Meeting name / Special Grid Code Review PanelMeeting number / 4
Date of meeting / 27 July 2017
Location / Webex
Name / Initials / PositionJohn Martin / JM / Panel Chair
Chrissie Brown / CB / Panel Secretary and interim Code Administrator Representative
Alan Creighton / AC / Panel member
Stephen Perry / SP / Authority Representative Member (alternate)
Robert Longden / RL / Panel member
Guy Nicholson / GN / Panel member
Damian Jackman / DJ / Panel member
Alastair Frew / AF / Panel member
Nick Rubin / NR / BSC Panel Representative
Kyla Berry / KB / Panel member
Garth Graham
Graeme Vincent
Steve Cox / GG
SC / Presenter – GC0103
Panel member
Panel member
1 Introductions and Apologies for Absence
1114.Kate Dooley and Gurpal Singh sent their apologies for the meeting.
All presentations given at this Special Grid Code Modification Panel meeting can be found in the Grid Code Panel area on the National Grid website:
2 / New ModificationsGC0103 The introduction of harmonised Applicable Electrical Standards in GB to ensure compliance with the EU Connection Codes
- GG talked through his Proposal using pr1.
- RL stated that this modification has been proposed as urgent and that the RfG had been in place for some time. He questioned if this was an oversight when the code mapping or is it being discussed within another Grid Code modification.
- AF noted that within the GC0102 scope the Relevant Electrical Standards had been noted as being affected. AC stated that the scope was covered within an existing workgroup.
- GG stated that his modification was being proposed to create a single harmonised set of Relevant Electrical Standards. He explained that this would result in a single minimum standard instead of three sets of standards.
- GG stated that, as an example, should a new power station connect under the RfG that it would not be clear what requirements were needed in terms of manufacturing and tendering. As a result he concluded that a single set of requirements are required.
- RL stated that there was a difference between being compliant with the European Network Code and the fact that there are differences between the three sets of standards.
- It was noted that there may be an impact on the Distribution Code. GG stated that he was not able to raise the modification due to the governance in place. The Code Administrator took an action to highlight the raising of the modification to the Distribution Code Panel Secretary.
Action xx see action log
- KB stated that when the code mapping was completed for the European Network Code implementation into the GB frameworks that minimal change, as outlined within GC0102, was required. She sought clarity on the scope for this modification.
- GG agreed to take an action to report back to the Grid Code Panel at the next meeting, on the 16August, to provide clarity on the defect. KB took an action to speak to the proposer of GC0102 and request that they also report back to the next Grid Code Panel to outline where they see the overlap in scope.
Action xx see action log
- SP stated that he could not see the difference, within the timetables outlined for this modification in treating it as urgent in comparison to the standard timetable. He noted that minimum change was required for the implementation of the European Third Package.
Urgency criteria and recommendation
- The majority of Panel members recommended that this modification not be treated as Urgent and had the following comments to support their vote:
- There was not enough evidence provided to the Panel to prove that there would be a breach of the legal requirements under the European Network Codes
- More time and attention would be required than outlined within the urgent timetable in order to fully work up the solution due to the scale of the task required
3 / Next meeting
- The next Grid Code Panel meeting will take place on 16 August 2017 at National Grid House, Warwick. Papers day is 8 August 2017.
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