Famous Director Writing Assignment

Please include the following information about the assigned Director or actress:

1.  Your name on the top right of the paper

2.  The Director’s name centered as the title of the paper

3.  Find an appropriate picture (headshot) of the director and copy and paste it to your paper underneath their name

4.  A list of the Director’s “FILMOGRAPHY”. Go to http://www.imdb.com/ and search for this information. (List the top 10 – Not the first 10 you come to)

5.  Explain why you think this person is a famous director and give at least 3 specific reasons. (This is an opinion and it will be correct if you use examples)

6.  List any awards the Director has won or been nominated for. This information can also be found at http://www.imdb.com/

7.  Research the director’s biography and give a brief bio – in your own words. Must include Birthdate, at least 5 important events, marriage (s), Death Date (if no longer living.

8.  List any films that you have personally seen from this director.

9.  Paper must be 1.5 pages of typed information (double spaced). Total length of 2 pages that includes the picture.

Alfred Hitchcock

Martin Scorsese

Stanley Kubrick

Steven Spielberg

Francis Ford Coppola

Orson Welles

Quentin Tarantino

Joel Coen

Clint Eastwood

Charlie Chaplin

Woody Allen

Ridley Scott

John Ford

Billy Wilder

Frank Capra

Roman Polanski

Peter Jackson

David Lean

John Huston

David Lynch

Fritz Lang

Michael Powell

Elia Kazan

Howard Hawks

Mel Brooks

Tim Burton

Robert Altman

William Wyler

Oliver Stone

Brian De Palma

Terrence Malick

James Cameron

George Lucas

Robert Zemeckis

Cecil B. DeMille

Michael Curtiz

George Cukor

Mike Nichols

Preston Sturges

Ernst Lubitsch

D.W. Griffith

Otto Preminger

Sam Peckinpah

John Cassavetes

Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Sam Raimi

Arthur Penn

Spike Lee

Vincente Minnelli

Ron Howard

Terry Gilliam