15 Vascular (venous)

Checklist / P / MP / F /
H: ‘Hello’ (introduction and gains consent)
E: Exposure (expose legs up to groins)
L: Lighting
P: Positions correctly (supine), asks if the patient is in any pain
Washes hands
Inspection from end of bed:
• Comfortable
• Varicose veins – note which vein
• Coexistent arterial pathology (amputation, pallor)
• Relevant paraphernalia (walking aids)
Inspection of legs: front, side and behind:
• Trophic changes (venous eczema, haemosiderin deposition, lipodermatosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, atrophie blanche)
• Scars (e.g. vein harvesting, healed ulcer)
• Ulceration (gaiter area – medial malleolus)
• Oedema (around ankles)
• Dressings (states would ideally examine underneath)
• Skin temperature with back of hands, moving up leg from feet in distribution of the long and short saphenous veins
• Skin thickening (lipodermatosclerosis)
• Thrombophlebitis (warmth and tenderness over a vein)
• Locate saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) (4 cm below and lateral to pubic tubercle):
• Feel for saphena varix
• Assess for cough impulse
• Tap test:
• Place your hand over varicose vein and tap proximally. Test is positive if pulsation is felt over the varicose vein
• Oedema
• Bruits (listen over any varicose veins – bruit may signify a vascular malformation)
Special tests:
• Trendelenburg test:
• Lay patient flat
• Empty varicose veins by lifting leg
• Place your fingers at SFJ
• Ask patient to stand up and look for refilling of the veins
• If veins refill, incompetence is below the SFJ
• Tourniquet test:
• Lay patient flat
• Empty varicose veins by lifting leg
• Apply a tourniquet at level of the SFJ and tighten it (this acts as an artificial valve)
• Ask patient to stand up and look for refilling of the veins
• If they do not refill, incompetence is at the level of the SFJ
• If they do refill, incompetence is below the SFJ
• If they refill, work your way down leg by applying tourniquet just above knee, then below it, then at mid-calf region, and look for refilling of vein
• Perthes test:
• Lay patient flat
• Empty varicose veins by lifting leg
• Apply a tourniquet around mid-thigh area (4–5 cm above knee)
• Ensure this is not very tight (so that it compresses only the superficial veins and not the deep veins)
• Ask patient to stand up and tiptoe up and down about 10 times (so that calf muscles contract)
• If varicose veins remain full of blood, may be a deep vein obstruction (e.g. thrombosis)
• If varicose veins empty, there is no deep vein obstruction
• Doppler test:
• Place Doppler probe over varicose vein. Squeeze distal to vein and listen for double ‘whoosh.’ This indicates an incompetent valve
States intent to complete the examination with the following:
• Examine remainder of the peripheral vascular system
• Examine abdomen for masses
• Do a rectal examination for masses
• Examine external genitalia
• Carry out brief local neurological examination
Thanks patient
Offers to help patient get dressed
Washes hands
Presents findings
Offers appropriate differential diagnosis
Suggests appropriate further investigations and management

OSCEs for Medical Finals, First Edition. Hamed Khan, Iqbal Khan, Akhil Gupta, Nazmul Hussain, and Sathiji Nageshwaran.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.