October 30, 2008

Ms. Patricia Riexinger


Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
625 Broadway
Albany, NY12233-4750

Dear Patricia Riexinger;

I am writing this to support the amendedErie County Resolution – supportedby NYSCC –tocreate an Early Muzzleloader Season and to urge the DEC support this action and alter the Southern Zone Big Game Season regulations to permit it.


Therefore be it resolved that the NYSCC work with the NYSDEC to pursue a regulation change implementing an early muzzleloader season in the Southern Zone of NYS. A seven-day season to run September 24 - 30 – Anterless deer only –tagsto be used would be left over Big Game Antlered tag and/ or special ML tag(s) ONLY, but valid for antlerless deer only -noleftover DMPs. Hunters must hold the special ML or super sportsman license. Further that any single barrel muzzleloader long gun with flintlock, percussion or in-line ignition, 44calibre or larger be allowed. Scope sights permitted.

I strongly believe this proposed season is needed for the following reasons:

  • This new season allows for added value to Southern Zone Hunter
  • This new season will deliver much needed help to the DEC to enhance antlerless deer management
  • This new season, over time, will slowly reduce buck to doe ratios to allow for more competitive breeding patterns, while simultaneously reducing tertiary rut and late doe pregnancies, reducing late fawn births and increasing fawn survival
  • This new season, over time, could allowDEC to reduce DMAP and DDP
  • This new season, over time, could allow the DEC to reduce DMP, thus adding more fawn protection during regular season (which should help improve buck recruitment through lowering button buck mortality via attrition)
  • This new season will NOT add additional cost to the DEC or to the sportsmen
  • This new season is easily enforced, as a hard stop on the tags exist (9/30) and a 2-week hiatus between end of Sept and beginning of Southern Zone Archery simplifies enforcement tasks
  • This new season allows older hunters a chance to hunt in "good weather".
  • This new season allows working sportsmen a chance at afternoon hunting during extended daylight afternoon hours
  • This new season allows one full weekend for hunters to participate
  • This new season is self-limiting, in that only leftover big game antlered or special ML tag can be used for antlerless only deer. Those that filled their tags during the Oct-Dec seasons would not be eligible to hunt in September
  • This new season delivers a similar value as Northern Zone's early archery delivers to ADK region hunters, with the SAME conditions (filled your tags, you wait until new license year)
  • This new season also corresponds with the harvest of many crops, a positive for farmers suffering crop damage at the “hooves” of deer
  • This new season capitalizesonthe fastest growing sub-segment of big game hunters in NYS, showingrising trends of ML license sales, now pegged at 232,000 (2007 license sales figures), with enhanced opportunity in place to generate more sales of licenses, adding much needed revenue to the Conservation Fund
  • This new season will add additional economic impact to the NYS Hunting Industry, with benefits reaped by many small businesses across the Southern Zone, like Bed & Breakfasts, small diners and bar & grills, supermarkets, gas stations, sporting goods stores, etc.

With the overwhelming benefits this proposed new season will deliver, for the people of New York; the hunters, farmers, NYS DEC, NYS economy, the NY Conservation Fund, and above all, the deer herds and our wild habitats, I urge the NYS DEC to adopt and establish this new season.
