Practice Guide for U10-U12 Coaches

(920) 785-0203


You are a soccer coach.

Now what???

Roles of a youth soccer coach:
  • Provide a safe, fun, and educational environment
  • Communicate your plans with the parents
  • Schedule 6-8 practices on the same nights, times and locations as your games
  • Set a treat schedule – parent bringing treats should sit on the sideline with the kids
  • Take time to introduce yourself and meet the other parents at the first practice
  • Give plenty of praise - focus on effort, not outcome
  • Divide playing time evenly
  • Be organized at game time – know your lineup
  • Know the basic rules and how to restart the game when it goes out of bounds
  • Find other parents who are willing to help out
  • Contact us if you need help
  • Relax and have fun WITH the kids!
/ Coaching tips:
  • Let the game be the teacher
  • Limit your instructions to 15 seconds
  • Ask questions that engage the kids and encourage problem solving
  • Keep everyone moving – limit standing in lines
  • Use a whistle to get their attention
  • Talk to the kids at their level – understand their limitations and why they are there
  • During the game, do your best to keep the kids involved in the play
  • Let the game be the teacher (this one is REALLY important)
What NOT to do:
  • Never criticize or yell at the players or referees
  • Don’t try to handle difficult players or parents on your own – email or call us so we can help

You have accomplished your goal if your players want to come back and play next year!

Practice # 1 Topic of the day – Warm Ups/Dribbling
Red Light, Green Light(15 minutes)
  • Create a starting line for each of the players, and the coach should move 15-20 yards away.
  • With the coaches back to the players, he yells GREEN LIGHT and the players try to dribble to the coach. When the coach yells RED LIGHT, he waits a moment and then turns to face the players. Anyone who is not stopped has to go back to the farthest person from the coach

Sharks and Minnows (15 minutes)
  • Set up a 10 x 15 yard rectangle or a 10 yard circle
  • All players start with a ball (minnows) except for one player (the shark)
  • Sharks try to kick the balls outside the playing area. If the ball leaves the playing area, the player becomes a shark. Last minnow wins and becomes the shark for the next game.

1 v 1 to Goal

Create a 12 X 5 yard grid just inside the penalty box and assign 1 defender to this grid. Have a goalkeeper play in the goal. Place a cone 7 or 8 yards outside the grid where the remaining players must start with a ball

The defenders job is to stop the attackers from getting through the grid and out the other side while being restricted to only defending within the grid. The attacker’s role is to simply beat the defender and get a shot on goal. The attacker must attack out the back of the cones and not out the sides of the grid. Rotate the defenders every 1 to 2 minutes.

Practice # 1–Coaching Points for Shooting

Red Light, Green Light

  • Make sure the players keep the ball close so they can stop quickly.
  • Encourage players to constantly.
  • Focus on how and where to trap the ball

Sharks and Minnows

  • Keep everyone moving – if they stand around, become a shark and help “stir” the pool
  • The key to surviving is keeping the ball close and shielding the ball from the sharks
  • Keep the dribblers under control and not panic once the sharks get near them.

Inform players to keep the ball close within playing distance

1 v 1 to Goal.

  • Good Control and keeping the ball close.
  • Good Shot on Goal.
  • Beating the defender with speed

Practice # 2 Topic of the day – Dribbling
Red Light, Green Light(10 minutes)
  • Create a starting line for each of the players, and the coach should move 15-20 yards away.
  • With the coaches back to the players, he yells GREEN LIGHT and the players try to dribble to the coach. When the coach yells RED LIGHT, he waits a moment and then turns to face the players. Anyone who is not stopped has to go back to the farthest person from the coach

Sharks and Minnows (15 minutes)
  • Set up a 10x15 yard rectangle or a 10 yard circle
  • All players start with a ball (minnows) except for one player (the shark)
  • Sharks try to kick the balls outside the playing area. If the ball leaves the playing area, the player becomes a shark. Last minnow wins and becomes the shark for the next game.

4v3 Attack vs. Defense (15 minutes)
  • Set up a 30 X 30 grid with one side playing to goal. Coach assigns 3 defenders who wear an alternate jersey. The attackers begin with the ball. A keeper should be defending the goal
  • Instruct the players to exploit their numerical advantage and finish with a shot on goal.
  • Attackers should move the ball looking for the open player and holes in the defense.
  • Defenders should attempt to break-down the attack and will gain experience in how to cover a one-down situation. Defensive players should complete a pass to the coach to end the attack.
  • The coach should then give the ball back to the attackers to build the attack again.

