First Author1, Second Author2 ... and Nth Authorn
First-Nth Department, First-Nth University/Affiliation, Address Including Country Name
; ;
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for ESTEEM Academic Journal. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 2001 or later for Windows, or Word X or later for Mac OS X. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The title of paper should be 18 pt Times New Roman, upper case, bold and centered. It is preferable if the title is written in not more than 15 words. The author nameshould be 12 pt Times New Roman, capitalize each word and centered. Use 12 pt Times New Roman, itallic and centered for the author affiliation (capitalize each word) and email. The abstract heading should be 12 pt Times New Roman, uppercaseand centered. The abstract must be in a single paragraph stating the objectives, scope, methodology, findings and conclusion of the paper in not more than 200 words.
Keywords:5 - 7 keywords (separated by semicolons) typed using 12 pt Times New Roman, lower case and justified.
The font size of headings should be 12 pt font, in bold and upper case letters. There should be a single spacing between the first paragraph of a text and the heading.
Paper should be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia except for the abstract where it must be written in English. The length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages.All notes should be endnotes and not footnotes. Notes should not be used for bibliographical information. All margins should be set at 2.5cm. Please avoid using page numbers, headers and footers. Thetext should be left and right justified. An indention is not needed to start the text. A single spacing should be left in between paragraphs.
Figures and tables must be centered. Graphics may be full color. Figures and tables must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure and table captions must be in 10 pt Times New Roman and centered.Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their associated figures, as shown in Figure 1.Captions with table numbers must be placed before their associated tables, as shown in Table 1.
Figure 1: Sample of Figure
Table 1: Sample of Table
M (SD) / Sex / Age / Income / Educ. / Relig. / Dist. Intol.Sex / 1.53 (.50) / .07 / -.09 / .02 / .14 / .06
Age / 31.88 (10.29) / .08 / .19* / .20* / .01
Income / 2.60 (1.57) / .04 / -.14 / -.09
Education / 3.44 (1.06) / -.29* / -.06
Relig. / 1.21 (.30) / -.19*
Dist. Intol. / 3.75 (1.19)
The font size of sub-headings should be 12 pt font, in bold and italic. Letters are in lower and upper cases. There should be a single spacing before and after sub-headings. A single line should be left in between paragraphs.
Tertiary Headings
The usage of italic Times New Roman 12 pt font is required to print a tertiary heading. Use upper and lower case letters. There should be a single spacing between the first paragraph of a text and the tertiary heading. A single spacing should be left in between paragraphs.
References should be placed in an alphabetical order at the end of the paper. References in alphabetical order to follow APA Publication Manual, 6th ed., Washington, DC. Use the styles in this document to typeset the references. In-text citation style uses parenthetical referencing called the author-date system. The author and date, either both inside parentheses or with author names in running text and the date in parentheses. Here are two examples: After the intervention, children increased in the number of books read per week (Smith & Wexwood, 2010). Smith and Wexwood (2010) reported that after the intervention, children increased in the number of books read per week. For more information regarding APA Style, please visit this link:
Ajournalarticle, R. H., & Seabreeze, R. M. (2002). Example of journal article reference entry :Title of article goes here, sentence-style caps, no italics. Journal Title in Italics and Headline Style Caps, 22, 236-252. doi:10.1016/0022-006X.56.6.893
B’authorsurname, I. M. (2010). Example of a book reference: Book title in sentence style caps and italics. Publisher city, ST: Publisher. doi:10.1016/0022-006X.56.6.893
Cmagazinearticle, B. E. (1999, July). Note that names on this page also identify what kind of source it is: Each source type has to be formatted in a different way. [Special issue]. Prose Magazine, 126 (5), 96-134.
Donlinemagazineornewsletterarticle, B. E. (1999, July). Did you notice alphabetical references. [Special issue]. Hot Prose, 126 (5). Retrieved from
Gbookreference, S. M., Orman, T. P., & Carey, R. (1967). Writers’ book. New York, NY: Lu Press.
O’encyclopedia, S. E. (1993). Words. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (vol. 38, pp. 745-758). Chicago: Forty-One Books.
Qchapter, P. R., & Inaneditedvolume, J. C. (2001). Scientific research papers. In J. H. Stewart & J. M. Kimmel (Eds.), Research papers are hard work but boy, are they good for you (pp. 123-256). New York, NY: Lucerne.
Rnewspaper articles without authors appear to sharply cut risk of schizophrenia. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12.