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"I found a community of people who were going through, and coming out the other end, of similar problems to me." user, 19

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/ In this issue
20th January 2015
  • [Resource] Resolutions kit
  • [Practical Activity] Finding Strengths activity
  • [Print + Share] Back to School Kit
  • Did you find this update useful last year?

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[Resource] Resolutions kit
New year. New goals. It's the perfect time of year to help young people put good strategies in place to stay on track.
Check out our easy-to-print list of the top 17 resources for staying on track with personal goals.
Print + share with young people
Did you miss our popular holiday toolkit? Take a look.
[Practical Activity] Finding Strengths activity
Help a young person discover their strengths which can assist them in achieving their goals for the year.
Print the activity.
[Print + Share] Back to School Kit
Going back to school after the summer holidays can be difficult for some young people. Here are the top resources for surviving the begining of a new school year.
Print + share with young people

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/ Help us share new e-mental health apps, guides, and professional development opportunities with as many people as possible this year.
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