FARR Meeting

Sacramento CCCCO

July 22, 2013

Notes by Rita Grogan

Name / P / A / Name / P / A
Barton, Connie / X / Lira, Ken (Art Lopez, VVC) / X
Bilbruck, Tom / X / Morrison, Regina / X
Burton, Adrienne / X / Rankin, Calvin / X
Carrington, Margie / X / Robinson, Anafe (Kim Miles) / X
Darcangelo, Robin / X / Sanchez, Greg / X
Fikse, Peggy / X / Schreibman, Andi / X
Grogan, Rita / X / Schroeder, Dennis / X
Heinemann, Brian / X / Westby, Kim / X
Linzmeyer, Kathy / X / Williams, Linda / X
Bonnel, Tim (CCCCO) / X / Ryan, Greg (Newsletter) / X
Dickason, Bryan (CSAC) / X / Naylor, Thalassa (CLFE liaison) / X
Mohr, Rhonda (CCCCO) / X / Georgina Guy (EOPS Liaison) / X
Ruys, Jasmine (CACCRAO) / X / Shelby Sward, Student / X

Guests & Others Present: John Pierson (Parker Pierson & Associates), Terence Gardner (CCCCO-SFA); Sara Tyson, Dean/CCCCO

Meeting Started: Tim Bonnel

Time: 8:40am


System-Wide Default Prevention Services using the 2% Budget: Rhonda Mohr

Because of the increase in 2% funds, monies are available for financial literacy programs. Rhonda met with many vendors. She realized that some schools who are around the 30% CDR may need services above and beyond what other schools might need. Rhonda met with John Pierson (Parker, Pierson & Associates – consultants) to discuss some plans for financial literacy on campuses.

PPT presentation – CCC Default Prevention Initiative: John Pierson

Handout of Presentation – digital version available

·  Assurances were given that the consulting services would not add work to our staff – rather, they will be running NSLDS data to perform risk analysis

·  College-specific data will be available to provide analysis to determine which vendor, if any, might be appropriate based on the individual colleges/district needs

·  Financial literacy services potentially offered through CCCCO

·  System level analysis of data to review policies/procedures that may be inadvertently providing a negative impact to student borrowers and/or colleges

·  Evidence-based default prevention

·  Model plan for default management

o  Certifying loan eligibility

CalWorks Work Study: Sara Tyson

·  24 months welfare-to-work plan

·  Department of Social Services advocating to the counties that education is a viable choice for those 24 months for their population

·  Some colleges won’t allow their Cal Works work study programs to place students off campus.

·  Some college programs won’t place students on-campus because of the matching requirement

·  The Cal Works work study available dollars are not available until late in the year? Guidance is needed to help coordinators know how to manage their fund sources.

·  Lack of collaboration with FA offices.

·  Difficult for them to project the use of their work study

Student Success Initiative – SB1456 – Fee Waiver Proposed Draft Regulations - Status: Rhonda Mohr

·  Enrollment Priority Regulations passed

·  District must implement by Fall 2014

o  Cal Works – Tier One

o  AB595 – in progress to move EOPS & DSPS to Tier One; amended to place a sunset date of 01/01/2017. Effective January 1, 2014 with no operative date so, since most Spring 2014 registrations already set, would be effective for priority registration assignments for Summer Fall 2014.

§  Intent of the legislature must comply with student success & support provisions

o  Veterans wording state students must meet constraints of student success & support provisions

o  Foster Youth not needed to meet provisions

§  Unless AB595 passes that places constraints on all Tier One groups

·  SB1456 – set of regulations that require new students as of Fall 2015 to have orientation, assessment, counseling, advising or other education planning and follow-up services.

·  BOG FEE WAIVER CHANGES – 58621 “Loss of Eligibility”

o  (a)….student’s responsibility to register….provides consistency irrespective of individual college’s process structures

§  Concern expressed that, based on the student’s registration priority date given, a student who has low priority may lose BOG eligibility based on timing of their date of registration

§  Once academic/progress probation status known, anyone trying to register for the first time with a probation status after that status is known date, the student would lose BOG.

·  (b) definition of primary terms and consecutive in nature

o  sitting out one primary term doesn’t eliminate the status; however TWO primary terms, or more, will

·  Student was unable to obtain “essential” campus support services.

o  Essential defined as those mandated from the Student Success Initiative

o  Access to services: Students must use the services

·  Limit on appeals?

o  Reasonable?

