Call for Letters of Interest (LOI)

Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP)


The deadline for submission isSeptember 26th, 2012 at 11:59am (noon)Eastern Daylight Time.Letters of Interest (LOIs) received after the deadline will not be considered.


The purpose of this document is to assist applicants in submitting a Letter of Interest to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s (AANDC) Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP).

2.0Program Description

Climate change poses a significant risk to community well-being and the environment. Aboriginal and northern communitiesare amongst the most vulnerable communities to climate change impacts in Canada. AANDC is supporting Aboriginal and northern communities to assessrisks and challenges posed by climate change impacts andto become more resilient.

CCAP, delivered by the AANDC’s Climate Change Division, is designed to support Canada’s commitment to Aboriginal and northern peoples’ pursuit of healthy and sustainable communities by allowing communities to prepare for challenges created by a changing environment.

CCAP provides resources to communities, organizations and institutions that can take the lead in assessing and developing management strategies to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate; undertake risk and vulnerability assessments; and identify appropriate actions designed to reduce risks due to a changing climate and its impacts.

Community involvement is essential for successful climate change adaptation planning in Aboriginal and northern communities; therefore CCAP requires that communities be engaged throughout the duration of any project supported by the Program. Through the leadership of key community members, Aboriginal and northern communities can plan and adapt to climate change.

3.0Funding available under CCAP in 2013-2014

The total amount of funding available for 2013-2014 under AANDC’s Climate Change Adaptation Program is approximately $2.3M. Letters of Interest are welcome from all provinces and territories. Projects funded will be selected on their merit; there will be no funding envelopes dedicated to individual regions.

4.0Eligible Recipient

In Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, funding may be provided to:

First Nations and Inuit or their organizations such as boards, committees, agencies, band operated enterprises or other entities as designated by the Chief and Council, Tribal Councils or Hamlet;


Organizations (eg., associations, not-for-profit institutions, education/research institutions, etc); and

Other levels of government and other non-federal entities, public or private.

In the Provinces (excluding Nunavik and Nunatsiavut),funding may be provided to:

First Nation communities, which includes:

a First Nation government in a province, including a band or tribal council or its agent (including its wholly owned corporation), on the condition that the First Nation has indicated support for the project and for the legally designated representative to act as an Applicant through a formal band or tribal council resolution; and

Innu communities where the applicant is on reserve or on Crown Land in the provinces.

But doesNOT include (in the provinces):

Departments, ministries and agencies of Canada or of a Province or Territory and federal, provincial departmental corporations or Crown corporations.

Any other entity that delivers core municipal services.

Non-governmental organizations, Not-for-profit organizations, Consulting firms, Academic and research institutions, private sector, etc.

5.0Eligible Projects

i. Areas of Focus

Each LOI must address one or more of the following areas of focus in the context of climate change adaptation:

Permafrost degradation

Coastal erosion, sea level rise and ice dynamics

Drinking water quality and availability / waste water

Extreme weather events (flooding, forest fires, storm surges, etc.)

Food security

Emergency management.

ii. ProgramObjectives

Each call for Letters of Interest includes three project objectives. Each LOI must address one or more of the following:

Community vulnerability assessment: identification of vulnerability, risk and/or opportunities related to climate change impacts.

Community adaptation planning: development of adaptation plans and integration of adaptation into community plans/decision-making processes.

Tool development: 1) development of tools related to conducting vulnerability assessments and developing adaptation plans (community relevant guidebooks, guidelines and best practices); and 2) initiatives to support knowledge transfer for capacity development or assessment and planning tools.

iii. Program Criteria

Decision on approval / rejection of LOI relies on meeting ALL of the following criteria:

the LOI demonstrates a clear link to climate change impacts and adaptation;

the applicant is eligible (see point 4.0);

the objectives of the project are consistent with program objectives;

the LOI addresses one or more of the areas of focus;

the methodology demonstrates how the proponent will address the objectives of the project; and,

the project is community driven and includes a capacity building component.

