Gregory Stone
CSR 309
Kendall Huffer: Proud to be Different
Growing up on a farm, Kendall Huffer had a different background than most of the typical “girly girls.” Kendall was proud of the fact that she could change her own oil, use a drill, and run earth-moving equipment. That set her apart from most other girls.
Kendall found her love of animals on the farm she grew up on where they had pigs, dogs, cats, turkeys, gees, raccoons, horses, and elk. While attending college she had two birds, a cat, and three fish as pets. Kendall was involved in 4-H for ten years as well.
A huge fan of music, Kendall always had music blaring in her car. In high school, she was the drum major in marching band and played oboe in concert band. Kendall went on to graduate 5th in her class of over 400 students. She took pride in the fact that she loved science and math, and even started college at Purdue University in mechanical engineering.
Finding more of an interest in the business side of prosthetic engineering, Kendall switched over to sales and would have graduated in May. After being an intern with Caterpillar for three years, Kendall hoped for a possible future with them even in a rough economy.
Kendall’s parents divorced when she was in fourth grade, which forced her to grow up faster than most of her classmates. Later in life, she hoped to have a couple of kids and move back close to her parents. Kendall was dependable with her friends and enjoyed spending time with them, especially traveling. As an example of her dedication, she served as the “father” to her best friend’s daughter during difficult times and was even with her in the delivery room when she was born.