Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held July12, 2016
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt. Morris met in Regular Session in the Board Room
of Village Hall in said Village at 7:00 PM on Tuesday July 12, 2016.
The Village Presidentcalled the meeting to order and directed the VillageClerk to call the roll.
Upon roll being called, the following answered present: Don Sorensen,Jon Murray, Shane Pope, Phil Labash, Tim Harvey and Jeff Pennington. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
Rob LeSageand Corey Buck werepresent.
VISITORS: Emmett Martin, Dave Saunders, Dave & Mary Jane Warkins, John Finfrock, Jerry Stauffer, Chris Corcoran, Jeff Bold, Harold Root.
MINUTES: TrusteePenningtonmoved and TrusteeSorensenseconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Trustee Harvey abstained. Presidentdeclared said motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Labash seconded the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
CURRENT BILLS: TrusteeLabash moved and Trustee Pope seconded the motion to accept the current bills as presented with the addition of $302.16 to Jerry Stauffer for miscellaneous sound equipment, $200.00 to Morningstar Media for hosting website and $450.00 to Nathan Drodz for new shelter door. Upon roll being called, all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
ADMINISTRATION: President Elsasser came before the Board to have John Finfrock of the Economic Development Group, speak about the lease agreement between EDG and University Book Source for the use of the first floor of the building for the art gallery. Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Harvey seconded the motion to approve the lease agreement. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Jerry Stauffer came before the Board to report on the Street Light Project, additional lights are ordered and should be here by September 1. Planning Commission met with Blackhawk Hills regarding the Comprehensive Plan. Stauffer said it will take additional meetings in October, November and January to accomplish and would the members be paid for the additional meetings. It will be on the agenda for next meeting to approve.
STREET DEPT: Trustee Harvey reports that there are about thirty (30) ash trees left in town. The minor trees can be treated and the more serious trees need to be removed. Best time for treatment is in the spring. Street Dept., will remove three (3) yet this summer. Harvey also reported that he will have a meeting in the next couple of weeks with Corey Buck and Denny Davis regarding the Emily Street Project
RESIDENT PETITION FOR STREET SIGN: Resident Emmett Martin came before the Board to request that a stop sign be installed at the corner of Frederick and E. Lincoln Streets. Martin
Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held July12, 2016 Page 2
CONT: was concerned for the safety of young children in the neighborhood, as motorists were not slowing down when rounding the corner at Lincoln and Frederick. Trustee Harvey moved and Trustee Sorensen seconded the motion to put stop signs at the corner of Frederick and Lincoln on the north, south and east corners. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
WATER: Trustee Pennington reports that there was and old service line that was not disconnected years ago from the main that ran between Mains St. Bistro and the bank causing a call out for repair on Saturday July 9.
SEWER: Trustee Pennington reports that NIEA was here to camera sewer lines from Reynolds St. to Seminary Avenue. He would like to research further and also check out the manholes in those areas.
FINANCE: Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Pope seconded the motion to accept the Appropriation Ordinance as presented in the appropriated amount of $8,465,916.00. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
PARK & RECREATION: Trustee Pope reports that park signs are up and there is still final work to be done on the Dillehay Shelter.
POLICE DEPT: Trustee Sorensen reports that Chief White is pricing radar signs.
ORDINANCE: Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Labash seconded the motion to send the request for a text amendment change under conditional usesSection 5-3-12, back to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Upon roll being called Trustees Murray, Labash and Sorensen “Aye.” Trustees Pope, Pennington and Harvey “Nay.” President Elsasser voted “Aye,” to break the tie vote. President declared said motion carried.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Trustee Murray reports that he will begin the interview process over the next two weeks and have a recommendation for an ordinance officer for the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before this Board. Trustee Pope moved and Trustee Labash seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
The next regular Village Board Meeting will be held on July 26, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Village Board Room.
Paula Diehl, Village Clerk Dan Elsasser, Village President