Total Thyroid #2




The thyroid regulates the basal metabolic rate of almost every cell in the body. If the thyroid isn’tfunctioning right, our metabolism isn’t functioning right. Metabolismin the cell is needed for every biochemical reaction that happens in our body.These reactions include: digestion, elimination,body temperature regulation, protein-building (including hormones, antibody formation and cell

receptors), calorie-burning, nerve conduction,brain neurotransmitter production, energy creation (hypothyroidismis often the reason for fatigue), enzyme formulation, and many other important functions. Hypothyroidismcan cause you to feel “off”.

Symptoms of low thyroid function include: weight gain, fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, appetite loss, slowheart rate, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, slow speech, difficulties in concentration, depression, irritability, painful periods, drooping swollen eyes, bumpson eyelids, swollen face, increased allergies, recurrent infections, goiter, and calcium metabolismproblems.

Books have been written about howrampant hypothyroidismis, and about how difficult it is to diagnose when limiting lab analysis to one value (called TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone), which doesn’t really give you a

detailed picture of what’s going on in the thyroid. “Subclinical


hypothyroidism” is associated with all-cause mortality. Subclinical values aren’t “optimal” but escape the radar because they aren’t “out of lab range”. Many peoplehave subclinical hypothyroidism and don’t even know it,

because they don’t get red flags ontheir lab tests. Comprehensive testing is recommended (including tests for the actual thyroid

hormones and thyroidantibody production).


Thyroid hormones operate in acomplex hormonal environment that includesmultiple organs and hormones, along with neurotransmitters such as serotonin.Dr.WinifredCutler,the biologist, calls this the "Hormonal Symphony." When thyroid hormones are low it affects sex hormones adversely, particularly progesterone, and can lead to estrogen dominance.

Sometimes hypothyroidismis caused by an autoimmuneattack on the thyroid, where antibodies destroy

important thyroid molecules. This iswhy it is important, in any thyroid support product, to include nutrition to support homeostasis and regulationof the immune system. .

Ashwagandha: In pre-clinical trials, it was revealed that ashwagandha “stimulates thyroidal activityand also enhances the antiperoxidation ofhepatic tissue hormone”, and that T-3 and T-4 (thyroxine), both thyroid hormones, were increased by ashwagandha(JPharmPharmacol.1998Sep;50(9):1065-8;JEthnopharmacol.1999Nov1;67(2):233-

9.) Ashwagandha has also been found to be a potent antioxidantthat prevents lipid peroxidation, and hence damage of thyroid tissue due to oxidation. This can bereally important when you considerthatHashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism) is a condition of antibody production that can be increased during oxidation/damage of thyroid tissue (PharmacolRes. 2000Jun;41(6):663-6.) Ashwagandha “potently inhibits proinflammatory cytokines” (DrugDiscovTher.2011Aug;5(4):195-201.) Ashwagandha improves immune system function and leads toimproved “haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters” when supplemented (FishShellfishImmunol.2012Mar6.) It is believed that ashwagandha may even have neuroprotective benefits (HumExpToxicol.2005Mar;24(3):137-47).

LarchArabinogalactanis commonly used to support the immunesystemand also to support the thyroid. Larch is composed of greaterthan 98-percent arabinogalactan, makingitanexcellentsource for this powerfully functional nutrient. It is an excellentsource of dietary fiber, and has beenapproved as such by the FDA. It has been shown to increase the production of short-chain fatty acids, principally butyrate and propionate, and has been shown to decrease the generation and absorption ofammonia. Butyrate is the main fuel for large intestine cells. Evidence also indicates human consumption of larch arabinogalactan has a significant effect on enhancing beneficial gut microflora, specifically increasing Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus(AlternMed Rev. 1999

Apr;4(2):96-103.) In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospectivefour-weekclinicaltrial, arabinogalactan was found to possess immunomodulating properties(AlternMedRev.2007Mar;12(1):25-48.)

