Chapter 28 Part 1 Text – Chapter 29 Part 1 Digital Edition RQ’s

1 – 656 Opening Quote –

- Who? when?

- 2 key words?

2 657 bottom photo

- Who took the photo?

- What is the subject of the photo?

3 658 photo – 2 bbox’s 659

- What 1 word is the subject of all 3 sources?

(pic) – Who?

- What did she attack?

(bbox top) – Who?

- What is his point?

(bbox bottom) – Who? book?

- Subject of Book?

4 660 bbox & photo

- Subject?

- Suffrage is another word for…?

- What is the “new” generation of women called, for the first time? (1 word)

- Which Amendment are they celebrating in the photo?

5 663 *****important – Examining the Evidence

- Court Case?

Why do women deserve “special protection” in the workplace according to the Opinion of the Supreme Court?

- Who is the attorney for Mrs. Muller?

-how much $ was the employer fined for violating Oregon’s law?

6 664 Photo

- When?

- Subject of Photo… describe the scene in the photo?

Reading Questions

7 16th amendment-

`17th amendment-

18th amendment-

19th amendment-

8 – What are the 4 amendments…when considered together are called?

9 – What group….opens the notes… criticizing “capitalism” for the chaos present during this age?

10 The Jungle- who –what and why significant?

11 – What does Jack London speak of the possibility of in his book “Iron Heel?”

12 – Ida B. Wells leads a campaign to stop what? With who and what group?

13 – Muckrakers?-

14 What two capitalist “Robber Barons”…controlled assets worth more than all the land west of the Mississippi River?

15 What reform movement begins with TR’s Presidency, called the greatest since abolition?

16 Progressivism began in what two places, first?

17 what group played an important role galvanizing social concern?

18 TR attacked 3 things with his square deal -- What were the 3 areas of focus?

19 What are the two key words in TR’s opening quote?

***new questions 

20 What role does TR see for the government in implementing his idea according to the quote?

21 Whose Presidency begins the Progressive Movement and era?

22 What is the question or argument that is still relevant today?

23 What does the “best government” do, according to my notes?

24 What 4 “evils” does the Progressive Movement “wage war” against?

25 What is the Progressive Movements (middle class army) goal… their “heart?”

26 What does the middle class want more of?

27 What does the middle class NOT WANT?

Progressive Roots

28 What movements are mentioned as having an impact on the Progressive Movement that existed during the Gilded Age? (4)

29 Who should “manage” society?

30 What two (2) socialists leaders are mentioned in my notes from this period?

31 Name two (2) women mentioned and the 2 different movements that they are involved in that become part of the mosaic that makes up the many reform goals of the Progressive movement?

Racking Muck with the Muckrakers

32 How were “Muckrakers” different from “Yellow” Journalists?

33 From what Book does TR take the name he gives to these investigative journalists?

34 Who was the most well known of the investigative journalists called “Muckrakers?”

35 Who was Dr. Harvey W. Wiley?

36 What action does the US govt commit to when it passes the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906…on behalf of the American People?

37 What does the Progressive movement believe is the “cure for the ills” of American Democracy?

Political Progressivism

38 Who were Progressive Reformers? (class)

39 Who did they feel squeezed by from above? Below?

40 What are the two (2) goals of the Progressive Movement?

41 Politically…what three (3) tactics do Progressives take in order to bring more power to the people?

42 What idea from Australia changes the voting process certainly the outcome is that America is more democratic?

Progressivism in the Cities and States

43 Where does Progressive Movement begin?

44 What is the “Galveston Idea?”

45 What State and Governor led the way in the State Progressive Movement?

46 What does the Governor mentioned above do that is similar to FDR during the 1930’s Great Depression?

47 What other 3 states were seen as Progressive Leaders?

Progressive Women

48 What movement was a training ground and became a crucial focus for Progressive Women-and who led this movement?

49 What idea about the woman’s place in society is based on the ideas of “cult of domesticity” and “Republican Motherhood?”

50 Women argued that their efforts on behalf of a variety of reforms were just an extension of their roles as what? (2)

51 What organization, led by Francis Willard is the LARGEST WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD?

52 Which Supreme Court Case “breaks the stranglehold of employers control over the workplace?”

53 What unique argument does Louis Brandeis make on behalf of Mrs. Muller (it seems discriminatory towards women today) that is key to the decision by the Supreme Court to provide Women Special Protection in the Workplace?

54 How much was the fine according to Oregon State Law for Mrs. Muller’s employer?

55 What case is seen as a setback for the Progressive Movement, although it happens three years before the last case… ?

56 This “era” in the Supreme Court is based on what “Liberty?”

57 What is the name of the Factory in NYC where 146 Women die in a fire due to their employers negligence?

58 What are they type of laws called that are passed in over 30 states after the above fire?