THEME: It is Reparation, it is Penance. It is Sacrifice.






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“Hear O creatures of God, O those that are redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ, a voice that is crying with sorrow, the voice of a woman in sorrow, the voice of a mother who is searching for her lost children. She is crying to you saying: Reparation! Reparation!! Reparation!!! Reparation!!!! Reparation!!!!! Reparation!!!!!! Reparation!!!!!!! - Is your hope of survival.” MARY – 15TH January 2004.



Ø  Arrival/Accreditation: Time: 10.00am

Ø  Opening prayers/Exposition @ Fountain of Calvary

Time: 12 Noon

Ø  HYMNS: Anthem/Hymns to the Holy Spirit, Precious Blood Chaplet/Consolation Prayers e.t.c.

Ø  First pilgrimage lesson at the Fountain. 3.00 PM

Ø  Meditation - 15 Minutes

Ø  Reflection / summary - 1 hour

Ø  Hymns/Recollection

Ø  Angelus: 6.00pm

Ø  Break and Supper: 6-8.00pm

Ø  Confession: 8-9..00pm

Ø  Holy Mass for Gethsemane @ the Giant Crucifix: 9.30pm

Ø  Procession to the Gethsemane garden : 11.30pm

Ø  Gethsemane hours of prayer: 11.30-3.00am

Rest and Break.


Ø  Rising/Wash up : 6.00am

Ø  Morning Prayers @ the Giant Crucifix: 6.30am

Ø  Morning Mass @ the Giant Crucifix : 7.00am

Ø  Breakfast : 9-10.00am

Ø  2nd Pilgrimage lesson/Summary/Reflection @ the garden: 10-11.30am

Ø  Hymns to welcome the Seven (7) hours uninterrupted Reparation exercise: 30minutes

Ø  Time: 12 Noon – 1st hour.

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for Blood of Circumcision of our Lord)

Prayers: Rosary.

Intention: Conversion of sinners and renewal of the Face of the Earth

Ø  Time: 1.00pm - 2nd hour

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the sweat of Blood in the Garden)

Prayers: Chaplet of the precious Blood.

Intention: For the forgiveness of sins and the grace of purity in the world.

Ø  Time: 2.00pm – 3rd hour

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the Blood of Scourging at the pillar)

Prayers: Consolation and Adoration Prayers

Intention: For the hasten of the Reign of Glory on Earth.

Ø  Time: 3.00pm – 4th hour

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the Blood of the Crowning of Thorns)

Prayers: Stations of the Cross

Intention: For the release of souls in purgatory and for the conversion of hardened sinners.

Ø  Time: 4.00pm – 5th hour

Message:-(one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the Blood that flowed on His way to Golgotha)

Prayers:Anguished Appeals- 1st -4th Appeal prayers.

Intention: For the Pope and for the needs of the Church.

Ø  Time: 5.00pm – 6th hour

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the Blood of His Crucifixion)

Prayers: Angiushed Appeal prayers – 5th to 7th and the crown of thorns prayer.

Intention: For the atonement of the sins committed against the Precious Blood.

Ø  Time: 6.00pm – 7th hour

Message: (one our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be… after the messages for the Blood and Water of His pierced Side)

Prayers: Chaplet of renewal/ of the Holy Spirit

Intention: For our personal needs.

Ø  Burning of petitions at the Foot of the Cross : 7.00pm

Ø  Break/Dinner : 7.30pm-9.00pm

Ø  Holy Mass : 9.30pm

Ø  Kissing of the Cross/pilgrimage blessing/plenary indulgence: 11:00pm

Rest and End of Reparation


Ø  Holy Land program

Ø  Morning Mass Time: 5.00am

Ø  Departure.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Save us and the whole world.


15th January, 2004 TIME: 3.00pm



During this hour, I saw the vision of our lady. She came as she promised and gently said:

“Peace from heaven be with you my son and all my children. I am the Rose Mystica, Mary the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the Mother of sorrow. I am the Woman at the Foot of the Cross. Children, I am there calling on all my children to come. Reparation, Reparation, Reparation, Reparation ,Reparation, Reparation is the only way out ! Let all knees bend in reparation. Let all hands rise up in reparation. Children, reparation is your hope of survival.

Today, I am here again to call for prayer and penance. You are to do penance for your sins and sins of the whole world. Children, iniquity has piled up everywhere and calling on God for revenge. O, if God strike the world for there sins, who will survive!

Children, thank the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, He has been wedging the wrath of the Father Almighty. He is pleading on behave of the world. But see how much this Blood has been offended in the world. The precious Blood receives all manners of coldness, of mindlessness, and of Neglect from the people He purchased.

No one was found on earth worthy to say, “ I keep the covenant sealed with the precious Blood of Christ.” All are guilt of breaking the Covenant they made with the precious Blood of Christ. All have sinned.

Children what are the Commandments of the covenant? It is simple a commandment of love. Love your God with all your strength and with all your Spirit. Love your neighbor as Christ has loved you. Is it too hard to keep? No! It is simple. You do not want to love because you did not value the cost of your salvation.

I have come to ask you for reparation on behave of my Son and my God who sent me. It is a third Friday reparation. A reparation for the sins Committed against the Precious Blood, so that men will value the price of their redemption.

