The ILBF welcomes enquiries regarding funding for mobile phone applications, digital games and website content, particularly those aimed at a youth audience and language learners. Consideration could be given to the translation to Irish of existing applications and games which have proven market success and/or reached a wide audience. In all cases applicants will have to provide evidence of extensive audience reach, and, if appropriate proven audience need or desire for this content, particularly if a traditional broadcaster is not attached.

Moving Image Digital Content

The moving image content could form part of an existing web platform or a new online platform could be created for it, but for avoidance of doubt the ILBF will only fund the moving image content aspect of the delivery platform. The ILBF will fund up to 75% of the budgeted costs of the content.


  • The content should make a strong contribution to the promotion of the Irish language in Northern Ireland and beyond.
  • It is aimed at Irish language speakers and those interested in Irish language content in Northern Ireland in particular but as the content will be delivered online and therefore to the Irish speaking Diaspora worldwide, a balance should be struck between covering local interest content and content that will appeal to Irish speakers irrespective of their location.
  • As searching for and viewing content online and on mobile devices is particularly popular amongst a younger population it is likely that young people will make up a significant amount of the audience for this content.


  • The ILBF is seeking content that will appeal to as wide an audience as possible and content areas which could be covered include: the arts, culture, technology, finance, entertainment, current affairs, education, rural & environmental issues etc.
  • Moving image stories should be supported by text where appropriate.
  • Provision should be made for the archiving of content.

Delivery Medium

  • Delivery of the service will be online; however it is desirable that the content should also be accessible on mobile devices to allow for maximum audience access.

Interested applicants should demonstrate the following in their applications:

  • Experience of delivering high quality, well crafted moving image content;
  • Experience of delivering high quality content over a digital platform;
  • Strong journalistic and editorial skills;
  • Experience in driving an audience to this type of content;
  • Knowledge of the target audience & evidence that proposed content could reach this audience.

Mobile Phone Applications & Games

The ILBF also welcomes enquiries regarding funding for mobile phone applications & digital games, particularly those aimed at a youth audience and language learners.

Consideration could be given to the translation to Irish of existing applications and games which have proven market success and/or reached a wide audience.

The ILBF will fund up to 75% of the budgeted costs.

Interested applicants should demonstrate the following in their applications:

  • Experience of delivering original and/or re-versioned, high quality, mobile phone applications/games.
  • Experience in driving an audience to this type of content;
  • Knowledge of the target audience & evidence that proposed content could reach this audience.