Examples of projects / activities that are NOT eligible to the program are projects that are focussing on:


development of school curriculum

health related studies

inventory of species and/or ecological assessment

renewable energy and/or energy efficiency projects

the implementation of adaptation initiatives

general climate change outreach and knowledge transfer.

iv. Single or multi-year projects

Letters of Interest can be presented for one year or multi-year projects for up to three (3) years; however please note that funding may only be approved for one year at a time.Each year starts on April 1st and ends on the following March 31st. If submitting a multi-year project, please ensure that your LOI clearly explains the deliverables that you will achieve on an annual basis and the methodology used to do so.

v. Eligible expenses

Examples of eligible project expenses includessalaries and wages, transportation, accommodations and living allowance, training and workshops, professional services (to a maximum of 40%), research, communications, office supplies and equipment dedicated to the project, printing, community information initiatives, data collection, analysis and reporting, and administrative costs (to a maximum of 15%).

vi. Maximum amount allowed per project per year

Funding can be provided to a maximum amount of$200,000 per year per project.

6.0Format of the Letter of Interest

The format of the Letters of Interest mustfollow the attached template. In addition:

the size of the font must be 12 point or larger (not smaller than 12 point);

the type of font must be Arial;

the LOI must not exceed 4 pages in total;and

the size of the document must not exceed 5MB.

If the Letter of Interest does not follow the prescribed format, the LOI might not be considered.

7.0Introduction to Application / Letter of Interest and Deadline

Interested applicants need to complete the LOI application form and return it to the Climate Change Adaptation Program by September 26, 2012, by 11:59am EDT either by email at , by fax at 819-953-2590, or by mail at the following address:

Climate Change Adaptation Program

Les Terrasses de la Chaudière

25 Eddy, 10th floor

Gatineau, Québec K1A 0H4

All Letters of Interest will be reviewed by CCAP and successfully approved applicants will be invited to submit a fully developed proposal for funding consideration.

The deadline for submission of a LOI to CCAP is September 26th, 2012, at 11:59am (noon) Eastern Daylight Time. You will receive an acknowledgement of your submission. If you have not received an acknowledgement within two days, please contact the CCAP office at 819-934-9389.

Letters of Interest received after the deadline will NOT be considered.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the application form please send an email to or call 819-934-9389.


Please review your LOI using the checklist below to ensure that each of the checklist requirements has been met or included in your LOI. Should one or more of these checklist items be missing or not met; your LOI will NOT be considered.

  • I clearly demonstrate the link to climate change impacts and adaptation in my community.
  • My project meets the program objectives.
  • My project addresses one or more of the areas of focus.
  • My project meets the program criteria.
  • I am an eligible proponent to this program (refer to section 4).
  • I clearly demonstrate that my project is community driven.
  • I have completed each section of the LOI template 2013-2014.
  • My LOI does not exceed 4 pages and the size of the font is 12 point or larger.
  • The size of the document does not exceed 5MB.
  • The maximum amount of funding requested from the program does not exceed $200K.

Call for Letter of Interest

Application Template

Climate Change Adaptation Program


Please read the instructions carefully, provide all information requested and ensure that your LOI does not exceed a total of 4 pages. Any missing information may compromise the ability of the Technical Review Committee to evaluate the LOI and your proposed project may not be considered.

1)Project title:

2)Proponent (please refer to section 4. Eligible Recipient)







Provide a brief background and explain the link to climate change within the context of the community(ies).

4)Rationale for this project

Explain why this project is important for the community(ies).

5)Project Description

Provide a short description of the project.

6)Project Objectives

Ensure your project objectives are aligned with the program’s objectives.

7)General description of the methodology to be used

Explain why this methodology is the most appropriate for this project and how itwill help meet the project objectives.

8)Community engagement

Demonstrate that the project is community driven and seeks to build capacity.

9)Anticipated project results

10)Total estimated budget for project

11)Estimated annual amount requested to CCAP:

12)Other funding partners


Partner’s Name: ______Amount ______

Partner’s Name: ______Amount ______

Partner’s Name: ______Amount ______

Etc. …


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