CSU Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students

Deadline for Submission to Department Head/Chair: Monday, January 22, 2018


The 2014-2017 Unit 3-Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), and subsequent extension of the CBA through 2019-20, provides for assigned time for service activities that exceed the normal service expectations of faculty. This campus-funded assigned time cannot be used to replace current funding provided for service activities on the campus. The 2018-19assigned time target for Cal Poly is 52 WTU. The assigned time awards mustbe used in the 2018-19academic year, and may not be converted into additional compensation for the faculty.

Whomay apply?

All instructional faculty are eligible to compete for assigned time. In order to avail themselves of the assigned time during 2018-19, awards are limitedto those who hold (or will hold) an ongoing appointment for the 2018-19academic year. Thisassigned timeis campus-funded by Academic Affairs (or each college awarding the assigned time) at the minimum rate of Assistant Professor (without benefits costs) and is limited to2, 3, 4, or 5WTUsfor a maximum ofone quarteronly.

What is the application process?

Faculty must complete the Request for CSU Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students on the template provided for this purpose, attach an updated CV in which they have highlighted pertinent activities related to the proposal, and obtain their department head’s/chair’s and dean’s endorsement. Completed proposals with department and college recommendations must be submitted to Academic Personnel by the deadline of Monday, February 5, 2018.

What is the review process?

After the deadline for submission, requests are reviewed by an Academic Senate committee (Exceptional Student Service Committee or ESSC) consisting ofthree to six representatives from different academic colleges, a student, and a nonvoting ex-officio member.

What is the award process?

Following review by the ESSC, a ranked list of potential awards for each academic year under consideration, not to exceed the total CSU assigned time allocation of 52WTUsfor the 2018-19academic year,will be forwarded to the Provost, who will notify the successful faculty of their awards. Previous recipients of assigned time from this program may applyfor another award of assigned time during 2018-19.

What types of exceptional service will be considered for CSU assigned time support?

The Academic Senate determined that CSU-funded assigned time for exceptional service to students may be awarded for the following purposes:

  • Student mentoring, advising, and outreach that goes significantly beyond the normal expectations of all faculty;
  • Activities that support underserved, first-generation, and/or underrepresented students;
  • Curricular redesign intended to improve student access and success;
  • Service to the department, college, university, or community that goes significantly beyond the normal expectations of all faculty;
  • Other extraordinary forms of service to students.
What review criteria will apply?

Proposals will be evaluated in the above listed exceptional service activities. The following additional criteria willbe taken into account in assigning priority for assigned time awards:

The review criteria will consider the following factors:

  • Narrative description of proposed activity/project detailing nature of service provided
  • Demonstration of how the service to the students is extraordinary – provide context of the full service and teaching load such that this service to students is extraordinary in light of the totality of the service and teaching load
  • Account for amount of assigned time being requested. Provide an account of how the amount of assigned time requested correlates to your workload in relation to normal instructional activities. Both the WTU value and the quarter requested for the assigned time must be endorsed by your department chair/head and dean.
  • Demonstrated ability to be successful in accomplishing project goals and previous work in this area

The committee will consider only complete proposals which have the support of the applicant’s department and college. Proposals for exceptional service which have already been recognized by other forms of assigned time or compensation will not be approved.

When willIbe notified?

All proposals will be reviewed by theAcademic Senate Exceptional Student ServiceCommittee(ESSC) and additional internal or external reviewers as necessary. Applicants for awards will be notified by March 16, 2018 whether their proposals have been recommended for assigned time to be allocated during 2018-19.

Where can I get more information?

The Assigned Time for Exceptional Service Request and Assigned Time for Exceptional Service Policydeveloped by the Faculty Affairs Committeeare available ontheAcademic Personnel website.

Please contact Lindsay Howell () for any questions about the application or review process.


Request for CSUAssigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students

Faculty Name: Click here to enter text.

Department: Click here to enter text.

Rank: ☐Professor ☐Associate Professor☐Assistant Professor

☐Lecturer/Temporary Click here to enter text.

