cannot abide by the above listed rules may be removed from the course with penalties.


Print student nameStudent signature


School administrator signatureDate