July 17, 2015:Village Board Meeting

Minutes of Regular Meeting Sodus Point Village Board

Mayor Tertinekcalled the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:Mayor Tertinek,Deputy Mayor Kennedy, CEO Hendrikse, Trustee Quinn, Officer Mackin,Trustee Kallusch,and Trustee Eckberg, Attorney Williams

Public: Approx. 4


MOTIONby Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to approve the minutes of the June 18,2015regular meeting.

Motion carried all voting aye.

Reports were given as follows:

Mayor Tertinek – na

Deputy Mayor Kennedy –Water, Highway and Skate Park Report

Trustee Quinn- Wastewater Report

CEO Hendrikse- Building Report, CEO Hendrikse also requested to have his zoning office moved to the former Superintendent’s office. The Board agreed that could be done as soon as possible.

Trustee Kallusch- No Fire Report. Trustee Kallusch said there were quite a few calls.

Trustee Eckberg-Community Center and AmbulanceReport

Officer Mackin- Police Report. Trustee Quinn requested that the Sodus Point Police Department be on duty during the 2016 “blow-off day.” There are over one hundred boats on the Sandbar and many people on shore as well. Office Mackin agreed that they would add coverage for that Wednesday and they will find out the date as it approaches. Trustee Kallusch also informed Office Mackin that there is a parking issue on Route 14 and Margaretta Road resulting from the use of the boat launch. He requested that Office Mackin have additional Sodus Point police presence in that area so tickets can be issued when violations occur.

Public Comments:


Old Business:

  1. Kevin Rooney from Wayne County proposed a new traffic pattern for Gardenier/Wolcott/Clover Streets. See below:

Attorney Williams advised the Board that, if the traffic pattern was to change, there would need to be a resolution and it would also need to be posted in the Village’s official paper, The Sun and Record.

The Board was not convinced that this proposition was the best solution for the traffic flow issue. They felt that Wolcott Street and Clover would need additional signs (at Greig Street) that say “No outlet” or “Dead end.” Drivers will be expected to turn around at the end of each street. Trustee Kennedy said he would research the cost of the signs if purchased from Wayne County Highway Department. The new traffic flow will require more research, so the discussion was tabled until the August Board meeting.

  1. Mayor Tertinek informed the Board that the pump station at the Wastewater plant needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The estimated cost of the new pump is $40, 000. Mayor Tertinek will discuss with Tracy Durham, Clerk-Treasurer, any funds that are available for this project. The posting will be submitted to the Sun and Record that the Village will be accepting bids for this project.
  2. Mayor Tertinek discussed with Lindsey Gerstenslager that there may be long-eared bats residing in the trees along Wickham Boulevard. These trees could be affected by the Wickham project to stop erosion along the shore, but the impact of the bats is yet to be determined. Ms. Gerstenslager will be in touch with the Village as more information become available.

New Business:

  1. Barbara Clayton, President of the Neighborhood Association of Sodus Point, presented the Village with a check for $950. This was 50% of the amount collected at the boot drive held on July 3rd.
  2. Mayor Tertinek read a letter from Cory and Howard Potter, thanking the Village for all their help with the Sunshine Auto Parade on July 3rd. There was a record breaking 162 cars in the parade.
  3. Mayor Tertinek summarized a letter that was written by Wayne County Soil and Water and sent to the Planning Board members. The letter explained the repercussions ofmismanagement of the discharge of storm water and recommendation on how to reduce or alleviate the problem. The Board agreed to take an active role in assisting WC Soil and Water to help control the problem in any way the Village is able.


MOTION by Trustee Eckberg and seconded by TrusteeKennedyto approve payment of claims7-1 through 6-58for a total of $132,624.87; General/Highway $34751.68; Water $24,271.02; Wastewater $73,602.17;

Other Business:


MOTION by Trustee Eckberg and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to adjourn the meeting at 8:01PM

Next scheduled regular Board meeting, Thursday,August 20, 2015at 7:00 PM.

Melanie Switzer

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer