Church of God a Worldwide Association (Sabbath & Holy Day Schedule: Roanoke, Princeton, Charleston)

Page 1 of 2 (September / October 2016)

Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
September / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
17th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 3:00 pm
Song Leader / Kenny Earles / Fairley Burks / Paul Blake
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / April Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermonette / Johnathon Arnold (split #1) / Bible Study - Lambert / Bible Study – Lambert
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Andrew Tranquada (split #2) / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (1st & 3rd level) / Potluck
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
September / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
24th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Van Hanson / Fairley Burks / Live connection to services in Akron, OH
(Alternate song leader – Kevin)
Pianist/Hymns / Chancy Arnold / April Burks
Sermonette / Bible Study - Lambert / In-Accord
Announcements / Larry Lambert / Fairley Burks
Sermon / Larry Lambert / Andrew Tranquada
Activity / Youth Classes (Kindergarten)
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
October / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
1st / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 3:00 pm
Song Leader / Andrew Tranquada / Fairley Burks / Sam Doss
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / April Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermonette / In-Accord / Bible Study - Lambert / Bible Study – Lambert
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (1st & 3rd level) / Potluck
Feast of Trumpets – Monday October 3rd
Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV & Parkersburg, WV
Location / Howard Johnson – Salem Virginia / American National University / Calvary United Methodist Church, Ripley
Time / 10:30 am / 2:30 pm / 10:30 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Kenny Earles / Van Hanson / Fairley Burks / Fairley Burks / Kevin Scarbrough / Elbert Cline
Pianist/Hymns / Chancy Arnold / Claude Meadows / April Burks / April Burks
Snette/Offeratory / Larry Lambert / DVD / Fairley Burks / DVD / Paul Blake / Craig Harper
Announcements / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert / Steve Ferenchiak / Steve Ferenchiak / Bill Jahns / Bill Jahns
Sermon / Larry Lambert / DVD / Steve Ferenchiak / DVD / Clyde Kilough / Clyde Kilough
Activity / Children’s Choir
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
October / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
8th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 3:00 pm
Song Leader / Johnathon Arnold / Live connection to services in Williamsburg Virginia
(alternate song leader – Fairley Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / Drema Mullins
Sermonette / Bible Study - Lambert / In-Accord
Announcements / Larry Lambert / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermon / Larry Lambert / Andrew Tranquada
Activity / Youth Classes (Kindergarten)
Activity / Teen / YA Bible Study - Lambert
Day of Atonement
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
October / Location / Howard Johnson, Salem, VA / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
12th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 3:00 pm
Song Leader / Josh Arnold / Fairley Burks / Paul Blake
Pianist/Hymns / Chancy Arnold / April Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermonette / Offeratory – Hanson / Offeratory – Lambert / Offeratory – Lambert
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert

Page 2 of 2 (September / October 2016)

Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
October / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
15th / Time / 10:30 pm / 10:30 pm / 10:30 pm
Song Leader / COGWA - TV / COGWA - TV / COGWA - TV
October 17 – 24 – Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
October / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
29th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 3:00 pm
Song Leader / Kenny Earles / Fairley Burks / Sam Doss
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / April Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermonette / Johnathon Arnold (split #1) / In-Accord / In-Accord
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Andrew Tranquada (split #2) / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (Kindergarten)
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
November / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
5th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Van Hanson / Fairley Burks / Live connection to services in Akron, OH
(Alternate song leader – Kevin)
Pianist/Hymns / Chancy Arnold / April Burks
Sermonette / Bible Study - Lambert / In-Accord
Announcements / Larry Lambert / Fairley Burks
Sermon / Larry Lambert / Andrew Tranquada
Activity / Youth Classes (1st & 3rd level)
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
November / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
12th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:00 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Johnathon Arnold / Fairley Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / April Burks / Shirley Blake
Sermonette / In-Accord / Bible Study - Lambert / In-Accord
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (Kindergarten) / Thanksgiving Lunch together / Thanksgiving Potluck
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
November / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
19th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:30 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Andrew Tranquada / Live connection to services in Williamsburg Virginia
(alternate song leader – Fairley Burks / Live connection to services in Akron, OH
(Alternate song leader – Kevin)
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows
Sermonette / In-Accord
Announcements / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (1st & 3rd level)
Activity / Thanksgiving Potluck
Date / Services / Roanoke, VA / Princeton, WV / Charleston, WV
November / Location / Troutville Town Hall / American National University / Chesapeake Town Hall
26th / Time / 12:30 pm / 10:00 am / 2:30 pm
Song Leader / Kenny Earles / Fairley Burks / Paul Blake
Pianist/Hymns / Claude Meadows / April Burks / Kevin Scarbrough
Sermonette / Bible Study – Van Hanson / Bible Study - Lambert / Bible Study - Lambert
Announcements / Van Hanson / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Sermon / Andrew Tranquada (split) / Larry Lambert / Larry Lambert
Activity / Youth Classes (Kindergarten)