Curriculum Overview
Introduction to the Academy 3:00-4:00pm
[Presenter: Nancy Murphy]
Participants will:
- Participate in a team building activity
History of the Crime Victims’ Rights Movement 5:00-6:30pm
[Presenter: Bonnie Palecek]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the major social/political movements that contributed to the rise of the victims’ rights movement.
- Recognize the evolution of North Dakota laws as they relate to victims of crime.
“In Her Shoes” Exercise6:30-8:00pm
[Facilitator: Linda Isakson]
Goals of the exercise:
- To increase awareness of the struggles that women with abusive partners face.
- To illustrate that domestic violence is a community tragedy, not a private problem.
- To show that society has a roles in the movement to end domestic violence.
- To encourage everyone to think creatively about the ways we can work to end domestic violence.
System Overview 8:30am-12:00pm
[Presenters: Kelly Dillon and Lonnie Olson]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify jurisdictional issues between state, federal, tribal and military systems
- Distinguish between the criminal vs. civil process in each system
- Recognize the various stages of the systems
Topics to be included:
- Criminal vs. civil systems
- Stages of the system
- Roles of advocates and coordinators
- Juvenile system
- Stages of the system
- Roles of advocates and coordinators
- Federal vs. State vs. City (Brief Overview)
- Stages of Federal system
- Roles of advocates and coordinators
- Military (Brief Overview)
- Stages of the system
- Roles of advocates and coordinators
- Tribal court
- Stages of the system
- Roles of the advocates and coordinators
Working with the Native American Population in North Dakota 1:00-2:45pm
[Presenter: Linda Thompson]
Participants will be able to:
- Define North Dakota tribes
- Identify cultural differences between North Dakota tribes
- Describe the importance of cultural competence to victim services
Topics to be included:
- Recognizing personal bias
Collaboration 3:00-5:00pm
[Presenters: Kari Kerr and Chris Smith]
Participants will be able to:
- Discuss how to make an effective referral network
- Describe ways to establish and maintain relationships with referral agencies
- Develop a list of referral services
Topics to be included:
- When and where to make referrals
- Identify potential partners in the community and professional networks
- Cooperation with other agencies and limitations
- Negotiation and collaboration case examples
Victim Panel 7:00-8:30pm
[Facilitator: Linda Isakson]
Topics to be included:
- Personal experiences of each crime victim
- Helpful responses from the system
Basic Advocacy Skills8:15-9:45am
[Presenters: Glen Hase and Shelly Carlson]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify basic principles of effective communication
- Develop strategies to enhance both verbal and non-verbal communication
- Identify characteristic responses to a crisis
- Explain the steps to helping someone in crisis
Topics to be included:
- Listening and oral communication
- Crisis Intervention
- Assessment
- Stages of crisis
- Safety for staff and victims
- Case management
- Documentation
- Follow up
Domestic Violence/Stalking/Strangulation 10:00am-2:45pm
[Presenters: Kari Kerr and Kelly McLean]
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the legal definition of domestic violence, stalking and strangulation
- List and discuss the differences that distinguish domestic violence and stalking from other crimes
- Identify and practice approaches for working with victims of domestic violenceand stalking
- Identify signs and symptoms of strangulation
Topics to be included:
- Dynamics
- Lethality
- Protection Order vs. Disorderly Conduct Restraining Order vs. No Contact Orders
- Key components of a safety plan
- Self defense and predominant aggressor
- Offender treatment
- Questions to ask strangulation victims
Sexual Assault 3:00-5:00pm
[Presenters: Shelly Carlson, Donavon Rasmuson, and Jane Ell]
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the legal definition of sexual assault
- Identify and practice approaches for working with victims of sexual assault
Topics to be included:
- Issues of consent
- Dynamics
- Evidence collection (including the rape kit)
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)– brief overview
- Drug facilitated assaults
Media Panel 7:00-8:00pm
[Facilitator: Mark Lyman]
Topics to be included:
- Developing relationships with media outlets
- Positive news coverage
- Sensitivity issues when covering victim stories
Child Victimization 8:15am-12:00pm
[Presenter: Tara Muhlhauser]
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the legal definition of child abuse
- Identify and practice approaches for working with victims of child abuse
- Identify how child victims react to trauma at different developmental levels
Topics to be included:
- Communicating with children
- 960 child abuse reporting
- Developmental levels
Ethical Considerations 1:00-2:30pm
[Presenter: Tara Muhlhauser]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify which confidential client information can be shared with others
- Explain the relevance of ethics in the victims’ services field
- Define personal and professional values and discuss the impact of both on ethical practices
Topics to be included:
- Confidentiality vs. privileged information
- Privacy laws regarding identifying information (i.e., names, addresses, etc)
- Open records issues
- Personal vs. Professional Boundary Issues (i.e., personal disclosure of victimization, dual relationships, etc)
- Differences of victimization (secondary victim, witness, DV, SA, etc.)
Financial Assistance for Crime Victims 2:45-3:45pm
[Presenter: Joan Halvorson]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify financial resources for crime victims
Topics to be included:
- Crime Victims Compensation
- Restitution
- Cleaning of Crime Scenes
Working With People With Disabilities3:45-5:00pm
[Presenter: Martha Tollefson]
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the needs of individuals with disabilities
- Identify resources for victims with disabilities
Topics to be included:
- Referral agencies
Self Care for Professionals 7:00-8:00pm
[Presenter: Debra DeWitz]
Activity: “I Don’t Fold Underwear Anymore!”
Participants will be able to:
- Identify symptoms that indicate our lives may be out of balance
- Describe why it is difficult for some professionals to maintain a healthy balance
- Describe the importance of making changes to balance work and family
Property and Financial Crime [Presenter: Paula Bosh]8:15-10:00am
Participants will be able to:
- Define the difference between property and financial crime
- Identify the emotional needs of victims of property and financial crimes
- Identify resources for assisting victims of property and financial crimes
Topics to be included:
- Credit reports (importance of checking your credit report)
- Types of property and financial crimes
- Identity theft
Cultural Diversity and Immigration 10:15-12:00pm
[Presenter: Arabella Demeterio]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the unique needs of immigrant victims
- Identify resources for dealing with cultural issues
Topics to be included:
- Identify different ethnic groups within the community
- Identify the importance of customs and beliefs
- Immigration law as it relates to victims of crime (brief overview)
Victimization in the Aging Population 1:00-1:45pm
[Presenter: MariDon Sorum]
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the importance of addressing issues specific to crimes involving elderly victims
- Identify specific resources for assisting victims
Topics to be included:
- Elderly
- Referrals
Bias Crimes Against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (GLBTQ) Persons [Presenter: Bruce Reeves] 1:45-2:30pm
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the importance of addressing issues specific to bias crimes
- Identify specific resources available for assisting victims
Topics to be included:
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (GLBTQ)
- Referrals
Mental Health Needs of Victims and Helping Professionals 2:45-5:00pm
[Presenters: Earl Beal and Joan Halvorson]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the short and long term mental health needs
- Identify the elements of direct and vicarious trauma
- Identify signs of compassion fatigue (burn out)
Topics to be included:
- Post traumatic stress continuum
- Self care
- Trauma grief reaction
- Suicide intervention
- Death notification
Program Funding8:15-9:00am
[Presenter: Janelle Moos]
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the different type of funding sources in ND that support victim services
- Describe the importance of collecting statistics and outcome measurements
Topics to be included:
- Funding sources in ND
- Data collection
2009 VAAND Curriculum Outline1