2013-14 BFAP-SFAA Advance Allocations: Tim Bonnel

·  Digital file

·  $5000 outreach holdback reflected on lists

·  Lost $1.7M in 2% and $1.7M in base funding (10.25% cut on both programs)

o  Workload basis – 13/14 budget used 11/12 data which included zero BOG problem; assumed 12/13 was down; etc.

o  12/13 actuals, if higher, will re-establish the calculations

·  Zero BOG – took care of half the problem in the 12/13 year allocations

o  The 11/12 “bills” are forthcoming for the zero bog overages

·  Not released the penalty fundings

2013-14 Budget: Tim Bonnel

2013-14 Fee Waiver Proposed Changes

·  One change made

o  Section 76305 – The BOG, before Jan 1 2014, shall establish alternative methods to determine a student’s independent status that are less restrictive than those used in other state and federal financial aid programs. These methods may include documentation that includes a federal or state tax return.

§  Will there be a different BOG form?

§  Latitude for BOG to set the implementation date

§  Financial Independence – not claimed by anyone else

·  Documentation of such with a tax return

·  Jasmine points out that Students Attendance Accounting Manual (SAAM) says $500 or more received from anyone makes someone dependent for A&R purposes

o  A&R would like something similar to BOG

·  What about students who did not file a tax return?

o  Any discretion(PJ?) for these students?

§  Work Group

·  Linda Williams

·  Kim Myles

·  Margie Carrington

·  Regina Morrison

·  Jasmine/CACCRAO

2013-14 Proposed Legislative Updates – Status: Tim Bonnel

·  Most are still on the senate side

·  Some have not cleared fiscal

o  Gomez: priority enrollment for EOPS/DSPS & subject to Student Success Act

o  Williams Bill – suspended: pilot program requiring the FAFSA

o  955 – Intersession extension bill – creating “extension” programs is in suspense

o  Frazier bill on debit cards – failed & then reconsidered

§  Banking & Finance – failed

§  Going to appropriations after amendment

o  Weber + re: Cal Grants – still in fiscal

o  1364 Ting – Access Grants – still in policy

o  Korea Bill – giving deported parents’ children …something…

o  Tax Credits – going to revenue & taxation

o  SB595 – FA disbursement bill – disclosures

o  Handful of Cal Grant bills – pertinent to private colleges/universities

COTOP Training – Tim Bonnel

·  Mid-August

CCCSFAAA Fall Trainings

·  October 14-18

Foster Youth Update

·  Regional Reps meeting two months ago

·  August 7th – Chaffee work group in the afternoon

o  1-4pm

o  Would like a couple of participants – contact Tim if you want to attend

·  Foundation

o  Prepared a grant application

o  Seeking funding for the next two years

§  Staff person to focus on Foster Youth

I Can Afford College Update – Lindsay

·  Web site re-design

o  launch is set for the end of this year

·  Additional new radio & TV ads; moving away from the raps

Veteran’s Services – David Lawrence

·  December 5 & 6 (Thursday & Friday)

·  Keynote Speaker: Dawn Halfaker of Halfaker & Associates

o  Transition from amputee

·  Set of Scenarios that veteran’s experience day-to-day on campus

o  What can go wrong/what can go right.

o  Role playing

·  Veteran’s Summit home page on chancellor’s web site

·  Proposal of Sessions

o  Large & diverse

·  GungHo Project

o  Cohesively working together as a unit

o  Incorporate a better transition from military to civilian

o  Start outreaching to community colleges in California

§  Bridge the gap between military to civilian life

o  Applied for a small grant to get a web site up and running

§  Face-to-Face chat feature

Summer Pell & ISIRs – valid thru September 27 or if received by last date of student enrollment – Rhonda Mohr

·  A school had a June 30th deadline for processing ISIRs for the current year. Rhonda wants all to go back and tell our colleagues that a valid ISIR is ok to process (must process) through September 27 or by the last date of student enrollment, whichever comes first

Gainful Employment Update – Rhonda Mohr

·  Per Linda Williams, GE may go away soon.