The programmed is as follows: On that day, my children will hear the votive mass of the precious Blood of Christ for Atonement of sin, for reign of peace and for the grace they need. The chaplet of the precious Blood and my Rosary together with the Roses of Glorious Reign will be said on that day for renewal and for other intensions. Reparation prayer and the stations of the cross will be done on that day for the repentance of sinner and firmness in the true faith by the faithful. And finally, there will be seven stage of meditation and readings from the message given to you, followed by one our Father, one Hail Marys, one Glory be… in honor of the precious Blood of His Circumcision, of his sweat of blood, of his scourging of his crowning with thorns, of his carrying of the cross, of his crucifixion and of his piercing of his side. This meditation will last for 12 minutes at each stage. Barnabas, select 3 messages for each stage. Start stage one from the call of repentance and last stage with the call of perfection. The readings of each month shall be different and follow the order of growth. Teach the world what you learnt from your Jesus. Have time to teach the world on that land, stating from these days of reparation. I have given you the summary of the programme of third Friday reparation prayer. Arrange it with some prayers as the Spirit will direct you and give it to the world. This is a step toward the renewal of the Face of the Earth. This is the road towards the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is the way to the Reign of Peace in the world. I say, it is reparation, it is penance. It is sacrifice.

Hear O creatures of God, O those that are redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ, a voice that is crying with sorrow, the voice of a woman in sorrow, the voice of a mother who is searching for her lost children. She is crying to you saying: Reparation! Reparation!! Reparation!!! Reparation!!!! Reparation!!!!! Reparation!!!!!! Reparation!!!!!!! - Is your hope of survival. Barnabas say with me: “Here I am, I have come to do reparation.” I answered : “Here, I am, I have come to do reparation.

Jesus will be happy to hear that from you and from all His children. I am there. I am at the Holy Land waiting for you and the whole World to come for reparation. I am the woman at the foot of the Cross, Mary the mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Remain in peace from heaven. So I leave you.

Immediately, the vision passed.


12th September, 2003 Time 12.00 midnight



Today being the first day of September reparation, I saw before the Blessed Sacrament exposed the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“Peace be with you MY children. In this silent night of this day, I welcome you all in this great feast and reparation. Children, come and have rest in Me. I say to you again peace be with you.

In this holy mountain, I gather you all My children to establish My kingdom in your hearts. I call you to transform you from the man of your self and make you holy. I have called you to make my will known to you.

Children, you are the seed of my Glorious Reign I am sowing in the world. Through your response to my appeals of holiness, the brightness of my glorious Reign will shine to all men. Happy are you who are little, you will see greatness in my way, while the proud will see nothing. Children, throw away your humanity, I mean the burden of self and of the world.

Give me your weakness; I will give you my strength. Offer Me your nothingness, and I will offer you my all. Lay before me your empty knowledge, and I will give you my Divine Wisdom.

I am the Lord who makes the weak strong; I will make My little ones great in My way. I will open their eyes to see the way of truth. Through them, many will come back to Me. Through them, the whole world will see light again.

So, I beg you to lay yourself on me. I say surrender all your strength, all your wisdom, all your weakness; I will give you My all. Then, you will be the star of Glorious Reign in the world.

As you come, I bless you all in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Immediately the vision passed.


31st Oct, 2003 Time: 10.30pm



In my prayer during this hour, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who hanged, bleeding on the Cross. He kept silence for a long time and finally said:

Peace be with you My son. I received all the prayers and sacrifices of My children who answered My call of reparation of the last September. Heaven is happy for seeing the simplicity and the littleness of My little lilies on those days. Yes, My little lilies really consoled Me. I am happy whenever I see them moving with holy zeal to show Me love.

Barnabas, how carnal-minded are the people of these days. Remember how I called you and your people to propagate this devotion of My Precious Blood. Remember how I trained these selected few for more than three years now. I took them by the hand and fed them with My words. I revealed to them, My way of the holy cross. I called them for perfection. Now only very, few people responded to Me. O, these few people are more from the group of My lovers who have less privilege to be among My apostles of this devotion for now. But very soon, I will call them to be My Apostles. They are My little lilies who consoled Me much. O, they are weak, I will make them strong. The world called them fools, My Holy ones called them wise people. Yes, in their nothingness, I will show greatness.

After the reparation, I kept silence to allow the emptiness of yours to come out, so that I will fill it with the fullness of My Spirit. I am speaking to all My children, My agony for you is due to your pride. I see with great agony of heart the damnation of many who will follow the way of Lucifer. So I cry to you My lovers. Be humble and obedient to My will. This will of Mine is unfolded to those who love much: Jesus Christ, your Saviour and your God.

Listen My children, I am the one who called you, to propagate this holy devotion of My Blood. But see, many are moving as if to say they are the one who called themselves. They are propagating their will not My will. They want their name to be known; not mine. They want people to respect them, not their God. They want people to fear them; not their God. This is their way to damnation which Lucifer is leading them. Truly, I say to you, all who live to be known will be forgotten; but those who live hidden and unknown to the world will be known forever. O! My little lilies will be known forever. They are My joy, now My Apostles are seeking for power and respect of the empty world. O My little, Lilies remain for Me and continue to wipe the tears of My eyes. I will console you in turn whenever you called Me.

Barnabas, I will ask My Mother to teach her children again and to admonish her children who need special help. The attitude of the leaders is paining me much. I got division and war where they suppose to yield perfection and love.