Stanley British Primary School Teacher Preparation Program
Intern Lesson Planning
Intern: C. Travis Date: 4/5/2013
Lesson: The Declaration of Independence- Greatest Break-Up Letter Ever
Standards Addressed: Colorado Academic Standards
Writing and Composition Standard 3.2.a.4: Students will organize relevant ideas and details to convey a central idea or prove a point
The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with the structure and importance of the Declaration of Independence, and allow them to write their own declarations in a modern form.
Learning Objective(s):
Students will be able to write a letter explaining why it’s time for the American Colonies to break-up with Great Britain.
· This lesson will be in the classroom, 203. The meeting area will be used for the mini-lesson on the Declaration of Independence. The students will then transition to working on their own declarations in pairs at the clustered desks.
· Meeting area centered around projector and screen.
· There is a 24:2 student to teacher ratio.
Materials and Preparation:
· Have colonial props out (candles, hats, quills, tax jar, tea jar, time machine set to the year 1776)
· Blown up original declaration of independence to sign
· Blown up text of the Declaration of Independence
o Split into the different sections
§ Introduction
§ Natural Rights
§ List of Grievances
§ Conclusion
o Highlight the important parts
· Student Journal pages with expectations and lines
· “To Late to Apologize” youtube video
· “Viva la Vida-King George” youtube video
· Break-up songs
· So you’ve decided you want to sever ties with your mother country… What now?
o Have you guys ever had someone in your life who wasn’t a very good friend for you? They didn’t treat you very well or didn’t listen to what you said?
o At a certain point, you have to say… you know what, we can’t be friends anymore.
o How did you let them know that you weren’t going to be hanging out with them anymore?
§ The Colonies didn’t have as many options as we do. They had to write a letter.
· The Declaration of Independence was essentially the most famous and eloquent break-up letter of all time. They were telling Great Britain that it was all over. That is the perspective we are going to look at that document from.
· Go into the importance of the Declaration of Independence
o States our country’s beliefs and rights
o Inspired other countries
o Meant we did not want to be part of Great Britain anymore, but be our own country.
· You can divide the Declaration of Independence into four different parts. For each part, highlight important sentences or phrases and talk about the purpose of that section. Use turn-and-talks.
o Introduction or Preamble
o Natural Rights
o List of Grievances
o Conclusion
· To inspire you when writing your letters, we are going to watch a video from the colonist to Great Britain
o Show them “Apologize, a Declaration” video
Activity Procedure:
· You are going to be writing your own Declaration of Independence, but a bit shorter an with modern language.
· You will be writing a letter as if you are the Colonies breaking off you relationship with Great Britain.
· Your structure is going to mirror the original Declaration, but we aren’t going to be quite so wordy with it.
· Go through rubric/outline with the necessary components.
· Read my sample letter
o Go through rubric and my letter and have them identify each component in my letter.
· Check to make sure they understand what they need to do.
· Release them to work individually or in pairs to write their letter.
o Walk around helping students who are stuck.
· Warn them when they have 5 minutes left to write.
· When students finish they may sign the Declaration of Independence.
· Clean up everything but their Journals
· Bring them back to the meeting area for closure.
o Share their letters
o Talk again about the importance of the Declaration of Independence
o Talk about what is coming up next in history
§ Now that they have Declared Independence and made themselves publicly traitors, they must win the war.
o Play “Viva la Vida King George” video
· Line up and dismiss to snack recess.
Differentiation (be specific about 2 or 3 children):
· Melody and Zayra work with Tiffany. She records their ideas on a white boards for them to see and help guide their wiritng.
· Check on Maddie and Roberto frequently.
Assessment (Checklist/Anecdotal Notes/Graphic Organizer, etc.):
· Student Break-up Letter to Great Britain
o Look for:
§ Introduction (What is the purpose of the letter?)
· They mention something about wanting to be independent or ending their relationship with Great Britain
§ Natural Rights
· Many possible options related to freedom, democracy, equality, etc.
§ At least three (accurate) reasons for independence
§ Conclusion
o Graded using standards-based grading scale
· Write Haikus about:
o Lexington and Concord
o The Second Continental Congress
o The Declaration of Independence