DEAR COLLEAGUE Review – Tim Bonnel

·  Gen 13-18 July 3 2013 – Extended Foster Care Benefits (AB12)

o  Co-funded by state & federal

§  State funds are reported as income

§  Social Services working with Counties who will inform students of how much is state

·  Gen 13-17 July 1 2013 – required distribution voter registration forms

o  MUST be PUSHED via email to students

·  Gen 13-16 June 13, 2013 2014/15 FAFSA Verification Requirements & Documentation

o  Review asap

·  Gen 13-15 June 12 2013 Renewal of Private Loan Applicant Self Certification Form

o  If school doesn’t certify private loans

§  Hand the student this form so that the student can self-certify for the private loan

§  NOTE: private loan amounts must be used to determine over-award situations

CSAC Updates – Tim Bonnel

·  SB70 Placement and Wage Data Update

o  Wage tracker data from EDD for ALL schools

·  MOU and Data Exchanges GPA and Enrollment File

o  Any issues to report?

§  Margie had two of three files where every record was rejected

§  Tim thinks they won’t be doing anything with the first year data, anyway

o  Data File from March & September with enrollment data

§  Filter applicants for Cal Grants attending community college

§  Two combined rosters will determine who is eligible for a transfer award and as a filter for other award determinations

·  “Take” rates

o  For every one hundred awards they give, 51 never get claimed

§  Every segment has similar statistics

§  The board is in agreement that CSAC should be responsible for moving the students off one school’s roster to the school that the student is actually attending

§  Do schools code why students aren’t being paid?

·  Send response to

§  Do the codes need to be updated to reflect why a student isn’t being paid?

·  Leave of Absence (LA) to help save their award

o  Students not receiving or reading their emails

o  Wait to the last minute to notify schools

o  Take rates include Las

Regional Representative Reports:

·  Region I – Connie Barton

o  All Director’s Meeting Date for 13/14 yet?

§  Should know by December or January

o  Unusual Enrollment History

§  Schools are addressing

o  Two new FWS brochures – one for employee; one for employer

§  Asked to share them digitally

·  Region II – Robin Darcangelo ( see report )

o  Asked for an alternate to attend meetings if the primary person cannot attend

o  Sierra – hosted the 5th annual welcome luncheon for new and returning foster youth

o  Consumnes River – Alice Kwong retired

§  Will be posting an FA officer opening soon

o  American River

§  150% direct loan requirements – working with staff

§  Good Powerpoint re: student responsibilities

·  Robin to send to Rita for disbursement

o  Woodland busy with growing pains

o  COD sending letters to school awarding students with greater than 600% Pell award amounts

·  Region III – Regina Morrison

o  A lot of audits going on

o  Packaging frenzy

o  College of Alameda – Dr. Eric Ravenburg new interim

o  SF City College – accreditation issues

§  Special trustee appointed

o  San Mateo CCD

§  Closing out files for audit

§  Looking at new vendors to replace Sallie Mae for FA disbursements

§  Preparing for a rush from SFCC students

·  Region IV – Kathy Linzmeyer (see report)

o  Email primary contact

o  Initial audits complete

o  New director at DeAnza – Lisa Mandy

·  Region V – Peggy Fikse (see report)

o  Good attendance in June

o  UEH overview and tracking

o  Shared some dream app information

§  Modesto frustrated with CSAC because of lack of access to their system

o  Busy time – lots of work

o  Pushing for a new Regional representative

o  Scheduled to meet again in mid to late September

·  Region VI – Tom Bilbruck (see report)

o  AVC Sherrie has 4 new staff members; all technicians

§  Hasn’t received final federal audit report yet (from February)

o  Brad wants to know about the Dream App verification guide status

§  Hiring a new technician

·  Region VII & Region VIII – Dennis Schroeder (see report)

o  Discussed legislation status

o  Covered the May information

o  Melissa Moser now at the District overseeing the colleges

§  Directors at the colleges

o  Pat Hurley wants to know the BOG SAP requirements?

o  Auditors – new to FA

§  Focused on how does the FA office verify incarcerated students & whether they receive Pell

o  Very Busy

·  Region IX – Art Lopez

o  Meeting this coming Thursday

o  Victor Valley going through transitions with administrators and boards

·  Region X- Greg Shaw

o  Meeting this coming Thursday

o  Mike Dear filled in for Greg when they last met

o  Miramar College has a new Student Services building

Adjourned at 4;25pm


FARR Meeting – July 22, 2013 NOTES