Department / Position Title
Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission / Safety Officer
Position Number(s) / Community(s) / Division/Region(s)
97-4718; 97-9840 / Iqaluit, NU / Prevention Services


The Safety Officer is responsible to provide and monitor effective and efficient programs and services to ensure workplace safety and injury prevention in the Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU). The Safety Officer is accountable to enforce the Safety Acts and other legislation pertaining to worker safety under the direction of the Chief Safety Officer.

The Safety Officer supports companies operating in the NT and NU to ensure that all workers have a safe workplace through:

  • enforcement;
  • compliance with all legislative requirements; and
  • education and awareness programs.


The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) is a Crown Corporation of the Governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut that is directed by a Governance Council through the President & CEO. The WSCC headquarters operations are located in Yellowknife and regional operations in Iqaluit and Inuvik. There are approximately 120 employees and contractors.

The WSCC promotes safe work places through education and prevention, and cares for injured workers through a system of no-fault compensation. The system is funded through the collection of assessments from employers and is governed by the Workers’ Compensation Acts of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The Safety Officer directly contributes to the WSCC’s mission, vision and values by promoting worker safety in the NT and NU through education, awareness, compliance and enforcement. This position is a legislated requirement, has specific legislative duties/powers outlined in the Safety Acts and Regulations and is appointed by the Governance Council for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission.

Reporting to the Senior Safety Officer/Supervisor, the Safety Officer is located in Iqaluit, NU and is part of a team of safety professionals working throughout the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The incumbent plans and conducts inspections and investigations, and delivers information and education programs. The Safety Actsand Regulations give the Safety Officer the authority to:

  • enter premises and inspect property, places or things;
  • direct employers to take measures to alleviate danger and protect workers from danger;
  • inspect and make inquires to ensure that employers and workers comply with the Acts and Regulations; and
  • conduct investigations of work refusals.

In addition, the Safety Officer provides legislative and technical expertise and support for the services provided to stakeholders. This includes liaison with workers, employers, other WSCC divisions, the Nunavut and Northwest Territories governments, and labour representatives on issues of occupational health and safety.

Decisions made by the Safety Officer regarding the enforcement of the Safety Acts and Regulations may be appealed to the Chief Safety Officer. These decisions have a direct impact on working conditions and worker safety, as well as a strong impact on the integrity of the WSCC.


  1. Enforce the Safety Acts and Regulations of the NT and NU.
  • Develop inspection schedules for assigned areas and create appropriate methods for evaluating health and safety issues.
  • Conduct workplace audits; evaluate and monitor health and safety workplace procedures and safety management systems; and make recommendations to promote workplace health and safety.
  • Investigate and use professional judgment to issue “stop work” and “notice of danger” at worksites and rule on “refusal to perform unsafe work” in accordance with the legislation and maintain appropriate documentation.
  • Issue directives (orders) to direct the implementation of corrective measures to ensure compliance with the legislation.
  • Prepare reports and provide interpretation of applicable Act and Regulations and codes.
  • Take “on call” duties on a rotational basis and respond to industrial emergencies.
  • As part of a project team, conduct various enforcement initiatives including fatality investigations;
  • Prepare investigation reports for Fatalities and Dangerous Occurrences and make recommendations for prosecution to the Chief Safety Officer.
  • Assist to develop a body of evidence when recommending prosecution of violators for non-compliance.
  • Develop or modify existing assessment tools appropriate for specific industrial sectors.
  • Use basic hygiene sampling instruments to determine compliance with industrial standards and refer major issues identified to the Industrial Hygienist for their professional assessment.
  1. Deliver standard and generic safety training to stakeholders, including employers, workers and secondary school students and teachers, as part of WSCC’s mission and vision.

