Example Research Paper Outline

For your outline that is due Wednesday, April 20th, you must write a hook, link and thesis; each must be written in at least one complete sentence. For the body paragraph section, you must have three bullets, numbered as you see below, for the history, extent, and repercussion of your topic. In my example outline, I have written some bullets in complete sentences, and others I have not. It is up to you whether you want your outline to be in complete sentences or not. You are required to use parenthetical documentation when you paraphrase from a source…you need to start practicing now! You can only use 3 direct quotes in your outline. Remember your outline must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font. For your outline, you must have a rhetorical device that you plan to use to strengthen your argument. It needs to be *starred and bolded like mine is below.

Gender Inequality and the “Glass Ceiling”

I. Introduction:

A. Hook: “Women working full time earn a median monthly salary of $2,665 compared to the $3,289 earned by men. That's a difference of $624 a month or $7,488 a year” (Lee 2).

B. Link: Even though it is the 21st century, America is still not treating women and men equally in the workplace.

C. Thesis: Gender inequality is a very common problem in American businesses today.

II. Body Paragraphs:

A. History of gender inequality

1. Women have made vast improvements over the course of fifteen years (mid 1970s-1990s) in achieving equal pay with men.

2. The Women’s Rights Movement of the 1970s was a catalyst for this change.

  1. Unfortunately, this progress slowed and then came to a halt in the 1990s, except for a few exceptions. (Lee 1)
  2. Madeline Albright,
  3. Condoleezza Rice,
  4. Nancy Pelosi

B. Extent of gender inequality

1. According to statistics by the U.S. Department of Labor, for every $1 a man makes, a woman earns $.81 for the same job (Lee 1).

  1. Most top business executives are still men.
  2. Sexual harassment and unfair treatment
  3. (**Concession) Many counterarguments propose the difference in pay has nothing to do with gender inequality but instead, is the result of men having more experience than women. These studies also claim women are not taking on extra hours like their male coworkers because they want to be with their families. For these reasons, men are rightfully getting paid more. (Finley 3)

C. Repercussion of gender inequality if not resolved

  1. Will affect how well the world will function (not just affecting America)
  2. Will affect the home (husband/wife relationship)

3. In other countries, gender inequality in the medical field is hurting all involved because it leads to less money for health care, which results in poor working conditions and many other declines in the quality of medical care. (Gender Equality in Business 1)

III. Conclusion

A. Gender inequality is infecting businesses in America today.

B. Even with the major strides that have been made over time, women are still

fighting to show that they are equal to men.

C. “The improvement of gender relations became the goal of the abused, the concerned, and the enlightened. Sociologists see gender as a social construct when in reality gendered occupations are but products of social assumptions and beliefs regarding the projected image of the self. People have always delegated tasks depending on the physical and emotional characteristics of men and women. Therefore, the delegation of tasks is as flimsy as a child's dreams. This idea is not entirely delectable. The modern world is brave and defiant. A critical mind is the answer to the sufferings and limitations of people. There can be no brilliant movement without the aim for the good and the just” (Gender Equality in Business 1)