Grade: 12th Grade
Course: Transitional Math
Discipline: Math
1.1 Review of Real NumbersLocal Objective
Demonstrate use of set notation and operations with sets.Unit
1.2 Review of Real NumbersLocal Objective
Apply all operationson rational numbersUnit
1.3 Review Real NumbersLocal Objective
Simplify variable expressions and identify properties of real numbers used.Unit
1.4 Review Real NumbersLocal Objective
Translate expressions and solve application problemsUnit
2.1 Linear Equations and InequalitiesLocal Objective
Solve equations in linear form (first – degree equations)Unit
2.2 Linear Equations and InequalitiesLocal Objective
Solve problems involving first-degree equations.Unit
2.3 Linear Equations and InequalitiesLocal Objective
Solve first-degree inequalitiesUnit
2.4 Linear Equations and InequalitiesLocal Objective
Solve absolute value equations and inequalitiesUnit
3.1 Linear Functions and inequalitiesLocal Objective
Compareproperties of linear functions between or among tables, graphs and equations and analyze linear functions by investigating rates of change and interceptsUnit
4.1 PolynomialsLocal Objective
Describe and use algebraic manipulations, including factoring and rules of integer exponentsUnit
4.2 PolynomialsLocal Objective
Use and solve equivalent forms of equation (quadratic)Unit
4.3 PolynomialsLocal Objective
Use a variety of representations to demonstrate an understanding of very large and very small numbers.Unit
5.1 Rational ExpressionsLocal Objective
Use algebraic manipulations, including factoring and rules of integer exponentsUnit
5.2 Rational ExpressionsLocal Objective
Use and solve equivalent forms of equations (polynomial and rational)Unit
6.1 Exponents and RadicalsLocal Objective
Apply operations to complex numbers, using mental computation or paper-and-pencil calculations for simple cases and technology for more complicated casesUnit
6.2 Exponents and RadicalsLocal Objective
Use and solve equivalent forms of equations (exponential)Unit
7 Overview of Quadratic EquationsLocal Objective
Solve quadratic equations using various methodsUnit
CheckingLocal Objective
Students will demonstrate the use of a checkbook and registry.Unit
Dimensions, Area, and Scale MeasurementsLocal Objective
Represent ideas and problem solving skills through visual modelsUnit
Unit A: Problem Solving-Using DiagramsLocal Objective
Solve and explain thinking in mathematical problem solving using diagrams.Unit
Unit B: Graphs and Data AnalysisLocal Objective
Students will be able to create graphical representations of data collected and analyze the results.Unit
Unit C: Probability and Games of ChanceLocal Objective
Students will be able to calculate and describe probabilities used to make choices in game situations.Unit
Unit D: Healthy MathematicsLocal Objective
Students will be able to apply their mathematics skills to calculate health related quantities.Unit
Unit E: Fraction ReviewLocal Objective
Students will be able to do calculations with common fractions/rational numbers without a calculator.Unit
Unit F: Recipes and mathLocal Objective
Students will be able to measure and change measurements to fit their needs in cooking/baking.Unit
Unit G: Hands on BankingLocal Objective
Students will define monetary terms and calculate various banking functions.