Practice # 2 – Coaching Points for Dribbling

Red Light, Green Light

  • Make sure the players keep the ball close so they can stop quickly.
  • Encourage players to constantly.
  • Focus on how and where to trap the ball

Sharks and Minnows

  • Keep everyone moving – if they stand around, become a shark and help “stir” the pool
  • The key to surviving is keeping the ball close and shielding the ball from the sharks
  • Keep the dribblers under control and not panic once the sharks get near them.
  • Inform players to keep the ball close within playing distance.
  • 4v3 Attack vs. Defense
  • Offensive
  • Quickly switch the point of attack to off-balance the defense.
  • Play quick both physically (1 and 2 touch) and mentally (think ahead).
  • Make sure the players are attacking at the appropriate times
  • Defensive:
  • Contain the play and keep the ball in front of the defense.
  • Early pressure and do not allow space behind the defenders


  • Always remember, keep your instructions to 15 seconds and then GO!
  • Have a coach or parent help shag and organize balls for the offense.
  • Set a goal for the number of points to score.

Practice # 3 Topic of the day – Passing/Dribbling
Goalkeeper - Shooting Angle(10 minutes)
Position 6-10 servers across the outer edge of the penalty area in front of the goal. Each server should start witha ball.
The servers should push the ball to the left, right or straight at the goal then shoot. Instruct the goalkeeper to adjust their positioning according to the position of the ball. The goalkeeper should then set their feet and get into ready position and make the save. The goalkeeper should quickly set for the next shooter and repeat

The Passing Game (15 minutes)
  • Form a circle with each of the players on your team. Only start with one while the ball
  • To play the name game, the player with the ball passes to a player. Before the receiving player receives the pass, they must yell the name of the player they are going to pass to. Upon the next player receiving the ball, they must yell the name of the player they are going to pass to
  • This is designed to make the players think a step ahead of the play. Make sure that each player has at least 2 touches on the ball; one touch to receive the pass, and the other touch to make the pass.
  • Encourage players not to make a pass back to the player they received the pass from, and to pass to different people each time

1v1 Shooting Drill (15 minutes)
  • Set cones in the shape of a diamond about 20 yards from goal. Each cone about 12 yards apart. Adjust the size based on the age and skill level of your players.
  • Instruct one player to start at cone 2, 3, and 4. The remaining players form a line behind cone 1.
  • Instruct one player to start in the goal (not necessarily the goalkeeper as this will change).
  • A supply of balls should be placed near cone 1.
  • Player 1 starts with the ball and passes to player 2. Player 1 follows the pass and moves to player 2's place.
  • Player 2 passes to player 3 and moves into quickly moves into defensive position.
  • Player 3 passes to player 4 and takes 4's place.
  • Player 4 receives the ball and immediately takes on player 2 in 1v1 battle to goal.
  • If player 4 doesn't score in the 1 vs 1, player 4 becomes the keeper. If player 4 scores, keeper remains

Scrimmage (15 minutes)
  1. Set a rule that the players can only touch the ball 3 times then they must pass

Practice # 3– Coaching Points for Passing

Goalkeeper - Shooting Angle

  • Good, Quick footwork (do not cross feet when shuffling)
  • Good angle and positioning on moving ball - instruct them to stay between the ball and the goal
  • Make sure they set their feet to get ready for theshot
  • They should react quick to the shot
  • Make sure they catch the ball clean with good hands

The Passing Game

  • Remind players to be thinking ahead to determine who they want to pass to.
  • Good First Touch
  • Quality pass

1x1 Shooting Drill

  • Good passing combination
  • Quick Movement off the ball
  • Good defensive posture and positioning
  • Shooter beats the defender with speed and gets a shot on target.
  • Scrimmage
  • Start introducing throw-ins, corner kicks and goal kicks
  • Encourage them to keep their heads up so they can see their teammates
  • Pause the play a few times and ask the players..
  • Are you open for a pass?
  • Where could you move to be open?
  • Point out the right time to pass is BEFORE the defense gets to them
  • Have the players try to pass the ball wide and not always down the middle of the field

Practice # 4 Topic of the day – Trapping/Shooting
Sharks and Minnows (15 minutes)
  • Set up a 10 x 15 yard rectangle or a 10 yard circle
  • All players start with a ball (minnows) except for one player (the shark)
  • Sharks try to kick the balls outside the playing area. If the ball leaves the playing area, the player becomes a shark. Last minnow wins and becomes the shark for the next game.

