Thanks to Plexus this is me now ! I've lost 40 pounds and numerous inches. I've dropped 2 diabetes pills, insulin, 3 blood pressure pills, 2 breathing treatments and 2 inhalers for asthma, migraine medication, and improved my cholesterol to a normal level again. I have hypothyroidism and my thyroid levels have improved too. I now have energy to work out! No more being too depressed or embarrassed about my weight! I don't run from mirrors or cameras now. 4 pant sizes and 3 shirt sizes down so shopping for cute clothes is easier now that I fit into them . Plexus changed my life and gave me one back again!
Shares How She Became Very Depressed Over the Loss of Her Son and Gained Weight That Caused So Many Health Issues: Allergies, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Restless Leg Syndrome, RA, Severe Digestive Issues, Pain and Depression. ~Since Plexus, Rachel is Off Rx Meds and LOST an Amazing 172 Lbs., Down From a Size 20/22 to a Size 8!
My story goes back so far it's hard to know where to start. I have had Asthma and Allergies all of my life. But it never slowed me down. I'm blessed with an awesome family. I graduated from high school very young, married the love of my life, had 2 beautiful children. In May 2001 my life changed. My son passed over from a brain aneurism. I got really depressed, gained about 80-90 lbs. and not only thought my life was over but wished it was over. It took me months to decide to start living again, praying for God to give me a reason to want to live, to find a purpose again.
By then my asthma was horrible from all the weight gain, which caused many, many treatments of steroids. The fibromyalgia , the insomnia, the restless legs syndrome, I had so many problems I didn't know where to turn. I went up and down with the weight gain.
In 2008 I was hospitalized for a severe asthma attack and was given such massive doses of steroids that I gain 52 lbs in 5 days. My system totally changed. I had severe digestive issues, bowel problems, pain, and depression from the weight gain. I developed rheumatoid arthritis . In October, 2010 I had rotator cuff surgery After the surgery, osteoarthritis set in my neck and shoulders AND I WAS TOTALLY DEPRESSED
. I Suffered with these issues THEN SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENED. I met Joy, who changed my life. She told me about Plexus in June, 2011. This stuff was gonna help me lose weight. SHE SAID....WHAT IF IT WORKS.... So I signed up WITH A MEMBERSHIP , for the savings...... I just couldn't help my self because it worked. When I started PLexus Slim, the Pro Bio 5, and Bio Cleanse I lost 47 lbs in the first four months. I was able to get off my Lyrica and was 95 % pain free from fibromyalgia by the 9th day. I got off my prescriptions for digestive issues , RLS - restless leg syndrome , and I felt better than I had in years. But I still had a problem... I went through several rounds of steroids for the asthma and had severe weight gains each time. Plexus has finally balanced out my system, In the 2 1/2 years that I have been on Plexus I have gone from size 20-22 to size 8 and although I had to lose several pounds twice, I have lost a total of 172 pounds. Since starting the Fast Relief cream and pills my arthritis stays under control . Adding the Xfactor multi vitamin has allowed me to sleep better than I have in years and wake up feeling energized.
After losing a child ,i lost my reason to get up in the morning, I FINALLY have my reason and purpose in life again. I get to help people and feel obligated to PAY IT FORWARD , By helping people feel better and lose weight, I still have asthma but haven't had to go through a steroid treatment in over a year. God has truly blessed me with my Wonderful husband, an awesome daughter and son-in-law , a beautiful Granddaughter and PLEXUS IN MY LIFE. SO AS I ALWAYS SAY....
I am High on God, High on Life and High on Plexus
2 Diabetes Pills, Insulin, 2 Breathing Treatments, 2 Inhalers for Asthma, Migraine Medication
Cholesterol is Now at a Normal Level
Hypothyroid/Thyroid Levels Have Improved!
Wendy Has LOST 40 Lbs and Numerous Inches, Down 4 Pant Sizes and 3 Shirt Sizes!
Wendy shares, thanks to Plexus this is me now ! I've lost 40 pounds and numerous inches. I've dropped 2 diabetes pills , insulin, 3 blood pressure pills, 2 breathing treatments and 2 inhalers for asthma, migraine medication, and improved my cholesterol to a normal level again. I have hypothyroidism and my thyroid levels have improved too. I now have energy to work out! No more being too depressed or embarrassed about my weight! I don't run from mirrors or cameras now. 4 pant sizes and 3 shirt sizes down so shopping for cute clothes is easier now that I fit into them . Plexus changed my life and gave me one back again!
Cheryl Dalton
Last year was a terrible year for me physically and mentally. I had been diagnosed diabetic, but asked my Dr to give me time to get it under control with diet and exercise. That was a joke... I didn't have the energy or desire to do that, so my A1C kept creeping up. I was already taking 4 blood pressure pills, 2 heart medications for an arrhythmia problem, celebrex and 8 Advils daily to endure fibromyalgia & severe arthritis problems, 3 different asthma meds plus taking albuterol treatments several times weekly, reflux medicine and an aspirin daily. I was so severely fatigued that I couldn't function, nor could I concentrate on anything. I couldn't even make simple decisions. My husband and daughter was doing all the chores, grocery shopping, etc. All I wanted to do was sleep. I started having what we all thought was mini-strokes. I finally ended up in the hospital. After running many tests, the Dr told me that my biggest problem was that I was taking too much medicine. He took me off of all of them, but one blood pressure pill and a bronchodilator. Well, that next month was a nightmare! My blood pressure went thru the roof, my heart beat was running about 120 and my arthritis was unbearable. I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep and I couldn't walk. Needless to say, my Dr put me back on my meds.
