Grace United

Methodist Church

11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78410  (361) 242-3333 

July 8, 2010


Monday thru Thursday: 9:00a – 5:00p

Fridays: 9:00a – 12:00p




Stan Whites205

Home 933-0702 / 290-1762

Mark Montgomery204

Home 288-2007 / Cell 726-9332

Director of Youth Ministry:

Kathy Rios203

Director of Children’s Ministry:

Kandi Tumlinson206

Church Administrator/Finance:

Pat Pike221

Administrative Assistant:

Sandy Callis200

Administrative Assistant:

Cathy Roznovsky202

Director of Music Ministries

Janelle Decker208

Praise Band Director:

Kirk Tumlinson

Director of ECDC:

Sara Vansickle241-5232


District Superintendent’s

Installation Service


Rev. Eradio Valverde

Sunday, July 11, at 4:00 p.m.

First United Methodist Church

900 South Shoreline BoulevardCorpus Christi

Sunday, July 11, will be a special day for the United Methodist community as we gather to celebrate the installation of Rev. Eradio Valverde as our new District Superintendent. The Installation Service will begin at 4:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in downtown Corpus Christi. Bishop Jim Dorff will be present to assist in this installation. We are asking for your presence.

The service marks a beginning point in Eradio's ministry in this District, and your presence is an essential part of encouraging and supporting our new District Superintendent. And a nice showing is always a visible welcome to the Bishop!

Also, a District Choir is being assembled to perform at this service and many of our own Grace church members will be participating. Director of Music Ministries, Janelle Decker, will lead one of the arrangements.

Gathering music will begin at 3:30 pm., and the service will begin at 4:00 p.m. Following the service, there will be a brief reception for the Reverend and his wife in the narthex of the church.

Why Grace?

Join Pastors Stan and Mark Sunday, July 18th from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in room 143 for “Why Grace?” This session utilizes a multi-media approach to encourage discussion around four key questions: Why Grace? Why the Church? Why The United Methodist Church? and Why Grace United Methodist Church?

Childcare is available only by contacting the church office (243-3333). If you would like more information, contact Pastor Mark by calling the church office or e-mailing him at .

Did You Know?

Communion is Served…

Our Homebound Communion Ministry program is available for both long-term and temporary situations of confinement that prevents members from attending worship services. If you find yourself temporarily homebound, unable to make it to church for a while, and would like to receive communion during that time, the Homebound Communion Ministry is here for you! This ministry also serves those who are permanently homebound. We have teams in place waiting to serve you. The elements used to serve are blessed each Sunday. Contact the church office or call Judy Shurley at 241-9750.

Pastor’s Column: Scouting Untapped, God-Given Resources

Rev. Stan Whites

Hi folks,

Well as I approach my first newsletter article here at Grace UMC, I have to say that Tina and I continue to be amazed at the way this “family of faith” lives up to its name. Since our arrival, we have been showered with God’s love and attention through so many individuals it would be almost impossible to list each of you by name. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, because your desire to place God at the center of your lives and the life of this “church” can’t help but show in the way you interact and love on those around you. Grace’s gifts and grace is visible in so many ways.

As I ponder all of this… I find myself thinking of the untapped “God-given” resources that fill our church on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, or any other time we come together. And without them and the participation of all who call Grace “home”, God’s ministry here will never reach its full potential.

It kind of reminds me of some friends Tina and I had back a number of years ago living in Mississippi. You see, they had this Dalmatian; it was a huge, beautiful dog, and his name was “Malone.” But, Malone had one problem. He only had three legs. As a puppy, a truck backed over him and they had to amputate one of his legs. Every day, you would see Malone come bouncing down the sidewalk, just as happy as he could be. Now, don’t get me wrong, Malone was a great dog. He got around okay, and he lived to a ripe old age. But, I think that we would all agree that Malone could have run a little bit faster—gotten around just a little easier—and just been a little better at everything, if he hadn’t been missing that front leg.

Numerous times in the New Testament, Paul uses our physical bodies to describe just how important each of us is to fulfilling the ministry that has been set before us. (No matter how insignificant we might see our abilities.) And if you think about it, without you and me using the gifts and talents that God has blessed us with, our church will tend to be just a little like Malone: operating at less than its full potential.

There is a place for you to be in ministry here, and you will be surprised how fulfilling it will be for you; and how big an impact it will make for the Kingdom.

Something to think about!

Pastor Stan

Get Moving with Sit & Be Fit!

Tuesdays/Thursdays, 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

When it’s too hot to walk outside, or you feel the mosquitoes may carry you away, you can still remain active through our Sit & Be Fit program inside the gym at the church. Bring a friend!

