HPAC Master Ratings Application for Dr. Amir Asad IzadiRevised Nov 11th 2010 2:30 PM

Paragliding Advanced Rated pilot with over 1000 hours of experience from at least 60 different sites across sixteen countries. HAGAR # 5802-790144

Service on the Executive, Board of Director and/or Officer level of the national association.0-6Points: 4

British Columbia & Yukon Director 2007 - 2010
Vice President 2008 – 2010
HPAC Secretary 2008

Service in outreach programs or committee levels of the national association. This includes HPAC/ACVL committee chair person, representative to the FAI/CIVL or provincial or national aviation related associations. 0-4 Points: 2

HPAC Calendar Project.
HPAC 2010 Web Site Development Project

Service on the Executive or Board of Directors of a Provincial Association0-4 Points: 2

BCHPA Regional Director, Vancouver Island. 2005 - 2007

Service at the committee or officer level of any provincial association. Includes Board of Director's, secretaries, etc, committee chair persons, representatives to provincial aviation related associations 0-2 Points: 0

Service at the executive or director level of a club or regional association0-6 Points:0

Service at the committee or officer level of any club or regional association.0-3 Points:0
Includes secretaries, representatives to the provincial associations, committee chair persons, representatives to local or provincial aviation related associations.

Responsibility for organization of a HG or PG competition or responsibility for direction of the meet.0-4 Points:0

Responsible for assistance in operation of a hang gliding or paragliding competition. Eg: launch director, launch assistant, landing director or landing assistant, chief scorer or scoring assistant, pylon judge 0-2 Points: 1

1. PWC Medical Working Committee was created in 2004 including Naomi Ventura, Amir Izadi and Hubert Bigot who all are doctors and aware of paragliding competition and the World Cup, “to check our pilot and organizer rules, especially the “Rescue procedure” in the Pilot rules, and the Medical/Safety/Rescue requirements in the organizer’s rules. After the fatal accident in Greece, it was suggested to give to each World Cup pilot the basic knowledge to rescue an other pilot…”

Certification and record of accomplishments as an HPAC Instructor0-4 Points: 3

1. Instructor since:Dec 31st 2001Tandem Instructor since: Dec 31st 2001
2. Nicole Mclearn says: “Amir has volunteered his tandem time and gear to the WCSC BFAR event for several years. The money goes specifically to WCSC Site Development and Maintenance. The tandem pilots don't keep anything for themselves. So I'd say Amir has contributed almost $1000 to WCSC via donated tandems.”

Editing a local, provincial or national Newsletter or Webmaster for a Web site pertaining to HG / PG0-5 Points:0

Canadian Correspondent for a foreign hang gliding or paragliding publication0-2 Points: 2

Paragliding Forum: 330 posts recorded as of Nov 5th 2010, a high percentage of which are advice and council.
- 30 of which are forum user rated as “Best Posts”

Contribution of articles on hang gliding or paragliding for publication or for press release0-2 Points: 2

“Believing in Bulgaria.”

The Thrilla in ManillaThe Magic of Manilla.
Slowing Down in Spain.

Representing Canada in FAI/CIVL sanctioned competitions0-5 Points: 5Amir represents Canada very well during these comps.2005 Canadian Paragliding World Team Member

FAI Category 1 Events: Governador Valadares Brazil FAI / CIVL Paragliding World Championships 2005 102nd

FAI Category 2 Events:British Open Ager Spain 2006 39thBritish Open St. Andre 2007 14thBulgaria Pre PWC 2005Turkey 2004 PWC 74thMexico PWC 2006 16thMexico PWC 2004Taiwan Open 2005Rate Race 2007 6thRat Race 2005 27th2009 PWC Croatia, 38th2004 PWC Croatia, 33’dPre-PWC Sopot Bulgaria 2004 37thChelan 2008 XC Open 37th Pre-PWC Columbia 2007 34thWilli Race 2006 5thCzeck Open 2004 23’dPWC Turkey 2002 64thManilla Australian Open 2003 43’dMonarca Paragliding Open 2006 7th2009 Monarca Open 36th 2004 Monarca Paragliding Open 38thNew Zealand Nationals 2003 59th2009 PWC Korea 38thUS Dunlap 2009 Paragliding Nats 12thCanadian Paragliding Nationals 2007 Golden 7thCanadian Paragliding Nationals 2005 Golden 15th2008 Chelan Pre-PWC and Canadian Paragliding Nationals Cdn 3’dPemberton-Whistler Championships 20042008 Lumby Air Races: Paragliding Open Class1st Source:

Production and release of a documentary, film, television coverage or commercial advertisement on hang gliding or paragliding 0-4 Points: 0

Establishing an FAI approved world record in a category pertaining to hang gliding or paragliding0-4 Points:0

Other contributions worthy of consideration
- Noting the total point total awarded will take into consideration the weighting of the above criteria. (Points: 8)

Flying Paragliders since 1998.
Currently in 2010, he is ranked no. 3 in Canada under the WPRS (world paragliding ranking score).1
FAI/CIVL World Rankings: 2009: 270th, 2008: 419th, 2007: 275th, 2006: 314th and in 2006 he at one point reached 216th which helped to bring Canada up to 33’d in CIVL’s National Standings See:

Does an outstanding job of informing members of HPAC BoD discussions and solicits input via the WCSC etc Forum1

Owned and operated Blue Thermal Paragliding School, sales and service on Vancouver Island 2003 until 2009.1

Amir was one of the tandem pilots who volunteered his time and gear to give tandem flights to the Parks folks at Woodside during the HPAC / BCHPA project to have Hang Gliding and Paragliding allowed in National Parks. 1

During the years he represented Vancouver Island on the BCHPA BoD and he negotiated with the Lumby Airforce for unlimited access to Coopers Launch for all pilots in BC.

Canadian Paragliding Competition Ranking 2007: #1, 2008: #3 2009: #2 2010: #101
No. 1 ranked Canadian pilot at the World Championships in 2005

As a General Practice & Family Specialist Medical Doctor, Amir Asad Izadi, (Oak Bay Medical Clinic 1640 Oak Bay Ave Victoria BC V8R 1B2 Canada) has a record of providing related input to pilots and on forums. Example: 1

Amir Izadi is our first recipient to achieve maximum points for record of participation in FAI/CIVL sanctioned competitions.

Estimated Points Total: 28

Looking to the future, Amir’s contributions continue. Example: the beginnings of a potentially proactive study into the growth of the sport. See:

Prepared and submitted by Fred T. L. Wilson HPAC Member #33 and Annelies Browne HPAC Member #3021