1. What two political ideologies were in conflict during the Cold War?
  2. The ongoing tension during the Cold War was between what two superpowers?
  3. Who is part of NATO and what was the original purpose of this organization?
  4. Why was Canada viewed as a “middle power” after World War II?
  5. What defence system was created to protect North America from the threat of nuclear war?
  6. What was Lester Pearson’s solution to the Suez Canal Crisis?
  7. What event caused the start of the Vietnam War?
  8. How did the Korean War start?
  9. Which Canadian project, cancelled in 1959, had the potential to establish Canada as an aerospace technological leader?
  10. Who came up with the idea of the United Nations Emergency Force?
  11. Which country influenced Canada’s political, social, and economic spheres after WWII?
  12. The period between 1945 and 1991, characterized by tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States, is known as what?
  13. What is the name of the body of the UN responsible for maintaining peace and security?
  14. What organization was set up after WWII to stop future wars and spread human rights?
  15. Which 5 countries make up the permanent members of the UN Security Council?
  16. Which organization was formed in Canada in 1968 to boost foreign aid to less industrialized countries?
  17. Define “tied aid”.
  18. What was the ‘Cold War’?
  19. Who discovered a Soviet spy ring in Canada and had to go into hiding to protect himself and his family?
  20. What was the Warsaw Pact and who was in it?
  21. Name the 2 governing bodies of the UN.
  22. List in order the ways the UN can deal with an international situation.
  1. What was Canada’s contribution to the Korean War?
  2. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis impact Canada-US relations?
  3. How did the Vietnam War impact Canada-US relations?
  4. While Canada did not official enter the Vietnam War, what contributions to some Canadians make?
  5. Defend this argument: “Nuclear weapons have brought peace to the world”.
  6. What was the slogan used by the West to describe the threat of communist expansion?
  7. Identify 2 international organizations Canada has ties with based on its colonial past.
  8. Compare how Diefenbaker and Pearson viewed the installation of US Bomarc missiles on Canadian soil.
  9. Explain the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), aka “Star Wars” and Canada’s relationship with this American initiative.
  10. Name 2 PMs who wanted to distance Canada from American foreign policy.
  11. Name 1 PM who forged a close relationship with America (politically and economically).
  12. How did the Persian Gulf War start in 1990? Over what issue?
  13. What role did Canada play in the Persian Gulf War?
  14. How many casualties did Canada suffer in the Persian Gulf War?
  15. Why did the UN launch “Operation Restore Hope” in Somalia in 1992?
  16. Describe the event that disgraced Canada and Canadians during “Operation Restore Hope”.
  17. What caused the Rwandan Genocide in 1994?
  18. What role did Canada play in the Rwandan Genocide?
  19. Why did over 1 million Tutsis die in a 3 month time period?
  20. What was the cause of the civil war in Yugoslavia in 1998?
  21. What role did Canada play in the Yugoslavia conflict?



  1. Communism and democracy
  2. United States and Soviet Union
  3. NATO includes Canada, US, Western European nations; the purpose was to stop the spread of communism
  4. It was becoming influential in international affairs
  5. NORAD
  6. Creations of the United Nations Emergency Force
  7. Communist forces from North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam
  8. North Korea invaded South Korea
  9. Avro Arrow
  10. Lester B. Pearson
  11. United States
  12. The Cold War
  13. UN Security Council
  14. United Nations
  15. Britain, France, United States, Russia, China
  16. CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency)
  17. Assistance given by one country to another that requires the receiving country to buy goods and services from the donor country.
  18. A period in history from 1945-1990 that was dominated by icy tensions between communist countries and democracies/capitalist states and fear of nuclear war
  19. Igor Gouzenko
  20. Warsaw Pact was created in opposition to NATO; comprised of the Soviet Union and their communist satellite states
  21. General Assembly and Security Council
  22. A) verbal condemnation B) economic sanctions C) deploy armed forces (UNEF)
  1. 3 naval destroyers and 25,000+ soldiers
  2. It created tension between Canada and America b/c Diefenbaker initially did not adhere to US requests to put NORAD on alert or allow US planes carrying atomic weapons to land on Canadian soil
  3. It created tension because we did not join the war effort and gave refuge to draft dodgers
  4. Some Canadians volunteered to join the US Forces; some Canadian companies made and sold military supplies and armaments to the US
  5. Fear of nuclear war and mass destruction/annihilation had limited acts of aggression in the post WWII period
  6. “The Red Menace”
  7. a) The Commonwealth b) La Francophonie
  8. Diefenbaker said we shouldn’t accept them; Pearson said we should accept them
  9. SDI was a defence shield that would protect North America from nuclear attack; Canada did not participate in this American led initiative as it was believed it would escalate the chance of war
  10. Trudeau; Chretien
  11. Mulroney
  12. Iraq invaded Kuwait; oil
  13. Canada joined the UN multinational force (led by the US); we contributed 2 destroyers, a supply ship, fight jets, a field hospital, and army personnel
  14. No deaths or injuries
  15. A civil war in the country had left thousands starving
  16. Canadian soldiers tortured and killed a Somali teen and the military tried to cover it up
  17. Hutus killed Tutsis
  18. Romeo Dallaire was the Canadian General that let the UN peacekeeping mission
  19. UN did not send in reinforcements that were needed (US did not back the mission)
  20. Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic, ordered the genocide of Albanian Muslims in Kosovo
  21. As a member of NATO, the RCAF conducted air strikes on Yugoslavia