(end dateof appointment)

Projected Timeframe:Assigned Time for Exceptional Service in 2018-19

AssignedTime Requested:☐2WTU ☐3 WTU ☐4 WTU ☐5 WTU

Quarter Proposed:SELECT ONE QUARTER ONLY: ☐Fall ☐Winter ☐Spring

Please note that previous recipients of assigned time under this program may requestan additional assigned time award for 2018-19. Have you previously received an award of assigned time for exceptional service?☐NO ☐YES

If YES, please indicate WTUs awarded, and the academic year in which the AT was taken: Click here to enter text.

Department Head/Chair Name(s):Click here to enter text.

☐I hereby support this request for CSU Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students, and acknowledge that assigned time, if awarded, will be accommodated during 2018-19(to be scheduled in consultation with faculty awardee).

If the applicant is a lecturer or other temporary employee, in order to request and be awarded assigned time, an appointment for the quarter checked above must be confirmed. Does or will the lecturer have an appointment for 2018-19? ☐YES-Already appointed ☐YES-Anticipated or in progress ☐NO-Not anticipated

If YES, indicatethe2018-19appointment status: ☐12.12-3 year ☐12.3-1 year ☐FT-1 year ☐PT quarterly

Anticipated or confirmed assignment consists of: ☐Fall 2017 ☐Winter 2018 ☐Spring 2018

Supporting Statement: Please address: 1) the appropriateness of the assigned time WTUs requested given the normal faculty service/teaching load in the academic program (please review the applicant’s justification for the amount of assigned time being requested on the following page); 2) how the department will backfill teaching needs if this allocation is awarded; 3) whether the applicant has received any other support in terms of workload reduction or compensation for the service outlined in the application, and if so, please describe:


Dept. Head/Chair Signature: ______Date______

College Dean Name:Click here to enter text.

☐I hereby support this request for 2018-19CSU Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to Students.

Dean Signature:______Date______

Deadline for Submission to Department Head/Chair: Monday, January 22, 2018


Exceptional Levels of Service to Students Assigned TimeRequest

Note: Applicants may “unprotect” the document in Microsoft Word for Windows by selecting Developer (from the top tool bar), Restrict Editing, 3. Stop Protection, then place your cursor a line or two underneath the informational text to enter text. Note that checking selection boxes and completing other fill-in fields will not work when the document is in an unprotected format. To re-protect the document, select Developer, Restrict Editing, 3. Yes, Start Enforcing Protection (in the pop-up box, do not enter a password, just select OK.)

Faculty Name: Click here to enter text.

Describe the nature of the exceptional service being provided to students.Provide some detail identifying the goal/intent of the exceptional level of service (student mentoring, advising, outreach; service to the department, college, university, or community that goes significantly beyond the normal expectations of all faculty; and other extraordinary forms of service to students)

Identify direct benefits to students and the student beneficiaries of the exceptional servicebeing provided.Identify the group or cohort of students who are the primary beneficiaries of these services (e.g. underserved, first generation, underrepresented students, students in academic department, etc.) and the associated impact on the quality of the students’ educational experiences, citing real-life examples and success stories where possible.

Other assigned time or compensation for exceptional service during 2015-16, 2016-17, or 2017-18 and any anticipated for 2018-19. Please identify any other workload reduction consisting of assigned, released, reimbursed, and/or administrative time given this academic year or anticipated for the next academic year, specifically or indirectly in support of the extraordinary service provided. Please also identify any form of compensation, and/or any monetary or non-monetary awards or commendations received during this or the following academic year in recognition of the exceptional service provided, if any (if none, please state so).

Accountfor amount of assigned time being requested. Provide an account of how the amount of assigned time requested correlates to the workload of the applicant in relation to normal instructional activities, and approved by department/program chair/head, and dean.

Previous Success in this area. Provide a statement to demonstrate your ability to be successful in accomplishing service project goals and describe your previous work in this area.

[The information above should not exceed 2 pages.]

Attachments. Please attach:

  • current resume or curriculum vitae (with pertinent information related to the proposal highlighted – may be in an abbreviated format)

2Academic Personnel (Revised 12/2016)