Natural History of North Carolina

by John Brickell, MD – 1737


IT will not be to my purpose to enquire whether America was known to the Antients, there being various Opinions about it, yet with more Curiosity than certainty, whence this New World was Peopled; some assigning that the Hesperides (so called from HESPERUSKing of Spain) and the Continent of America were Peopled by the Spaniards. Others affirm that the Americans are the Race of Jews carried into captivity by Salamanazer and placed in Countrys till then not Inhabited, after a progress of 18 Months. Many believe they were People carried by Storm,being Chinesses sailing on thePacifickSouthSea, or other Northern People (allowing the possibility of each Opinion) I will not pretend to take upon me to decide the Controversy, being altogether a stranger to the certainty of the Fact.

The Writings of many Learned Men may be seen on this Head, who after having search’d all the Records of Antiquity, shew much Erudiction, but nothing of certainty, concerning the Antient Affairs of America. I know the Memory of a Deluge is preserved amongst these People, but whether it is to be understood of the universal Flood, or the Inundation of some particular Provinces, I leave it to others to discourse upon, for I am willing to lay aside all manner of Conjectures of this Nature, having enough of Truth to treat of.

The several Climates of the World have influenced the People with Natures very different from each other, and even their different Speeches bear some proportion of Analogie with their Natures, as is to be seen amongst the Whites, Indians, and Blacks, that are to be met with in this part of the World.

But waveing these Discourses, we here present the World with a Natural-History of North-Carolina, it being a compendious Collection, of most things yet known in that part of the World; wherein I have laid down every thing with Impartiality and Truth, in the most plain and easie Terms, which indeed is the Duty of every Writer, and preferable to a more eloquent Stile, accompanied with many Falsities.

I have therefore endeavour’d in the following Sheets to give as faithful and exact Account of Carolina, as discoveries yet made will Authorize, and if any take offence at what is said about the Indians and their wanton and lascivious manner of living, I hope they will Judge of every Passage with due deference to good Authority of the most knowing and substantial Planters in those Parts. And consider that the nature of the Work required my being somewhat particular, in order to shew the good and bad Qualities of these poor Creatures, who at present have no light or benefit of the Gospel.

And had we been as careful as the Spaniards and French, in sending over proper Missionaries to Instruct these miserable People, we shou’d never have had occasion to give this Relation of them. Besides if these Methods had been put in practice, we undoubtedly had been better informed and acquainted with the many hidden Secrets in this part of the World, which these People are well acquainted with, and which they never will make known to us till they are Instructed in the Christian Faith, and have intirely abolished the many Idolatrous Customs and Practices still prevailing amongst them.

I have viewed not only most part of the Lands Inhabited by the Christians, but likewise vast spacious Tracts lying between them and the Mountains, from whence our noblest Rivers have their rise, running for several hundreds of Miles towards the Ocean, while they water and adorn as pleasant and fertil a Country as any in Europe, the greatest part whereof is only inhabited by Savage Indians, who covet a Christian Neighbourhood for the advantage of Trade. But not to amuse the Reader any longer with Encomiums on Carolina, I refer them to my Description of that Country, and it’s Inhabitants, which they will find in the following Natural History, in which I have been very exact; and for Methods sake, have ranged each Species of Animals, Vegetables, etc. under distinct and proper Heads.

A Collection of the Natural Curiosities of this spacious part of the World, will, I hope, not only give Satisfaction and Pleasure to each Reader, but likewise Profit, to all that are inclined to live in those Parts.

If these my Endeavours meet with this good success, I am thoroughly satisfied, having nothing more at Heart than to be in any Degree serviseable to the Publick; this being the principal Motive that induced me to undertake any Work of this Nature, (the Task being not only Laborious but Difficult) and not out of any Praise I expected from it.

To conclude, Whatever Defects may be found in this Undertaking, we hope in time they will be supplied by the Labours and Industry of such as shall come after; and this we are made to expect chiefly from those of our own Nation; and that their laudable Attempts may meet with just Encouragement, shall be my constant Wish and Desire.



THE Honourable Capt. Richard Allen.
Stephen Allen, M. D.
Mr. Pat. Archbold.
Mr. John Archbold.
Mr. Richard Armstrong.


Edward Bond, Esq;
Worsopp Bush, Esq;
Edmond Barry, M. D.
Mr. Michael Barry, Attorney.
Mr. Peter Brandon.
Mr. James Brickell.
Mr. George Brickell.
Mr. William Brickell.
Mr. Robert Bijar.
Mr. Jos. Burry, Attorney.
Mr. Thomas Brennan.
Mr. Stearne Brock, Bookseller.
Mr. Alexander Brown.
Mr. Davis Bush, of Philadelphia, Merchant.
Mr. Henry Barton, Apothecary;
Mr. John Brenan,
Mr. Richard Baxter.
Mr. Benjamin Brickenden.
Mr. Martin Bourke.
Mr. Arthur Brerton.
Mr. Benjamin Bardon, Apothecary.