GuggulExtract:NIEHS (a division of National Institutes of Health) reported in Feb 2005 that guggul extract (gum) is increasingly being used as a dietary supplement and that “biological effects have been demonstrated on lipid metabolism,thyroid hormone homeostatsis, female reproductive tissues, and endogenous nuclear hormone receptors” (they also reported “anti-inflammatoryactivity” in pre-clinical trials) (Masten,SA.,PhD.GumGuggulandSomeof ItsSteroidalConstituentsFeb.2005.NTP/NIEHSResearchTrianglePark,NC).

Guggul supplements are reported to help regulate thyroid function and improve hypothyroidism, according to pre-clinical trial studies(S.Pandaetal.PhototherapyResearch.January2005;(TripathiYB,etal.ThyroidstimulatingactionofZ- guggulsterone...PlantaMed.1984;50(1):78-80.)Dr. Richard B. Kreider, authorof the book "Exercise and Sport

Nutrition," also states that guggulsterones, found in guggul, have the ability toincrease the output of the thyroid gland and stimulate the conversion ofthe T4 thyroid hormone into its more active T3 form(Exercise &Sport

Nutrition:Principles,Promises, Science,Recommendations; RichardB.Kreideretal.;2009.)Increased T3 can help increase metabolismand burn fat. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends 25 mg of guggulsterones three times daily to lower the high cholesterol levels associated with hypothyroidism.

Exciting research may be able to confirmthat guggul naturally regulates a gene receptor called farnesoid X

receptor (FSX) which controls metabolismin the liver.

The iodine molecule is needed for the synthesis of the thyroid hormones. In fact, three iodine molecules are added to the thyroid hormone T3 and four iodine molecules are added to T4. The fact that iodine insufficiency is rampant, coupled with the necessity of iodineto produce thyroid hormones contributes to widespread hypothyroidism.

ColeusForskohliiraises cyclic AMP (whichraisesmetabolism) in many systems, including endocrine tissues such as the thyroid gland by acting at a post-surfacereceptor site on the thyroid(EaleyPA,et al.(Acta Endocrinol(Copenh).1985Mar;108(3):367-71.) This increased metabolic rate isbeing researched for its effect on thermogenesis, weight management and thyroid function. Cyclic AMP and the chemicals it activates comprise

a second messenger systemthat is responsible for carrying out complex and powerful effects of hormones in the body. The forskolin in coleus forskohlii is believed to stimulate secretion of T3 and T4in a manner similar to

TSH because of its effect on cyclic AMP (VenkateswaranA.etal.JClinEndocrinolMetab.2004Dec;89(12):6168-72;LaurbergP. ForskolinstimulationofthyroidsecretionofT4andT3.FEBSLett.1984May21;170(2):273-6;HiraiwaM.NipponNaibunpiGakkai Zasshi.1987

Jan20;63(1):34-44)and also to stimulate iodine metabolism(iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones) (vanSande

J,etal.Forskolinstimulatesadenylatecyclaseandiodinemetabolisminthyroid. FEBSLett.1982Dec13;150(1):137-41.)

The following abstract points out that iodine is an antioxidant, that mg doses are safe (and effective) and that iodine has an important role in maintaining normal breast tissue as wellas supporting the thyroid.

“Iodine deficiency is generally recognized as the most commonly preventable cause ofmentalretardation and the most common cause of endocrinopathy (goiter andprimary hypothyroidism). Iodine deficiency becomes particularly critical in pregnancy dueto the consequences for neurologicaldamage during fetal development as well as during lactation. The safety oftherapeutic doses of iodine above the established safe upper limit of 1 mg is evident in the lack of toxicity in the Japanese population that consumes 25 times the median intake of iodine consumption in the United States. Japan's population suffers no demonstrableincreased incidence of autoimmunethyroiditis or hypothyroidism. Studies using 3-6 mg doses to effectively treat fibrocystic breast disease may reveal an important role for iodine in maintaining normal breast tissue architecture and function. Iodine may also have important antioxidant functions in breast tissueand other tissues that concentrate iodine via the sodium iodide symporter” (Patrick,L.Altern MedRev. 2008Jun;13(2):116-27.)

