For Sign Off at Meeting of
NICaN Pharmacy Regional Group, Friday 10th June 2005

Paper: PH0506_Paper01

NICaN Pharmacy Regional Group
Draft Terms of Reference (for discussion)

This document references the Briefing Document – Guidance for NICaN Regional Groups[1]


The purpose of the NICaN Pharmacy group is to lead and co-ordinate the planning and delivery of equitable and high quality Pharmaceutical Services to all patients within the Northern Ireland Cancer Network..


The Group will endeavour to be multidisciplinary, multi professional and the following core members are proposed:

  • Aseptic Services Manager from each Cancer Unit hospital and the Chemotherapy Preparation Manager at the Cancer Centre
  • Cancer Clinical Trials Pharmacist
  • Community pharmacist representative
  • Haematology Clinical Pharmacist from each Cancer Centre and Unit hospital
  • NICaN team member
  • Oncology Clinical Pharmacist from each Cancer Centre and Unit Hospital
  • Paediatric Cancer Services Pharmacist
  • Palliative Care Pharmacist from each Health Board
  • Pharmacy Manager Haematology / Oncology Services – BCH Trust
  • Regional Co-ordinator for Cancer Services Pharmacist
  • Representative from the G6 Trust Pharmacy Manager Group

Service Users[2]

Audit and service improvement support will be provided to the work of the group as required.

Group Chair

It was proposed and agreed that Ms Maire McGrady, Regional Coordinator Cancer Services Pharmacist be the ‘Interim Chair.’ Ms Fionnuala Green, Regional Coordinator Cancer Services Pharmacist was agreed as the Deputy Chair.

Work Programme for May 05 – April 06

To be agreed

(Relevant Paper: PH05/06_Paper02)

Dates of Meetings

Friday 10th June 2005

Friday 9th September 2005

Friday 9th December 2005

Friday 10th March 2006

Relationships with other groups[3]

  • British Oncology Pharmacy Association
  • Future Cancer Regional Drugs and Therapeutics Committee
  • Health Boards
  • Interface Pharmacists for Specialist Medicines Network
  • National Cancer Network Pharmacist Forum
  • NICaN Chemotherapy Development Group
  • NICaN Nursing Regional Group
  • NICaN Site Specific Groups
  • NI Medicine Information Sub Committee
  • NI Medicines Governance Team
  • Paediatric Oncology Pharmacists Group
  • Trust Pharmacy Manager Group
  • Trusts Drugs and Therapeutics Committees
  • Tumour Specific Regional Groups
  • Universities


The key objectives will be:

  • To be the network’s primary source of pharmaceutical advice on cancer care issues.
  • To promote co-ordination and consistency relating to the above issues across the network.
  • To respond to regional and national initiatives and guidance as they are made available
  • To work with other members of the cancer care team to agree standards, policies and protocols e.g. training, documentation, treatment of complications.
  • To participate in capacity planning for cancer services.
  • To facilitate communication and sharing of best practice between pharmacists involved with the care of patients receiving cancer treatment and palliative care.
  • To facilitate the implementation of a list of agreed chemotherapy regimens for the network.
  • To develop, promote and facilitate Continued Professional Development, training and educational opportunities in cancer services for pharmacy staff.
  • To lead and participate in Research and Audit.

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[1]Paper includes: explanation of, and how, a NICaN Regional Group will be constituted; outline of membership; process for selection of the Chair; outline of support available; responsibilities of, and key competencies required by, the Chair and the proposed Work Strands

[2]A mechanism is currently being sought within the Network to enable service user involvement and provide training for same. Given the formative stages of NICaN, service user involvement may not be available for the early meetings.

[3]To be periodically reviewed