DATE. PLACE. The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN®) {or insert other specialty information} applauds XX in its decision to recognize and reward registered nurses (RNs) who obtain specialty certification. XX joins the states of XX, XXX, XX, and X in recognizing the important knowledge and benefit RN certified nurses bring to the workforce.
Like physicians and many other health professionals, XX requires that nurses obtain continuous education to stay licensed in their field. Through recognizing specialty certification as a way to meet those continuing education requirements at the RN-level, not only has XX recognized the educational value, but also that RN practice in a specific area of nursing practice evolves over time. In this case, BCEN is thrilled that its emergency and related nursing certifications will support those RNs in their quest to continue to practice legally in XX, but also at an elevated specialty practice level, differentiated from the general nursing license obtained to enter into practice.
BCEN understands that patients and their families expect the nursing workforce to be continually competent in the areas of their practice. Some studies even suggest that patient safety and satisfaction may be higher with certified RNs. Encouraging the certification of nurses at the RN specialty level as a way to meet education requirements is a way to affirm an already-held public expectation.
We hope the nurses in XX understand this important option in maintaining their licensure and competence and we urge them to check the XX Board of Nursing web site for specific details regarding this important change.
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The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursingdevelops robust certification exams fostering
empowered nurses across the emergency spectrum, who contribute noticeably to
patient care, safety and outcomes.
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