THE Honourable Thomas Coote, Esq;
The Revd. Charles Carthy, A. M.
William Clements, A. M. F. T. C. D.
Edmond Castello, Esq;
John Curry, M. D.
Mr. John Clinch.
Mr. Patrick Connor.
Mr. James Connor.
Mr. Patrick Cassidy, Attorney.
Mr. Call. McCarty.
Mr. Patrick Carrick.
Mr. John Carson, of Rathmullin.
Mr. Nathanial Carson, of Killough.
Mr. William Connor.
Mr. Samuel Card.
Mr. William Carlile.
Mr. John Common.
Mr. Edmond Cumerford.
Mr. Samuel Cleapem, Chirurgion.
Mr. Robert Calderwood.
Mr. Thomas Coote.


THE Revd. Patrick Delany, D. D.
Henry Davis, Esq;
Chap. Dawson,Esq;
Mr. Walter Davey.
Sam Davey.
Joseph Davey, Esq;
Mr. Moses Darling.
Mr. James Dove.
Mr. Oliver Delahoide.
Mr. Henry Delamain.
Mr. James Doyle.
Mr. James Dobbin.
Mrs. Judith Doran.
Mr. George Dogherty.
Mr. Walter Durham.
Mr. William Dane.


MR. Valentine Egan.
Mr. James English.
Mr. William Edwards, Apothecary.
Mr. James Easdell, Saddler.


SIR William Fowns, Bart.
Lewis Falliott, Esq;
John Fitch, Esq;
John Fergus, M. D.
Captain Samuel Farra.
Captain Matthew Fitzgerald.
Mr. Charles Franck.
Mr. William Floyd.
Mr. Peter Fitch.
Mr. Richard Fitzsimons.
Mr. Robert Finlay.
Mr. Francis Fitzgerald.


MR. James Glasco.
Miss Sophia Gordon.
Mr. Thomas Gilbert, Architect.
Mr. Andrew Gore, Jun.
Mr. Matthias Gower.


MR. Obadiah Hill.
Mr. Samuel Hill.
Mr. Thomas Hall.
Mr. Jos. Harper, Chirurgion.
Mr. Richard Harford.
Mr. William Hamilton.
Mr. John Hill.
Mr. William Heatly, Bookseller.
Mr. Phil. Hughes, A. B. T. C.
Mr. Anthony Hay.
Mr. Nicholas Hadfer, Chirurgion.
Mr. John Hamilton.
Mr. Hans Hamilton.
Mr. James Hamilton.
Mr. Kane O’Hara.
Mr. Thomas Holt, Attorney.
Mr. Thomas Hartwell.
Mr. Richard Harney.
Mr. John Hitman.


MR. William Jackson.
Mr. John Johnston.
Mr. William Johnson.
Mr. Samuel Johnson


THE Rt. Revd. Dr. Charles Cobbe, Bishop of Kildare.
Mr. William Keating, Chirurgion.
Mr. Charles Kelly.
Mr. Martin Killikelly.
Mr. Nathaniel McKinlie.
Mr. Charles Kelly.
Mr. Gilbert Kelly.
Mr. Nich. King.
Mr. James Keating.


THE Revd. Edward Ledwich, A. M.
Mr. Joseph Lamb.
Mr. Richard Lincoln.
Mr. Thomas Lynch.
Mr. William Lamb.
Mr. James Lee.
Mr. William Leary.
Mr. Edward Lynch.
Mr. Patrick Leary.


PATRICK Mitchell, Esq;
Topham Mitchell, Esq;
>Thomas Morse, Esq;
The Revd. John Maxwell, A. M.
The Revd. John Magill, A. M.
The Revd. John Moore, A. M.
Mr. Sam Monsell.
Mr. Patrick Murray.
Mr. Thomas Murphy.
Mr. Matthews, Attorney.
Mr. Bernard Messink.


JOSEPH Nelson, A. M.
Mr. William Neale.
Mr. Thomas Noble.


COLONEL Thomas Pollocxsen.
Gervas Parker, Esq;
Captain John Petry.
Mr. Samuel Parks, Chirurgion.
Mr. Matthew Pendergast.
Mr. Ur. Pepys.
Mr. Richard Pateson.
Mr. George Parker.
Mr. Robert Patten.
Coleman Pierson, Esq;
Mr. Abraham Panel, Apothecary.
Mr. William Philips.


MR. Jeremiah Quill.
Mr. John Quin.
Mr. Francis Quire.


