/ Walton High School 2014-2015
American Literature and Composition 111 A Honors
Mrs. Jasenda League
Room B 202

InstructorsJasenda League and Roberta Manheim

Office Hours Tuesday 7:45-8:10 am, Thursday 3:30-4:00 pm, and all WEB days

You may also make an appointment to meet with me any day after school

Class blogAccessible via the Walton High School English Webpage

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This course entails a chronological study of American literature as well as composition, grammar and vocabulary. It is a challenging course designed to foster higher order thinking skills and to meet the needs of all students, including the gifted and high achieving. As such, the varying needs and abilities of students are addressed through differentiation of content, process, product and environment. This semester, we will spend approximately four weeks on the research process and two to three weeks studying each of the following: anti-transcendentalism, Realism and Naturalism, and Modernism and Post-Modernism. Grammar, vocabulary, and writing will be integrated into each unit. Approximately two weeks will be devoted to the Georgia High School Graduation Test, the End-of-Course test, and the final exam. In addition to reading selections from the text and handouts, students will read four or more of the following and will be required to have their own copy of each title.

Mrs. Jasenda League2014-2015American Literature 111 B Honors

In the Lake of the Woods (O’Brien)

The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)

Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston) A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)

Mrs. Jasenda League2014-2015American Literature 111 B Honors

Rationales are available for all parallel readings. Parents may request an alternate selection. Please discuss novel selections with your student and contact Mrs. League with any questions or concerns.

Texts: Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience

Sadlier-OxfordVocabulary Workshop Level G (purchase at book room for $15.00)

ScheduleThe daily schedule and upcoming assignments, quizzes, tests, and due dates are written on the white board each day in the classroom. You are encouraged to record this information in your agenda.Calendars are also posted on our classroom blog. Not all classes will necessarily be doing the same thing at the same time. Assignments may vary from student to student or class to class to ensure that students have the opportunity to explore texts, respond to literature, and apply themselves.

Testing dates for the English department are Tuesdays and Fridays. All tests are designed to be completed in one class period or less.

Grading Scale35% -Tests and projects 5% - *Homework/Classwork

30% - Essays and Research Paper10% - Final Exam

20 % - Quizzes

*This also contains a daily participation and preparation grade, which includes but is not limited to being on task, having your textbook and vocabulary book on a daily basis, etc. Other expectations for preparation may be implemented throughout the term.

*Walton High School has a policy of no extra credit.


Students are expected to do their own work. Cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

  • Copying anyone’s answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work, or homework assignments.
  • Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his/her own. (plagiarism)
  • Looking on another student’s paper during a test or quiz.
  • Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher’s permission.
  • Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected

Consequences for academic dishonesty

A student who is involved in cheating will receive the following consequences:

1.a grade of zero on the material

2.an unsatisfactory in conduct for the semester on the student’s report card

3.parents will be notified by a phone call and/or email contact

English Dept. HONOR CODE

The Walton High School English department believes that students should uphold the high ethical standards that are expected in all classes. Your signature represents your agreement to abide by these standards. Please read the following carefully before you and your parent sign on the appropriate lines.

I will not pass or share information on tests or quizzes.

I will not cheat in any way on tests or quizzes.

I will not share my work with another student unless instructed by the teacher to collaborate.

I will not plagiarize.

I will not submit another student’s work as my own for either practice or performance standards.

*Please read, sign, and return the last page of this document by Wednesday, January 14, 2015.


Be Respectful Be PreparedBe Attentive

*All school policies outlined in the Walton High School Handbook are in force at all times.

Students are expected to follow class rules, write assignments in their agendas, take notes, participate in class activities, and complete assignments. Respect the rights of others.

1. Cell Phones:ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY--Students are not allowed to use their cell phones without teacher permission for any purpose, which includes but is not limited to checking the time, reading messages, researching the internet or making/taking a phone call.

Consequences for infraction: Student will complete the Cell Phone Warning sheet and submit

it to the teacher, indicating the exact reason why the teacher issued the warning.

1st Offense—Written Warning3rd Offense—Saturday School

2nd Offense—Administration Visit/Call Parent

*Cell phone use infractions are cumulative over all classes for the school year.

2. Makeup Work: All makeup work must be completed according to the policy in the student handbook. You are responsible for finding out what was missed during an absence. See me the day you return to arrange makeup times. You may not make up work during class. No make-up work or tests will be given to students with an unexcused absence.

3. Late Work: *Late homework will not be accepted for any credit. Only projects and long

term writing assignments will be eligible for late credit.

1 day late –10 points off

2 days late –20 points off

More than two days late and within one week—one half credit

**Late homework and class work will not be accepted and will earn a zero.

*If you are absent the day a major assignment is due (project, essay, or any part of the research

paper process), you must make sure the assignment is delivered directly to your teacher or

another American Literature 111 teacher before your class period meets.

4. Tardy Policy: Tardies will be handled as outlined in the student handbook. Please be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Yes, tardies count.

Inclement Weather Policy:

In the event school is cancelled due to inclement weather, students are expected to check my blog for instructions and assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the assignments as outlined on the blog.

American Literature 111B Course Syllabus and Class Expectations

I have read and I understand Mrs. League’s classroom rules and expectations. I have received a copy of the parallel reading selections. I agree to uphold the Walton High School English Department Honor Code.

Student’s Name (please print) ______Class Period ______

Student’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent’s Signature ______Date ______

(Initial if you agree) _____ I will allow my child to watch PG and PG-13 movie segments as related to the curriculum.

Father’s Name ______

Preferred Method of Contact: email or phone

Phone Number ______

Email Address ______

Mother’s Name ______

Preferred Method of Contact: email or phone

Phone Number ______

Email Address ______

*The class needs tissues, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant spray to get us through the winter. Any contribution you can make to our class collection is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

If you need to contact me, my preferred communication method is my school email address (). I can usually return your email within 24 hours or sooner. I look forward to working with your student this semester! -Mrs. League

Mrs. Jasenda League2014-2015American Literature 111 B Honors