Friday 10:00Ruhi Vasanwala

Heidy Maldonado

Assignment 4 - - Technology Evaluation

  1. What is the technology called, and what are its key novel characteristics both in devices and in use?

The RoomWizardTM is a web-based system of interactive signs that can be used for scheduling conference rooms and other shared meeting spaces within a work environment. It is distinguished by its information display, which is a high-definition touch screen (5-inch-by-5-inch LCD display) that is integrated into an organization’s network server to display real-time information about meetings and schedules. RoomWizardTM also works in conjunction with an organization’s existing calendaring applications to synchronize meeting notices and invitations with a particular meeting space.

2. For what class of users and uses is this technology likely to be most appropriate and effective?

The technology embedded within RoomWizardTM is most appropriate for use by individuals in a work environment who coordinate or participate in multiple meetings during a working week. This device with many affordances puts the who, what, when and where of meeting logistics in both the output screen outside of the actual meeting room and on a user’s desktop. This integration increases the efficiency and effectiveness of scheduling, modifying, and attending meetings. Additionally, this device helps with individual calendar planning and tracking as it integrates with Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, and the like.

3. What new or improved affordances are offered by this technology?
This technology offers many affordances and/or benefits in scheduling a meeting room. First, the GUI is very intuitive and logical. There is direct mapping between the input device and the meeting room both geographically and physically. A terminal exists directly outside of each meeting room allowing direct scheduling confirmation and/or adjustments and it is certainly possible to actually see the room and evaluate its occupancy. Along with mapping, RoomWizardTM is also very usable. The device easy to learn, easy to use, easy to remember, and the menu screens help to minimize user input errors. Additionally, feedback is immediate when a meeting room is confirmed and the user’s time slot is plotted.

4. What new interaction styles and metaphors seem especially well suited to this technology?

The prevailing design metaphor for this device is that of a posted sign that is representative of one that would be placed outside of a meeting room in lieu of a sign-up sheet or “Meeting In Progress” notices. In this case, that sign or the web sign is digital and interactive. As such, this metaphor is particularly well suited because it perpetuates a strong conceptual model, where the users interaction and thinking is systematically guided to ensure an adequate response through a solid information display medium.

5. What is the current commercial availability and success of this technology?
RoomWizardTM is manufactured by Steelcase, Inc. (a Fortune 500 Company), which primarily creates work efficiency products that integrate architecture, furniture and technology. This device is directly aligned with current industry trends and conference room gadgets that enable video conferencing, webinars, and facility management statistics. While exact sales and or financial information were not available for this device, research did indicate that a tremendous amount of positive media write-ups and reviews were conducted. RoomWizardTM is readily available for sale via one of Steelcase’s National dealers.

6. What uses have been found for the technology in practice for which it has been effective and what has it not proved out to be used for. Are any of them quite different from what was anticipated?

As Vitruvious would say, “this device has commodity” and is being used as intended. It effectively services a diverse group of end-user constituents from receptionists who need to schedule conference room and meetings, to project teams that need to allocate workspace, and to company executives that need to manage costs associated with office space and facilities overhead. RoomWizardTM provides a constant visual interface at the door of every meeting room and insight into its use. This insight comes from the software behind the networked screens that allows utilization statistics to be generated for assisting in financial planning.

7. What key technical constraints currently limit development and deployment of this technology?
There are no major technical constraints in effectively and efficiently integrating and leveraging this product. However, company’s that initially buy this product will have to invest time sometime in its implementation. From an engineer perspective, this is a firm product, but the LCD panels will have to be installed and networked and the related software will have to be configured and potentially customized to work with existing calendaring applications. Some end-user training and security measures (access and authentication rights by group) for
the control mechanisms may be needed, as well.

8. Considering broader social and economic implications, what benefits or problems are likely to result from the new technology?

This technology does not infringe nor does it benefit society in the larger more meaningful context. The device itself is just one step further towards the reality of a ubiquitous environment knocking at all of our doors (of our conference rooms!). We are coming to a point that we need technology to manage and keep track of our daily routine. There maybe a touch of a privacy issue, having anyone who has access to the system allowed to see what meetings are going on where. The benefit on the other hand it being able to view, edit, cancel meetings anytime, anyplace.