
SONGS 2005

Song of the New Generation 2005

Hope of God, Malaysia, is proud to announce its inaugural song-writing event, SONGS 2005. We hope to see this evolve into an annual event, to tap into the gifting that God has placed in His church and to create an avenue for the creative expression of worship to God through song-writing.

SONGS 2005 is the brainchild of Pastor Willie Tan, Pastor of Hope of God Church, Petaling Jaya. SONGS is an acronym for Song Of the New Generation Spirit. The focus on being and reaching out to a New Generation is in line with Hope Malaysia’s theme and direction for the next few years, embodied in its new logo, hopenewgen.com°.

SONGS 2005 is open to all members of Hope of God churches in Malaysia.

SONGS 2005 will also serve to create a pool from which to select songs for compilation in Hope Album 2005. The songs short-listed for the album will be showcased in a Concert on 21st May 2005, to be held in Hope Petaling Jaya.

It is hoped that through SONGS 2005, Hope churches within Malaysia will be able to offer up to God a New Song, heart-felt and Spirit-inspired, as these new songs are used throughout the nation in Praise and Worship.

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

Psalm 96:1


§  To encourage song-writing within the church

§  To compose songs with emphasis on the values embraced by Hope Church

§  To produce a concerted effort to compose songs with the “hopenewgen” theme to promote mission and church growth

§  To gather a pool of songs for Hope Album 2005


Song-writing participants are encouraged to reflect the themes for hopenewgen – which is a generation that :

§  Desires to do God’s will

§  Commits to fulfill the Great Commission and God’s vision

§  Lives a holy and sanctified life

§  Possesses a right spirit and great skills to expand God’s kingdom

§  Is called forth to impact the nation and world


Songs submitted should preferably be Praise and Worship songs that can be used for congregational singing. They can be in varied styles (eg. pop, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, ballad, country etc). They should preferably be simple but devotional. Songs for Children’s Church use can also be submitted.


Initial Announcement of Event : 6 March 2005

Deadline for song submission : 1 May 2005

Announcement of short-listed songs : 8 May 2005

Song presentation concert : 21 May 2005


Inter-Church Liaison : Alison Wong

Coordinator : Irene Teo

Please use the following e-mail address for enquiries or correspondence :

Please note that songs are NOT to be submitted to the above e-mail address. Please see the Entry Form for Rules and Regulations on how to submit the songs.


All entries should be accompanied by an Entry Form. The Entry Form is attached, and contains the rules and regulations. Please read the rules and regulations carefully.