Des Moines Lincoln High School


Registration Form

This form gives my consent for ______to attend the After Prom/Senior Celebrationpartyfrom 10:00 PM on Saturday, April 21, 2018 until5:00 AM on Sunday, April 22, 2018 at Abraham Lincoln High School building (main campus).


Students under the age of 18 will not be allowed to leave the party before 5:00 AM without a parent/guardian or other individual listed as an emergency contact UNLESS the following statement is initialed by parent/guardian.

I understand that I (parent/guardian) will be contacted if:

  1. the above-named individual fails to arrive by 12:00 Midnight (doors open at 10:00 PM) or
  2. he/sherequests to leave before 5:00 AM. You will be required to pick up your student unless you choose the following option.

______AFTER I am contacted and give my consent,______may leave the (please initial) celebration on their own before 5:00 AM.

18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER (at the time of the event):

______I understand that students, 18 years of age or older, are able to leave the party before (please initial) 5:00 AM without parental permission.

_____ I would like a courtesy phone call to inform me of my student’s non-arrival by (please initial) 12:00 Midnight (doors open at 10:00).

_____ I would like a courtesy phone call to inform me of my student’s departure.

_____ A voicemail message is an acceptable form of communication/courtesy phone call. (please initial)


Parent/Guardian Name:______

Email address:______

I may be reached at either of the numbers listed below:

Phone #1:______

Phone #2:______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Relationship: ______

Phone #:______



T-SHIRT SIZE FOR LHS STUDENT (please circle one) S M L XL 2XL 3XL

(T-shirts will be given to LHS Seniors only!)

PLEASE HELP! We need you!

Yes! I would like to help with this safe, fun-filled night by including a tax-deductible donation of $______. (Donations of any amount are accepted. The suggested donation is $25/person.) Please make checks payable to LHS Senior Celebration.

This celebration takes many volunteers to be successful.

YES! I am available___Before___During___After___No preference (please let me know where I am needed).

Lincoln High School


GUEST REGISTRATION (For other than LHS Seniors)

______will be the guest of______at the LHS After Prom/Senior Celebration party from 10:00 PM on Saturday, April 21, 2018 until 5:00 AM on Sunday, April 22, 2018 at Abraham Lincoln High School building (main campus).


Guests under the age of 18 will not be allowed to leave the party before 5:00 AM without a parent/guardian or other individual listed as an emergency contact UNLESS the following statement is initialed by parent/guardian.

I understand that I (parent/guardian) will be contacted if:

  1. the above-named individual fails to arrive by 12:00 Midnight (doors open at 10:00 PM) or
  2. he/sherequests to leave before 5:00 AM. You will be required to pick up your son/daughter unless you choose the following option.

______AFTER I am contacted and give my consent, ______may leave the (please initial) celebration on their own before 5:00 AM.

18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER (at the time of the event):

______I understand that students, 18 years of age or older, are able to leave the party before (please initial) 5:00 AM without parental permission.

_____ I would like a courtesy phone call to inform me of my son/daughter’s non-arrival by (please initial) 12:00 Midnight (doors open at 10:00).

_____ I would like a courtesy phone call to inform me of my son/daughter’s departure.

_____ A voicemail message is an acceptable form of communication/courtesy phone call.

(please initial)


Parent/Guardian Name:______

Email address:______

I may be reached at either of the numbers listed below:

Phone #1:______

Phone #2:______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Relationship: ______

Phone #:______



Any questions, please feel free to contact any Board Member listed below.

Name / Email / Phone / Role
Pat Schiltz / / 515-250-5230 / Chairperson
Georgia Schiltz / / 515-250-5287 / Chairperson
Jennifer StJohn / / 515-205-7834 / Secretary
Heather Anderson / / 515-343-9121 / Fundraiser Chair
Hollie Brophy / / 515-979-1826 / Fundraiser Chair
Becky Dotts / / 515-710-6636 / Treasurer
Roger Hunt / / 515-249-9584 / Custom Storage


LHS After-Prom Party

Senior Celebration

April 21, 2018

  1. Seniors and their guests must register in order to attend the party.
  1. Parent/guardian must sign the consent form indicating they are willing to accept a phone call in the event their student does not arrive or decides to leave early. The doors will open Saturday, April 21, 2018at 10:00 PM and close at 12:00 Midnight. Doors will reopen at 5:00 AM, Sunday, April 22.
  1. LHS students must have their school I.D. All guests must have an official I.D.
  1. All studentsmust be present to win prizes. There are some great prizes, so you won’t want to miss out!
  1. Registration forms must be completed, signed and returned to the school office by April 13, 2018!!!
  1. All school and district policies are in effect. Students who violate these will be subject to school and district consequences.

The After-Prom/Senior Celebration is sponsored by LHS parents. It is their intent and hope to provide a fun, safe, alcohol/drug-free environment that students and parents will feel good about and enjoy. These expectations are set to help ensure the success and FUN of the party.






hat is Senior Celebration?

A time-honored tradition, the LHS Senior Celebration is a fun, safe (drug/alcohol-free) all-night party for Lincoln seniors. This highly anticipated event helps to show our seniors how proud we are of them and their accomplishments. With the event theme kept secret throughout the school year, seniors are excited to arrive to find the school building transformed into a wonderfully elaborate scene. Entertainment, games, dancing, food and prizes are included in this fun-filled night. This event has made such a positive impact on the local community that donors and sponsors are invited to a public walk-through prior to the party beginning.

Do seniors need to attend the prom in order to attend the Senior Celebration?

Absolutely not!

Do seniors need to have a date to go to Senior Celebration?

Again, no! Some take their guest home after the dance and come for a night of fun with school friends. Others bring a guest.


ow does such a great event happen?

This celebration for our seniors takes a full year of planning and preparation. Parents, grandparents, friends, alumni and others in the community, come together to DONATE their resources and VOLUNTEER their time to make this fun event happen. In other words, WE NEED YOUR HELP.

How can I get involved?

Hundreds of students and guests are expected to attend this year. Estimated costs for the party run $24,000. Between fundraising efforts, parent/individual and business donations, we’ve been able to make this fun night free for everyone. We’d love to continue this tradition, thus… the more donations received , the less fundraising we parents will have to do and the more time we’ll have to put toward making this the best night ever!

Many, many volunteer hours go into this amazing event for our students. Whatever time you have to share is greatly needed and appreciated. Meetings take place the first Monday of each month in the Chandler Room on the main at 7:00 PM. Fundraising events take place throughout the year. Please check our website or Facebook page for dates and additional information.


Facebook:DSM LHS After Prom

