Town of Oxford
Board of Selectmen
Minutes of 10/02/2008
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Floyd Thayer. Other members present were Scott Owens Vice-chair Dennis Sanborn, Jay Goforth and Roger Jackson. Also present were Town Manager Michael Chammings (TM), Town Clerk Ellen Morrison, approximately fifteen members of the public. No reporters were present.
Chairman Thayer led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Adjustments to the Agenda-
8. New Business (H) Olympia Gaming
10. Executive Session- (B) Abatement
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to add 8H and 10B to the agenda. Motion passed 5-0
4. Action on Minutes-
A. 9/04/2008
James Goforth made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to accept as
presented the minutes of 9/04/2008.
Motion passed 5-0.
5. Manager’s Update/Report –
The General Assistance audit came back and the town is in compliance with the state. Town Clerk Ellen Morrison is doing a great job and there were no problems.
The town’s audit looks good. Investment policy needs to be written. TM will have for next meeting for review. Auditor will make a presentation on the town’s audit at a future meeting. The Welchville Dam was opened early to make repairs but has not been fixed yet because the water level is still too high.
6. Questions/Comments from the Public-
Marilyn Colby asked about the revaluation. TM said that he had a report at last meeting. Assessor Mike O’Leary was doing a good job. Tom Cushman wanted to
reconsider accepting roads after we see how they perform citing bad asphalt at the Palmer Development as an example, that has since been repaired. He also question a new subdivision off Allen Hill Rd. Chairman Thayer said that they are aware of these issues. TM explained that with the changes in the ordinance the town would not be accepting as many new roads. TM stated that the Highway Crew was already working with less personnel than the surrounding towns and would have to increase in size if any new roads are accepted. This could create other issues with our budget and going over the LD limit. Marilyn Colby went back in time asking why this was done at a special town meeting. TM would not revisit since it was “water over the dam”.
7. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen- None
At this point Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to move Executive Session to the next spot on the agenda. Motion passed 5-0
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to enter into executive session at 6:45pm. Motion passed 5-0
10. Executive Session-
A. Economic Development –
B. Abatement-
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to come out of executive session at 6:56pm.
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to move 8H to the next position on the agenda. Motion passed 5-0
8. New Business-
H. Olympia Gaming- Made a presentation about the proposed casino for Oxford County that will be on the ballot for Nov. 4. They are currently looking for a host community and need a parcel of land of at least 25 acres but would prefer more. At least three sites in Oxford fit that bill. They are also looking at Rumford and another un-named town. The casino would be a 150 million dollar project in two phases. Dean Harold president of Evergreen Mountain LLC said that the opportunity for his company to come to Maine is thrilling. Demographics show that there is a great work force here and Rt. 26 gives good access. The project would include not just a casino but a resort, spa, convention center and hotel. 800 jobs would be created with a $28 million yearly payroll, average salary $35,000. Estimated taxes would be 2.3 million to host town, 1.1 million to county, 1.2 million in property taxes. The Economic Development Committee supports this project. With the loss of Robinson Manufacturing, Burlington Homes and Oxford Homes in Oxford, jobs for this area are desperately needed.
The Selectmen voted unanimously to support the project.
A. Appointments- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to appoint Timothy Coombs of Stoneham as a Reserve Police Officer.
Motion passed 5-0
B. Liquor License- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to approve the liquor license of Ocean Pearl. Since no issues with Police have occurred, no public hearing was held. Motion passed 5-0
C. Reserve Transfers- (See Attachment #1) Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to approve the transfers as listed.
Motion passed 5-0
D. Abatements- Supplementals- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to abate:
Gordon Pike $69,900 in value
Patricia Page $5,328 in value
and supplement:
Nellie Pike $62,100 in value
New England Forestry Foundation $5,328
due to errors in transfers by assessor.
Motion passed 5-0
E. Bid Review-
The following bids were received:
With Trade-in No Trade-In
O’Connor Motor Company $ 92,975.36 $100,975.36 2010 Mack
Scott Cyr of Portland
Freightliner $ 81,000.00 $ 87,793.00
2009 Freightliner
Skip Skehan of Westbrook
Morrison & Sylvester
Dave Churchill of Auburn
Bid#1 2007 $ 87,750.00 $ 92,250.00
Bid#2 2009 $ 85,250.00 $ 89,750.00
Bid#3 2005 $ 82,900.00 $ 87,400.00
CB Kenworth
2008 International 7600 $154,763.36 $159,563.00
Jeff Meserve of S. Portland
Jay Goforth made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to table till reviewed for next week. Motion passed 5-0
F. Surplus Equipment- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to direct the TM to place an old sweeper and a rake out to bid.
Motion passed 5-0
G. Special Town Meeting- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to approve with the mentioned changes, the warrant for the Special Town Meeting and set the date for November 20, 2008.
Motion passed 5-0
9. Sign Warrants- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to sign warrants #13 & #14. Motion passed 5-0
10. Executive Session-(Done previously)
11. Adjournment-
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to adjourn. Motion passed 5-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen M. Morrison CCM
Town Clerk of Oxford