Grace Staff is Keeping the Pace

Grace Church staff members have answered the challenge of Wesley Nurse, Tracy Kneiszel, to take a million steps toward good health this summer. Each participant was issued a pedometer and encouraged to strive toward 10,000 steps a day over a twelve-week period. You can track our progress by checking out the display posted in the hallway across from the church office. Words of encouragement are welcomed!

Women’s Summer Study:

Cultivating Contentment

9:30 a.m. Thursdays, July 8th – 29th

No homework. No fee.

No registration required.

Just come, and allow God to cultivate a heart of contentment in you! For more information, contact Pat Pike at 242-3333 x221.

Blood Drive Update

Thanks to all of our Grace donors, the Blood Drive on June 27th was a success! Twenty-nine tried to donate with twenty-one actual donors. Two people donated at the Blood Center on a different day. You can donate blood every eight weeks and have the Grace account credited. Several of our Grace Church family members have received blood at no cost to the family, thanks to our Grace Donor Program. The next Blood Drive will be in October.

Nominations Are Now Being

Accepted by Your Lay Leaders

The Corpus Christi District South Awards Celebration with Bishop James Dorff has been set for Saturday September 18, 2010. The event will be held at FirstUnitedMethodistChurch, Corpus Christi from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p. m. The evening will offer fellowship, dinner, entertainment, and awards. Submit the name(s) of the person you want to nominate for recognition to any one of the Lay Leaders. Jimmy Platt (767-0328); Judy Macek (387-9293); Kenneth Hefte (387-8789)

Now’s the Time

Are you considering a fall study or small group activity? Now’s the time to promote it! Get your information to Cathy Roznovsky for the Sunday bulletins and newsletters.

Remember to provide answers to the basic questions: Who is invited?; What will the study or event be?; Where will you gather?; When day of the week, time?; and How will they participate? Will they need to register? Will there be a fee? Contact Cathy:

Leon’s Bid FarewellWith Open House

2:00 – 10:00 p.m., Saturday, July 31st

Dear Grace Family,

As we pack our boxes and clean out closets in preparation for out August move to Albuquerque, we want to thank you all for your love, support and comfort during our years in Calallen.

We hope to find a church that is at least a bit as special as Grace is. July 31 we will have an open house to celebrate Landy's retirement and our upcoming moving adventure. We hope you can stop by between 2 and 10 PM so we can say our goodbye and thank you to everyone.

Love and Grace,

Landy and Laura Leon

Words of Appreciation

I want to thank everyone in our Church community for prayers, positive thoughts, food and support during my recent illness. All these things worked as I now am on the mend. These things only prove what Ernie and I know about this place called GRACE.

Thanks to all,

Dudley Bainum

I would like to thank the Sea City Work Camp for its scavenger hunt to fill the pantry.

Warren Freasier

Kids Korner

For information on these or other children’s events, contact Kandi Tumlinson 242-3333 x206 or

130+ Children Soar Through the Stars

In the 2010 Galactic Blast! VBS

Vacation Bible School 2010 was a huge success, with over 130 children learning about God's love. It was also a great mission opportunity with items collected for the Coastal Bend Humane Society, the Ronald McDonald House, our own Thrift Shoppe, Crayons Recycle, and LOTS of change collected for UMCOR's efforts to minister to flood victims in Tennessee.There are too many volunteers to name, but you are not nameless to me - you are a blessing! Whether you donated money, served dinner, decorated, taught a class or escorted children around the church, your kindness is appreciated. Thanks so much for showing the children of Grace that they matter toour church family and to God. ~Kandi T.

Youth News for 2k10!

Kathy Rios, 242-3333 x203 or

Sea City Work Camp 2010: “Using God's Gifts To Transform Our World”

Words cannotexpress my gratitude to Grace church and all the wonderful volunteers for anotheryear of service to God's people. Nine roofs were opened on Monday morning and completed by Friday evening and all passed inspection. Thank you foreman for your diligent efforts to make sure things weredone right!This year there were almost 50 adultsjust on the worksites.We praise God for keeping us safe from injury and for the 10 homeowners who welcomed and trusted us with their homes. The church staff is forever inmy debt for always making SCWC a priority in the life of Grace church. Since 1993, SCWC has been a project that changes lives ofhomeowners, campers and adult volunteers alike!! Being a servant isas Christ like as it gets and we are thankful for the opportunity. Humbly in Christ's service, KathyRios - Camp Director


11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78410

Address Service Requested

Get it on the calendar!

Prayer Breakfast

7:00 a.m., July 19

S&J's Bakery

We will pray with our TM friends as they go back to school for 2010/2011

Wednesday Night Live

Summer Edition

Begins July 21

6:00 -8:00 p.m. / Snacks Provided

High School

Susie Gallagher and Kendall Hart

Jr. High

KathyRios, Emma Winters

Mackenzie Hughes,