Windows 10 Tips & Tricks

Keyboard Shortcuts
 / Start Menu
 + L / Lock Computer
 + Tab / Task View
 + E / File Explorer
 + R / Run Dialog Box
 + + / Open Magnifier
 + D / Desktop
 +  / Maximize Application
 +  / Minimize Application
 + M / Minimize All Apps
 +  / Snap Left
 +  / Snap Right
Alt + F4 / Close Application
Alt + Tab / Switch Between Apps
ALT +  / Go Back (Browser)
ALT +  / Go Forward (Browser)
Ctrl + C / Copy
Ctrl + X / Cut
Ctrl + V / Paste
Ctrl + Y / Redo
Ctrl + Z / Undo

Start menu:To access the start menu, click on the start menu icon in the lower left hand

Lock Computer:In order to lock your computer, press the  + L key combination. You may also, press CTRL + ALT + DEL and select Lock from the choices.

Task View: This view will display all open applications. You can select any of the open applications from here.

File Explorer: File explorer allows you to access your files on various drives, including network shares and removable media such as a flash drive. To access File Explorer you can use the  + E key combination or select it from the start menu.

Run Dialog Box: This dialog box will allow you to type in the name of an application or browse to a location and select a file.

Change Password: Press CTRL + ALT + DEL and select Change a Password from the choices.

Open Magnifier: Press  and + keys and this will open the screen magnifier.

Display Desktop: A quick way to return to the desktop while in an application is to press the  and D keys.

Minimize / Maximize Applications: A quick way to maximize applications is to use the  + up arrow key. To minimize applications use the  + down arrow key. When minimizing an application it will go from maximized to windowed and then minimized. Clicking on an applications icon in the taskbar will also minimize or maximize t

he application depending on its previous state. Another way to minimize and maximize an application is to use the controls in the upper right hand corner.

Minimize All: Press the  + M key combination to minimize all applications.

Snap Feature: If you drag an application to the left or right of the screen, Windows will automatically size the application to take up half the screen. If multiple applications are open, Windows will size one application to take up half the screen and display all the other open applications. From here, you can select another application and Windows will automatically resize the app to take up the other side of the screen. You can also use the  +  and  +  key combinations to snap an application to either the right or left.

Close Applications: A quick way to close an application is to use the ALT and F4 key combination.

Switch Between Applications: A quick way to switch between applications is to use the ALT and TAB key combination. Hold down the ALT key and press Tab, Windows will display a screenshot of all open applications. While holding down the ALT key you can press the TAB key to highlight a different application. Once you release the ALT key, whatever application is highlighted will become full screen.

ALT + Left Arrow / ALT + Right Arrow: In a web browser the key combination Alt + left arrow is the same as clicking on the back button. The alt + right arrow key combination is the same as clicking on the forward button.

CTRL+C / CTRL-X / CTRL-V:As in previous versions of Windows, these key combinations work just as before. CTRL-C will allow you to copy text, a file, a folder or other objects. After using the CTRL-C key combination, it will appear that nothing has happened. In order to actually make a copy, you will need to use the CTRL-V key combination. This is the paste command. This will duplicate the contents that were copied.

The CTRL-X key combination is the cut command. This will delete the text, file, folder or other object from its current location. If the CTRL-V key combination is used, it will then re-create the text, file, folder or other object in the new location.

CTRL-Y / CTRL-Z: The CTRL-Y key combination is the undo command. This command will undo the previous action just performed. CRTL-Z will redo the previous action.

NOTE: these commands will not work on files and folders. When a file or folder is deleted, it will be placed in the recycle bin. In order to restore a deleted file or folder you must open the recycle bin and restore the file or folder from here. Once the recycle bin has been emptied, it is not possible to retrieve the deleted file or folder.

To Logoff: Click on your name at the top of the start menu. A menu will be displayed, select sign out from the menu. You may also, press CTRL + ALT + DEL and select Sign Out from the choices.

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