Name ______Date______Class______

TedEd: The Cockroach Beatbox

Directions: Answer the following questions as you watch the video.

  1. Your brain has about 100 billion of these:

a) Neurotransmitter molecules / b) Electrical impulses per hour
c) Neurons / d) Don’t know, but I’m pretty sure I blew through three or four million of ‘em while thinking about this question.
  1. According to Gage, we have a much easier time understanding and explaining organs like the heart and lungs than we do with the brain. Why is that?


  1. What is an action potential or "spike"?

a) A pulse of electricity sent down the axon of excitable cells like neurons. / b)The infant brain’s ability to generate new neurons from special, undifferentiated cells in the brain stem.
c)The relative speed of various neurotransmitters moving across synapses. / d)The ability to transfer specific functions from an injured part of the brain to an adjacent, healthy area.
  1. For some people, the use of live animals (even cockroaches) in experiments like Gage’s seems cruel. What evidence does Gage offer that this is not the case? What’s your reaction?


  1. Gage demonstrates that dropping a cockroach into ice water causes it to:

a)Die / b)Become temporarily anesthetized (falls asleep or "Chillaxes")
c)Assume the fetal position / d)C, then A
  1. Action Potentials or “Spikes” are used by the nervous system to send:

a)Information from your senses to the brain. / b)Information within your brain.
c)Information from your brain to your muscles. / d) All of the above.
  1. How did Gage use his iPhone during his experiment?

a) To share his data with an amateur-scientist wiki community. / b)For a quick Angry Birds break while waiting for the roach anesthetic to kick in.
c)To film a four-inch giant hissing cockroach and post it to his Facebook page. / d)As a source of electrical current.