Let me backtrack... months prior to the hospital episode, a sweet friend had sent me a facebook message about a new product she was taking called Plexus Slim. She asked if I had any health problems. I shared my medical history with her and basically told her I wasn't interested. I sure didn't want to take anything else. However, I did watch her progress on facebook. Then when she posted her 3 month testimony sharing how much Plexus had helped her with her health & her weight, I got interested. This was someone I could trust to be telling the truth, so I contacted her and started my Plexus journey. Within weeks, I started to improve. Everything was beginning to come back to normal. I was so excited that I took it to my Dr to see what she had to say about it. I wanted to put my husband on it too and I needed to know if it was gonnacause any problems with the meds we were taking. She had already heard about it cause her sister was taking it. She said it shouldn't cause any adverse reactions with our meds, cause it was just natural ingredients. I told her that it was helping people get their blood sugars at healthy levels so I was in hopes that it would help mine.
Fast forward to 5 months now... I have lost 48 lbs and countless inches!! I have come from a size 22W pants to a misses 12! While the weight loss is great, I am more excited about all the other health benefits that have greatly improved since I have been taking Plexus. At my 3 month mark, I went back to the Dr and am happy to say that my A1C is no longer in the diabetic range!!! Plexus has helped level my blood pressure & heart rate to normal. I no longer take medicine for arthritis, reflux, or asthma and am back down to 1 blood pressure pill a day. My Dr said if I will continue to do a daily walking regimen that I can come off of that last pill and be medicine free. I am anxiously waiting for that day!!! Plexus has given me tons of energy and I sleep like a baby. I feel better than I have felt in 25 years and my husband & daughter are thankful that they don't have to do all the chores anymore!!! I thank God every day for bringing Plexus into my life and I am thankful for the sweet, sweet friend that cared enough to tell me about it even after I gave her a negative answer!!! Please, don't give up on people! Don't let ANYTHING keep you from sharing Plexus with everyone you know and care about. It is life changing and WE ARE PLEXUS AMBASSADORS!!!
Sarahsays~Hi everyone! My name is Sarah I am a Plexus ambassador and this is "my baby" Will. Will is almost 4 and has been battlingasthmafor about 2 years. We were doing nebulizer treatments at least a couple times a week to daily, up to 3 or 4 times when the weather would flip flop from cold to warm and back! He would just get hit out of no where with an attack. This limited him from being that rambunctious wild and crazy toddler to being stuck on the couch doing a breathing treatment! It was so hard at 2 to have him know when he needed a breathing treatment! He was afraid to go out and play in the snow because within minutes he was coughing and having a hard time breathing! To watch my oldest child be so carefree and watch Will be limited to everything he wanted to do with his brother was heartbreaking! Through the end of Jamuary to mid -late Feb we saw our Dr for these issues at least 12 times! That's $25 copay every visit! At this point I was lost because I couldn't fix it! I thought alright God give me the answer for this because I'm scared and I'm exhausted! On my way home from our LAST Drsappt I thought, Sarah what is wrong with you, what are you doing?!? Start this poor boy on the ProBio5! So that night I did just that! Within one week we were down to NO TREATMENTS! We took him to a specialist forasthma3 weeks ago and she said he was still "squeaky" so she have us an inhaler... Which I have used 5 times through the weather changes the last month. 5 times in a month! That is like putting a bandaid on a paper cut for us! He is soooo much happier and brags that he doesn't have to do breathing treatments anymore! He NEVER forgets his "Pobiotic" before bed! We open it and mix it with a spoonful of yogurt or applesauce and he takes it like a champ! No issues with the taste or anything! I feel so blessed and grateful that God opened my eyes and made me see what was right in front of my face the entire time! Will is a much happier boy and I am a much happier Momma! Thank you Plexus for EVERYTHING you are doing for my family! We all take the ProBio5 now and I can't wait to see what his Dr says when we go back in 3 months for a follow-up!
Dave Henson
Dave Henson is an example of why you don't give up on Plexus! He initially lost 10 pounds the first month and then nothing for nearly three months. Now? He's down 30 pounds! No moreasthmapills, no more allergy pills, lower blood pressure and he says he feels better than ever. I am so proud of him and I love Plexus!
Chele says - My Plexus Journey started in Jan 1, 2014, I weighed 270 lbs the heaviest ever ! I was hesitating but I stepped forward put the money out, because everything I have tried I have FAILED!
I have so many health issues that I thought I was going to die young. I will be 55 this Dec and have been in hospital 8 times last year Due to my illness. I have Moderate COPD,Asthma, Emphysema, Thyroid problems, and a chronic cough and I cough so hard and deep I BREAK A RIB, or
Makes my lungs rub against my ribcage and feels like sandpaper. But when my True friend Harley TOLD ME ABOUT Plexus, I was skeptical like everyone else.