SIR John Rowdon, Bart.
Francis Richardson,Esq;
Mr. John Stanton, Chirurion.
Mr. Richard Richardson.
Mr. Edward Richardson.
Mr. Thomas Reading.
Mr. Garret Ronan.
Mr. Christopher Russel, Chirurgion.
Mrs. Dorothea Rowdon.
Mr. Matthias Reily, Attorney.
Mr. James Reily.


JOHN Smith, Esq;
Mr. Frank Smith, T. C. D.
Mr. Matthew Slater.
Mr. Stephen Stretch.
Mr. John Shaw.
Mr. Hugh Shaw, Apothecary.
Mr. Robert Sisson.
Mr. Charles Seaton.
Mr. James Simon, Merchant.
Mr. Samuel Smith.
Mr. Matthew Swiny, Attorney.
Mr. John Smith.
Mr. Edward Smith, Chirurgion.
Mr. Edwards Sands.
Mr. Hugh Stafford.
Mr. Philip Swettenham.
Mr. Elias Shee.
Mr. Randal Stretch.


RICHARD Talbot, Esq;
John Taaffe, M. D.
Miss Margaret Tenison.
Mr. Joseph Taylor.
Mr. John Thornton.
Mr. Denis Tinan.
Mr. Thomas Tallon.
Mr. James Todderick.
Mr. Thomas Todderick.
Mr. James Thompson.
Mr. Matthew Templeton.
Mr. Daniel Tracy.
Mr. William Terrill.


Mr. Thomas Vincent.


Mr. Samuel White.
Mr. Thomas Wren.
Mr. Thomas Wilkinson of Kilkenny.
Mr. Isaac Wills.
Mr. Thomas Wetherlt.
Mr. Laurence Whyte.
Mr. James Wall.
Mr. Robert Whitehall.
Mr. Thomas Woods.
Mr. John Warham.
Mr. Cornelius Wunne.
Mr. Jacob West.
Mr. Michael Waldron.


THE Province of North Carolina is separated from Virginiaby a due West Line from Currituck Inlet, in 36 Degrees and 30 Minutes of Northern Latitude, extending Indefinitely Westward, and from thence to the Southward, including SouthCarolina, as far as 29 Degrees North.

The Eastern Parts of this Country are hemmed in with a great number of Islands and Sand Banks, which defend it from the violence of the Atlantick Ocean; by which Barrier, a vast Sound is formed, and inclosed, which fronts the Mouths of the most pleasant and navigable Rivers, in this spacious and delightful Country. There are vast numbers of Creeks on the sides of these Rivers, and most of them Navigable for small Crofts, and abundance for Vessels of larger Burthen.

Between these Islands and Sand Banks, are Inlets of several depths of Water, some admitting only of Sloops, Scooners, Brigantines, and Vessels of small Burthen, and such are Currituck Inlet, New Inlet, Roanoke, Gun Inlet, Hatteras, New Inlet, Huntington-quarter Inlet, Drum Inlet, Bogue Inlet, Bear Inlet, Brown’s Inlet, Little Inlet, New River Inlet, Stumpy Inlet, Sandy Inlet, Rich Inlet, Barren Inlet, Broad Inlet, Shole Inlet, Cabbage Inlet, Wachestau Inlet, Wahacau Inlet, and North Inlet: many of these being only Navigable for Periaugers and small Crofts, by reason of their many Shoals which are continually shifting by the violence of Storms, and particularly, North East Winds, to which they are mostly exposed. Others are large and deep, and receive Ships of Burthen, such are Ocacok, Beaufort, or Topsail Inlet, and CapeFear.

I will here give an Account of the most considerable Inlets and Havens of this Country. And first, Currituck Inlet, it being the Northermost of this Province, it lyes in the Latitude of 36 Degrees and 30 Minutes, and the Course over it is S. W. by W. having not above seven or eight Foot Water on the Barr, though a good Harbour when you are over, where you may ride safe and deep enough. But this part of the Sound is so full of Shoals, continually shifting, and Oyster Banks, as not to suffer any thing except Periaugers to Trade through it to Vessels that ride near the Inlet, it not being Navigable or safe for any Croft that draws above four or five Foot at most, to pass through it, which renders it very incommodious for Trade.

Roanoke Inlet, lyes in the Latitude of 35 Degrees and 50 Minutes, and has about ten Foot and a half Water upon the Barr; the Course over it is almost West, which brings you through the best of the Channel. This Barr, as well Currituck, often shifts by the violence of the N. E. Storms; both these Inlets lying exposed to the said Winds. Notwithstanding a considerable Trade is carried on by the Assistance of Pilots, this part of the Country being very Fertile, and the Planters Rich.

