September 2016
Dear All
Welcome to our latest update
Coaches and Learners
We have had a few new referrals recently and some learners have moved on so the number of reading pairs remains at about 15. I received the following very positive update from one of our coaches who has been working with her learner for several months.
“When I first started working 1:1 with my learner, we decided to go back to basics, as although he had done a course at college he was still struggling with his reading and spelling. We have been working together for almost a year now and he has come on leaps and bounds. He still finds some words difficult but the improvement is massive. I feel very proud of him for working so hard. I must say the encouragement he gets at home makes a huge difference. I recently received a letter from him thanking me for helping him and he also sent me a postcard, whilst on holiday, which was a total surprise. I’m so pleased he’s using his new found skills.”
Another of our learners, Pete, has just finished with FRED and at his end of course review he said:
“I feel so much more confident now and will have a go at things. My handwriting has improved enormously and I now know how to use a dictionary. Steph taught me lots of strategies to help with my spelling. I learnt a new way of remembering the word Ruspidge in my address– Red Umbrellas Suit People in Dull Grey Earmuffs – mad but it works!”
P.S. Steph has just told me that Pete has got a job! This is something he’s been after for a long time. He was put through a very rigorous interview process which included form filling, reading Health and Safety instructions and answering questions, sorting into alphabetical order – all things which he says he wouldn’t have felt confident enough to tackle before FRED. At some point Pete’s story will be on the website along with a photo as he is keen to spread the word!
Forest Road Drop In, Cinderford
Just a reminderabout the free drop in session that I run at the Forest Road Centre on Tuesdays mornings from 10-1 offering help with literacy, numeracy and computer skills. It’s very informal and everybody there is working on different areas of interest – e.g. setting up emails, using the internet, spelling and punctuation and basic Maths. We are fortunate inhaving an IT technician on hand who can help with setting up tablets and laptops as well as sorting out any technical problems. Everyone is welcome!
Two people who currently attend are also working 1:1 with FRED coaches and this has helpedbuild up their confidence, enabling them to enrol on a Basic Skills course at college this term.
Tea Party and Training
The latest additional training session in July focused on getting started with writing - considering some of the skills involved and the resources available. It was a lively session and as always the coaches enjoyed sharing experiences and working together on the group activities.
After the session, over tea and cakes,there was an opportunity for everyone to socialise and enjoy the sunshine. There are a couple of photos on the website. One coach has mentioned how much she appreciates meeting fellow coaches and would like to get together more often on an informal basis. Maybe some kind of forum with occasional get-togethers would work if othersfelt this would be a good idea? We already have a Facebook page which hasn’t been used much at all so maybe that could be investigated? Any thoughts?
Training date for new coaches
We have set a provisional date of 5th November for the training session for prospective reading coaches – probably at Coleford Town House. If you know anyone who would like to attend,please ask them to email or telephone me.
Contacts Team – Update from Megan
We recently promoted FRED at the Speech House Vintage Fair and many thanks to Isobel and Glenys who came along to help out on the stall– also Pleas and her husband who walked around giving out balloons and leaflets! On 2nd October we will be at the Forest Showcase Food Festival. Why not come along and say 'hello' to our volunteers who will be handing out leaflets and speaking to people who want to know more about FRED? Perhaps next year you would like to help out on the FRED stall. We have so much fun and it is really rewarding.
The Contacts Team have been distributing leaflets throughout the Forest of Dean including Newent, Mitcheldean and Lydney. Our leaflets say ' do you know someone...' and are aimed at family, friends and colleagues of those who struggle with reading. This is a valuable way of providing information to members of our communitywho find reading difficult.
A chance meeting with a Special Needs Teacher who works at a local primary school led to a discussion about the number of parents of young children who have difficulty with reading and how this affects the lives of the whole family. As a result of this meeting, the Special Needs Teacher is going to promote FRED to colleagues within the school and outside.
As always, a big 'thank you' to Pleas and Vron who do so much to promote FRED throughout the Forest of Dean by distributing leaflets to businesses, surgeries and many other outlets.
If any of you have ideas for our newsletters or would like to include a short piece in future issues – please email me at:
Thanksto everyone for your continuing support