Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council


for programs, camps, meetings, trips & trainings

to publicize in The Sky’s the Limit & on the web calendar and to register by eBiz

Name of person submitting form: / Account #: 01-- (project code )
E-mail: / Day phone #: --
After completing the event publicity request, please email to BOTH of the following staff:
(The Sky’s the Limit & website calendar) (registration via eBiz)
EVENT TYPE (choose only one category):
Camp (choose only one subcategory):
day camp family camp resident camp troop camp
twilight camp other:
Girl Program Activities (choose only one subcategory):
art & theater college & career exploration community service environmental awareness
financial literacy healthy living & relationships product sales recruitment
sports STEM (science, technology, engineering & math other:
Family (choose only one subcategory):
art & theater college & career exploration community service environmental awareness
financial literacy healthy living & relationships product sales recruitment
sports STEM (science, technology, engineering & math other:
Travel (choose only one):
international national regional
Adult Learning (choose only one subcategory):
aquatics conference CPR/first aid enrichment
leadership essentials outdoor product sales specialty
volunteer training other:
Other Events (choose only one subcategory):
fundraising event meeting tickets other:
Program Pathway: camp event series travel virtual
Region where event is taking place: Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast
For extra workshops/breakout sessions or several fees to be collected, please submit additional worksheets.
Enclosed/attached are photos for use on the web calendar. Be sure that all individuals in the photo have signed a photo release form either on their membership form or on the GSVSC Photo Release Form.
Enclosed/attached are additional items that need to be sent to participants when registration closes.

DESIGN REQUESTS: flyers, posters, postcards, bookmarkers, etc.

or 540-777-5119

NEWS RELEASE REQUESTS: newspaper, radio, TV, media web calendars, Facebook, etc.

or 540-777-5113



(in the space below, list the event name & then tab to the next line to write a brief description)

Participants may attend as individuals only.

Participants may attend with troops only.

Participants may attend as individuals or troops.

Participants may attend as individuals (with sponsor/adult/parent) or troops (with appropriate # of leaders/adults). Parent/guardian or leader will need to stay during the program.





Fee: (fill-in where applicable) $ for girls; $ for adults; $ for tag-alongs

Min/Max: (fill-in where applicable) / for girls; / for adults; / for girls & adults

Patch Included:

Registration Opens:

Registration Closes:

Financial Assistance Deadline:

To Register:





(in the space below, list your event name & brief description; then delete out the participation levels you DO NOT want, leaving the one you do want)




To Register:


For each session include the following:

Region, Date, Time, Location, Min/Max, Reg. Opens, Reg. Closes, Questions

(please look over the most recent The Sky’s the Limit to assist you with creating your event entry)
Event Name
Short Event Description (2-4 brief sentences)
Participation Level (choose one only):
¨ Participants may attend as individuals only.
¨ Participants may attend with troops only.
¨ Participants may attend as individuals or troops.
¨ Participants may attend as individuals (with sponsor/adult/parent) or troops (with appropriate # of leaders/adults). Parent/guardian or leader will need to stay during the program.
Who: use only the initials for Daisy (D), Brownie (B), Junior (J), Cadette (C), Senior (S), and Ambassador (A) and write out “Adults”
Date: day of week, date, year
Time: capitalize AM or PM; no zeros for hourly time (i.e. 1-5 PM)
Place: name of place, street address & city or town (directions should be sent with confirmation or follow-up e-mail)
Fee: include all applicable fees — girls, adults, early registration or late registration fees and if the fee includes extras (T-shirt, patch, etc.); if there is an additional fee for extras, then please include ALL details within this area.
Min/Max: include girls & adults; if separate min/max for adults vs. girls, indicate that.
Patch Included: yes or no; if yes, include patch name
Registration Opens: date, year
Registration Closes: date, year
Financial Assistance Deadline: date, year
To Register: Register online or send (insert all necessary program/health forms) and fee (insert checks made payable to) to:
Questions: contact name, phone # and e-mail
Note: if you have a separate refund/cancellation policy then include here; if using GSVSC’s policy then leave blank. Include any special items regarding payment or event details. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE items that you would include in a sign-up confirmation e-mail/letter – what to bring, wear, directions, etc.
(in the space below, list the event name on one line and then tab to the next line to enter a brief description)
Girl Scout Day at Douthat State Park
Make plans to attend the annual Girl Scout Day at Douthat State Park. Participate in workshops and activities focused on the great outdoors. Bring a picnic lunch, cook out or make reservations at Douthat Lakeview Restaurant. Program, parking and patch are included in the fee.
(check ONLY 1 BOX indicating the participation level)
Participants may attend as individuals only.
Participants may attend with troops only.
Participants may attend as individuals or troops.
Participants may attend as individuals (with sponsor/adult/parent) or troops (with appropriate # of leaders/adults). Parent/guardian or leader will need to stay during the program.
Who: D, B, J, C, S, A, Adults
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012
Time: 10:30 AM - 5 PM
Place: Douthat State Park, Bath County
Fee: $15 per girl; $15 per adult (if adult wants patch)
Min/Max: 130 girls/200 girls
Patch Included: yes, Douthat State Park Patch
Registration Opens: January 23, 2012
Registration Closes: April 18, 2012
Financial Assistance Deadline: April 2, 2012
To Register: Register online or send Program Registration Form (#2680) and fee to:
Debra Giles, GSVSC
3663 Peters Creek Road, NW
Roanoke, VA 24019
800-542-5905, ext. 108, or
Questions: Juliette Low, 540-777-5123 or

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