Hatteras Inlet lyes in the Latitude of 35 Degrees and 20 Minutes, it lyes to the Westward of the Cape, round which is an excellent Harbour, when the Wind blows hard a N. or N. E. If you keep a small League from the Cape Point, you will have three, four, or five Fathom Water, the outermost Shoals lying about seven or eight Leagues from the Shoar. As you come into the Inlet, keep close to the South Breakers, till you are over, whereon you may have two Fathom at low Water. You may come to an Anchor at two Fathom and a half; when you are over, then steer close aboard the North Shoar, where is four Fathom close to a Point of Marsh; then steer up the Sound a long League, till you bring the North Cape of the Inlet to S. S. E. half E. then steer W. N. W. the last Point of the Bluff Land at Hutteras, bearing E. N. E. the Southermost large Hamock, towards Ocacock, bearing S. S. W. half S. then you are in the Sound, over the Barr of Sand, whereon is but six Foot Water, then your Course to Pamticoe is almost West.

It flows on these three Barrs S. E. by E. ¾ E. about Eight of the Clock, unless there is a very hard Gale of Wind at N. E. which will make it flow two Hours longer, but as soon as the Winds are down, the Tides will have their natural Course. A hard Gale at N. N. W. will make the Waters Ebb sometimes 24 Hours, but still the Tides will Ebb and Flow, though not seen by the turning thereof, but may be observ’d by the rising of the Waters, and falling of the same at the Shoars.

Ocacock Inlet lyes in the Latitude of 35 Degrees 8 Minutes. It is one of the best Inlets in this Country, having thirteen Foot at low Water upon the Barr. There are two Channels, One is but narrow, and lyes close aboard the SouthCape; the Other in the middle, viz. Between the middle Ground and the South Shoar, and is above half a Mile wide. The Barr itself is but half a Cables length over; then you are in 7 or 8 Fathom Water, and an excellent good Harbour. The Course into the Sound is N. N. W. at High Water, and Neip Tides here is 18 Foot Water. It lies S. W. from Hatteras Inlet.

Port Beaufort, or Topsail Inlet, lyes in the latitude 34 Degrees and 44 Minutes, and is above two Leagues to the Westward of Cape Look-out, where you have a fair Channel over the Barr, and two Fathom Water thereon, and a good Harbour, in five or six Fathom, to come to an Anchor. Your Course over this Barr is almost N. W.

Cape Fear Inlet lyes in the Latitude of 33 Degrees 53 Minutes; it is the best in all North Carolina, where you have 7 Fathom Water at the Barr. You have likewise a fine Harbour, and can come with safety to an Anchor 5 or 6 Leagues up the River.

And notwithstanding it is so commodious for Navigation, yet few or no Planters settled here till within these few Years, but now in all Appearance, it seems to be the most rising Part of all this Province; there being now many Substantial Planters settled there, and are become very Rich within the space of Nine or Ten Years, it being little frequented or inhabited before that Time, viz. in the Year 1723.

Most of the other Inlets that I have already mentioned, are so very incommodious for Trade, that there are little frequented or resorted to, except it be by small Crofts and Periaugers. I shall therefore omit giving any further Account of them.

North Carolinahas some considerable Promontories or Capes in it: That Cape called Hatteras, isthe most Northern of this Province, it lyes in the Latitude of 35 Degrees and 20 Minutes, Longitude 75. Cape Look-out, is the largest in this Province, extending a great way into the MainOcean, and is about two Leagues to the Northward or Mouth of Topsail Inlet, in the Latitude of 34 Degrees and 46 Minutes, Longitude 75, 50. Cape Fear lyes at the Mouth of the Inlet in the Latitude of 33 Degrees and 53 Minutes, Longitude 77, 20. CapeCarterettispart of South Carolina, and is the Northermost Promontorie in that Province, lying to the Southward of Santee River in Latitude 32 of Degrees, and 50 Minutes, Longitude 77, 55. Within these Capes is a very large Sound, with abundance of Islands of several Sizes, abounding with various kinds of Timber Trees, many whereof are fine Cedar, with variety of Wild Beasts, especially Deer, and great Quantities of Birds, according to the Seasons of the Year, but there are scarce any of them inhabited by Christian Planters at present.

I shall in the next Place proceed to give an Account of the Rivers that are to be met with in this Province; many whereof are very considerable and large, running for several hundred Miles, and taking their Rise for the most part in or near the Mountains, others are but small in comparison with the former, as may be seen by the Map.

I shall therefore begin with the most Northerly, and so proceed to the most Southerly. And first, Black-Water, or North River, which falls into Currituck Sound, North River, Pasquotanck River, Little River, Pequimans River, and Yaupin River, allthese Water and Adorn the Southern Parts of Virginia, and Northern Parts of this Province, which are very Fertile. Most of these Rivers being Navigable for Sloops, Brigantines, and other Vessels of Burthen.