1v1 Dribble Attack with Shot(15 minutes)
  • Create a 15X15 yard grid about 18 yards from goal.
  • Place a goalkeeper in the goal, and a defender inside the grid.
  • The rest of the team should start at a cone placed about 15 yards from the grid.
  • Each player in line should have their own ball.
  • The first player in line dribbles into the grid, attempts to beat the defensive player, and dribble out the other end of the grid.
  • If he successfully dribbles through the grid and out the other end the attacking player can finish with a shot on goal.
  • If the ball is won by the defensive playeror dribbled out either of the sides of the grid, the attacker quickly becomes thedefender.
  • The next player in line can go immediately after a shot on goal is taken or the defensive player has won the ball.

Scrimmage (15 minutes)
  • Set a rule that the players can only touch the ball 3 times then they must pass

Practice # 4– Coaching Points for Trapping

Sharks and Minnows

  • Keep everyone moving – if they stand around, become a shark and help “stir” the pool
  • The key to surviving is keeping the ball close and shielding the ball from the sharks
  • Keep the dribblers under control and not panic once the sharks get near them.
  • Inform players to keep the ball close within playing distance.

1v1 Dribble Attack with Shot

  • Head up for awareness.
  • Players should always be scanning the field while carrying the ball while glancing down at the ball through the bottom of your eyes.
  • Players must be aware of opponents, teammates, and space.
  • Ability to hold the ball closer.
  • Players should be able to keep close control of the ball in order to quickly change directions, move the ball away from a defender.


  • Continue working on throw-ins, corner kicks and goal kicks
  • Pause the play a few times and ask the players.
  • Are you open for a pass?
  • Where could you move to be open?

Practice # 5 Topic of the day – Defending
Clean your Room(15 minutes)
  1. Create a grid that is approximately 15 X 15 yards. You should adjust the size of the area depending on the size, skill set, and the number of players.
  2. Assign one player to "clean the room." This player will act as the defender to knock everyone's ball out of the grid.
  3. Every player other than the room cleaner needs a ball
  4. Start by having the players dribble around free in the grid.
  5. The coach should release the room cleaner into the grid.
  6. The room cleaner's job is to steal the ball from the dribbling players and kick the ball out of the grid.
  7. The dribblers must retrieve their balls and attempt to get back into the grid as quickly as possible.
  8. The room is "clean" once all of the balls are out of the grid at one time.
  9. The room cleaner should kick the ball out of the grid as far as they can to give them a chance to get all of the players.
  10. If a player is struggling to clean their room, a 2nd room cleaner can be sent to assist.

Circle keep-away passing game, soccer keep away, passing game. (15 minutes)
  • With cones, mark off a circle. Have each of the players position themselves just inside the circle, with 2 designated players in the middle holding a yellow penny (alternate colored jersey) in their hands.
  • The two players in the middle will act as defenders while the rest of the players around the circle will play keep away from these defenders.
  • Start with the first pass being free, then as the defenders win the ball, they switch places with the player that lost the ball to the defender. In this case, the current defender would just drop their yellow penny and join the attackers. The new defender will grab the yellow penny and hold it in their hand.
  • If the pass goes outside of the circle, the player that made the bad pass, or the player that did not properly trap the ball will take the place of the defender that has been in the middle the longest.
  • If the attacking players are able to put together 10 passes make the defenders do a quick lap around the circle (Lap of shame as we call it) or some other form of quick and fun punishment.
  • The attacking players can move about the circle

Down and Back Dribbling Game (15 minutes)
  • Start by making a grid approximately 20X20 yards. Split the team into two groups. Each player should have a ball. Instruct each group of players to line up outside the grid facing inward on two adjacent sides of the grid (half of the group on one side, the other half on the side next to the other group).
  • On the coach’s command, instruct the players to dribble to the other side of the group and back to the starting position (down and back). The first player back in each group gets a point. The first player to 5 wins that set. Play 3-4 sets

Scrimmage (15 minutes)
  1. Set a rule that the players can only touch the ball 3 times then they must pass

Practice # 5– Coaching Points for Defending

Clean You’re Room

  • Instruct the room cleaner (defender) to pressure players with the ball quickly and kick the ball out of the grid as far as possible.
  • Dribblers must be aware of the defender (pressure) and remain calm and protect the ball.

Circle keep-away passing game, soccer keep away, passing game

  • Clean, crisp passes.
  • Good first touch into space or towards the next pass.
  • Good communication.
  • Have fun.

Down and Back Dribbling

  • focus on the players getting their heads up while dribbling for awareness and to avoid collisions
  • Make sure players keep the ball at a close/safe distance. If the ball is too far in front of them they will most often hit another player or lose their ball.

Practice #6- Use same Drills previous practices