This document is to outline what Cawston Parish Council (known as ‘the Council’) offer to local organisations who want to use the Council’s media (Facebook page, website, newsletter and noticeboards) to advertise their services.
Rules of Advertising
1. We will not publish advertisements that we believe:
-are misleading, inappropriate or offensive
-create difficulty getting goods or refunds for goods which have been purchased by mail order or though televised shopping channels
-unfairly run promotions
-generate unwanted mail from companies – this can be post, email, fax or text message
-do not follow law regarding data capture and protection of privacy
or any other advertisement at the discretion of the Council.
2. Facebook: We will publish an advertisement on the Cawston Parish Council Facebook page (known as ‘Cawston Parish, Rugby’ free of charge, as a ‘post’. Due to the nature of Facebook, this advertisement will remain on the page as long as the page exists, until either a) the original advertiser requests the post is removed, or b) Cawston Parish Council decides it appropriate to remove it, in line with point 1 above.
3. Website: We will publish an advertisement on the Cawston Parish website ( free of charge. This advertisement will remain on the page as long as the page exists, until either a) the original advertiser requests the post is removed, or b) Cawston Parish Council decides it appropriate to remove it, in line with point 1 above.
4. Newsletter: The local quarterly newsletter (known as Cawston Parish News) will run a list of local businesses with contact details. This is purely a list of businesses that would like to get their details known to the local populace, and is not endorsed by the Council. A business will not be included in the list at the discretion of the Council. For a business to be included on the list, they must advertise in Cawston Parish News for at least one edition, and they will be included on the list for that edition plus the subsequent edition, unless the Council decides it appropriate to remove it, in line with point 1 above. Example: A business who advertises in edition Q1 will have their name on the list in editions Q1 and Q2.
The price to advertise per edition of the newsletter is £30 for a full (A5) page.
5. Notice Boards: There are X notice boards around Cawston Parish. We will publish an A4 sized advertisement (provided by the advertiser) in each one of notice boards for a price of £10 in total. The advertisements will remain on the board(s) for one calendar month, or before if Cawston Parish Council decides it appropriate to remove it, in line with point 1 above.
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Council. Any changes made to the policy will materially affect current advertisers, those advertisers will be contacted in an appropriate timescale.