But something told me just do it, and I am so glad I listened to my inner self, She would always catch my post on FB about being sick and could not hardly breathe or in the hospital
Again, time in and time out. Well this year was time for a change I have a 6 year old grandson that I want to see grow up. I do not want to die! So Harley had done so much
Research on all the meds that I was on and said Chele if you don’t quit you will DIE! Please she begged me please try it, I promise you it will work! So here I am today off half my meds and feeling so much better than last year ! I was so sick last year I had pneumonia 4 times last year! I was wore to the core, I felt like I was at the end of the road. I began to pray to God for his help and guidance on what to do for myself. I am only 54 and I have a disease that KILLS many people. My Hormones were a mess one minute I was crying, I was snapping at my family for no reason, My Husband said That I am at nice and not so mean (lol) . I was tired and could not go anymore, UNTIL MY order of Plexus arrived!
It was finally here the Pink Drink I have heard so much about, Plexus slim, accelerator, Bio Clense,Bio5 , Xfactor. I started it the next daY, AFTER I DRANK THE 1ST GLASS OF THE Pink I COULD FEEL
SOMETHING I felt energy and life. I wanted more. I began to notice I wanted to do more, I could clean without being winded, I could go for walks and not cough.
I thank the Good Lord and My Dear Friend Harley. I love you so very much for wanting to help me, and make me feel healthy again !
I am healthy today and getting better every day. I feel great! My life has changed forever Thanks to someone who cared enough to share her story about PLEXUS and was not about the money at all, about health and love and caring for someone! Thank you Harley For giving me a second chance on Life. Today I weigh 248 and have lost 3 inches ! I feel great and I have 60 lbs to go !
Reva says ~ At first I didn't think there was a visible difference since I need to loose over 100lbs and this is just down 20. But I could tell a difference seeing both pics side by side!!! I have struggled with weight gain for over 24 years. I would loose some then end up gaining back more than I lost. My health was starting to be effected. I was in constant pain in my legs with circulation problems and felt extremely fatigued all the time. I have never lost weight easy or quickly. I had basically given up trying until Plexus came to my rescue. I don't feel hungry all the time, have so much energy and several health issues are improving. I haven't started to actually diet or exercise yet. I eat less because I am just not as hungry! I rarely have leg pain, no longer take my two prescription diuretics, have more energy and stamina than I ever have and realized the other day I havent used my inhalers forasthmain a long time! I have a long way to go with over 100lbs to loose but I am thankful for the benefits of the Plexus products to help me get there!
Kim says ~ Let me start by saying I was a paralegal for almost 20 years and was trained to prove things wrong or find the "flaw" in things. I was quite skeptical when I tried Plexus (even though I had done A LOT of research on it). I started my journey on 11/8/13 and was a size 9 pants and size medium/large shirt. I haveasthma, allergies, recurrent ovarian cysts, endometriosis, suffered from bouts of depression and had severe pain in my shoulders, arms and wrists upon doingany kind of manual labor work. I was taking Symbicort, Claritin, albuterol, weekly B-12 shots and prenatal vitamins to help absorb the B-12. As of 12/5/13 I now only take Claritin and albuterol as needed. My allergies andasthmahave greatly improved. I haven’t suffered any bouts of depression. No back pain from the endometriosis and no signs of having ovarian cysts. No pain in my shoulder, wrists or arms when doing manual labor now. I have a lot more energy and smile a lot more. I have lost 5.6 pounds and 12.5 inches overall. I am now in a size 6 pants and size small/medium shirt. I feel fabulous!!!
Right about now is when I eat crow and say, Plexus DOES WORK!! Plexus has proved itself and Plexus rocks!!!!
Lori says ~ This is me -36 lbs. I'm not the one that has had major weight loss in 1 to 3 months. But instead it's been -36 lbs in 8 months. YES, I get frustrated and want to give up when I see all the HUGE lbs lost in such a short time but then I am reminded about the battles that have been won that people can not see. I no longer shake between meals or after eating something that has a lot of sugar. I no longer drink pop. I no longer get headaches all the time. I sleep better at night. I've not had ANYAsthmasince I've started, which I've had all my life.. My allergies are 90% better. I've only had 1 fever blister since I've started, compared to 1 every month. My children (yes we talked to a dr first) have not hadasthmaeither & their allergies are better. My husband is no longer on diabetic meds & he is finally under 300. My list goes on & on and would take up to much of your time to read. And I've not even mentioned the money side of it yet:) I didn't put this weight on over a few short months & I can't expect Plexus to take it ALL of over a few short months and neither can you. I will never know the Real Damage this weight cause my body, & I will never know the Hidden things plexus has helped me with, but I can tell you this. Don't give up, give it a chance to work for you. "IF" it's not working for you contact you ambassador and let them help you find the right combination of Plexus products that will work for you. God made each of us different, so we can't expect Plexus to work exactly the same on all of us. Give it time. One day you too will be a Plexus success story!!!!