Ginsenghas been traditionally used for thyroid support for many years. American Ginseng and Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) are known as adaptogens and have been utilized traditionally for many years as thyroid support. An adaptogen is defined asan agent that helps to bring the body’s organ systems into homeostasis, whether function is high or low.

Seleniumis a mineral that is absolutely essential for proper thyroid function. Seleniumis highly concentrated in the thyroid gland, more so than in any other organ in the human body, indicating its role in normal thyroid function. It acts as an antioxidant that protects the thyroid gland, a cofactor nutrient that facilitates the

production of thyroid hormone, and as anutrient that is required to facilitate the conversion of T4 to T3and also prevent the conversion of T3 into inactive, or reverse T3. Hypothyroidism can arise from many causes,

however when the cause is an overabundance of reverse T3 many times the simple solution is providing enough seleniumfor this conversion.

L-Tyrosineis an amino acid that is crucial to thyroid hormone production. Itis not only needed for thyroid hormone production, the tyrosine molecule is incorporated tight into the thyroid molecule. Tyrosine converts to dopamine and norepinephrine with the help of vitamin B6and vitamin C. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that can stimulate the hypothalamusand pituitary to activate the production of thyroid hormone (through TRH and TSH).

YellowDockis an herb which has practical applications in metabolismfunction, dueto its high content of valuable minerals which affect thyroid health. Yellow Dock is a blood purifier that has a special synergistic function with iodine when it comes to the thyroid gland.

GotuKolahas a long history of use inAyurvedic medicine with many traditional indications. One ofthe indications for gotu kola is thyroid support. In addition to all of these synergistic herbs and nutrients, Total Thyroid #2 contains a blend of glandular supportthattiesinmultiple organsystems that depend on each other to operate at full speed, includingthymus, spleen, pituitary, adrenal and parotid.

Additionally, Total Thyroid #2 is packed full of the vitamins and minerals that together ensure optimal

function of the thyroid gland, including:Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, VitaminA, beta carotene, VitaminC, Niacin, Folic acid, Calcium, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc.

Contraindications: Check with your doctor if you are on thyroid medication. If supplementation increases thyroid activity it may be necessaryto adjust the thyroid meds.Do not take with MAO inhibitors, blood thinners or in pregnancy.

TotalThyroid#2Ingredients:Ashwagandha Extract (root) 200 mg, Larch Arabinogalactan 100 mg, Guggal Extract (gum) 25 mg, American Ginseng (root)20 mg, Eleuthero (root) 20 mg, Yellow Dock (root) 5 mg, Gota Kola (herb) 5 mg, Coleus Forskohlii Extract (root) 25 mg, Vitamin A (as palmitate) (1% as Beta Carotene) 505 IU, Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 50 mg, Calcium(as chelate) 25 mg, Thiamine (as

hydrochloride) 5 mg, Riboflavin 5 mg, Niacin 2 mg, Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg, Folate (as folic acid) 100 mcg, Vitamin B-12 (as methylcobalamin) 100 mcg, Iodine (as kelp, potassiumiodide) 1530

mcg, Zinc (as chelate) 1.5 mg, Selenium(as methionine) 200 mcg, Manganese (as chelate) 0.800 mg, Molybdenum (as chelate) 30 mcg, Thymus (bovine) 40 mg,Spleen (bovine) 10 mg, Pituitary (bovine) 3 mg, Adrenal (bovine) 10 mg, Parotid (bovine) 3 mg, L-Tyrosine 50 mg, Choline (as bitartrate) 25 mg, Betaine (as hydrochloride) 25 mg.

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The above statements have not beenevaluated by the FDA. The nutritional information, suggestions, and research provided are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure, or prevent disease and should not be used as a substitute for sound medical advice. Please see your health care professional in all matters pertaining to your physical health.