WSCC-approved subjects may include but are not limited to:

  • hazard analysis;
  • safety management theory;
  • the internal responsibility system;
  • safety related legislation and codes;
  • Go Safe Work Smart; and
  • Go Safe Employer.
  1. Customize safety education programs that address and meet the needs of stakeholders, including new and young workers, current workers and employers.
  • Evaluate safety education and training programs which address individual workplace health & safety issues, using a variety of media.
  • Liaise with educational institutions, community organizations, non-profit organization, employers, associations, unions and other bodies, both territorially and nationally, to establish and promote effective relationships; develop skills in outreach, community networking, workshop planning and facilitation;
  • Identify emerging trends in workplace health and safety issues and use this information to design and modify safety education programs.
  1. Promote and deliver WSCC safety programs to employers.
  • Contact employers about the Go Safe program, provide necessary assistance to establish and implement the program and monitor their progress.
  • Track and document Go Safe program initiatives and update records as required.
  • Deliver the Safe Advantage Program as outlined in the Safe Advantage Annual Plan.
  • Verify Safe Advantage program management practicesquestionnaires and ensure quality assurance of program data and results.
  • Perform other duties related to program delivery as required.
  1. Assist with and actively participate in a variety of activities to promote the WSCC’s mission, vision and values and safety culture.
  • Travel to communities and participate in variety of events, such as trade shows, community events and education awareness workshops;
  • Community development activities related to safety promotion;
  • Assist to coordinate the North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) activities during NAOSH week which takes place on an annual basis;
  • Work closely with employers and assist them to develop an internal responsibility system;
  • Lead by example by working safely; and report any unsafe work conditions to the immediate supervisor;
  • Assist other WSCC divisions to proactively promote cooperation in matters of occupational health and safety; and
  • Exchange information and client profiling with staff in other WSCC units as required.


  • Knowledge of Safety Acts and Regulations.
  • Knowledge of investigation principles and procedures.
  • Knowledge of industry standards and other related acts, codes and regulations.
  • Knowledge of safety management systems; audit and inspections processes; and a general understanding in a variety of health and safety areas such as workplace inspections, OH&S committees, personal protective equipment, emergency measures.
  • Knowledge of particular industry sectors e.g. processing industries, mechanical workshops, health care, trucking and construction.
  • Demonstrated skills in delivering training programs, particularly to adult and/or ESL learners.
  • Demonstrated skills in developing, delivering and evaluating curriculum related to safety.
  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills.
  • Excellent computer skills (word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software).
  • Demonstrated ability to establish and promote effective relationships between individuals and/or groups to resolve conflicts and reach amicable and practical decisions.
  • Ability to develop and maintain both organizational and individual commitment to the identification and resolution of health and safety issues.
  • Ability to function well in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Ability to give authoritative advice to prevent incidents.
  • Ability to research, analyze and explain safe work practices.
  • Proven ability to work both independently and in a team environment, and to adapt to changing priorities.
  • Ability to effectively organize and prioritize workload.
  • Valid class 5 driver’s license.


  • Qualified or able to attain CRSP.
  • Experience in a unionized environment.

Typically, the above knowledge, skills and abilities would be attained by:

Completion of an Occupational Health and Safety Certificate from a recognized College/University or a degree/diploma in a related field with a minimum of 3 years full time experience working in an industrial safety environment. A valid Class 5 Driver’s License is required. Experience in safety investigation is required.


(Working Conditions identify the unusual and unavoidable, externally imposed conditions under which the work must be performed and which create hardship for the incumbent.)

When not conducting inspections or investigations in the field, the incumbent works in an office environment with few unusual demand or conditions. The following conditions apply mainly to fieldwork:

Physical Demands

  • Walking on uneven surfaces during inspections
  • Climbing ladders, stairs, working at heights
  • Required to wear personal protective equipment during inspections (i.e. footwear, safety glasses, hard hat, and hearing protection)
  • Must be able to wear additional PPE when required (i.e. fall arrest gear, respirator)

Frequency: two to three times per week

Duration: 4-6 hours per day, 10-14 days per month

Intensity: high

Environmental Conditions

  • Extreme cold weather conditions conducting investigations or inspections
  • Exposure to hazardous substances and toxic fumes
  • Exposure to high noise levels
  • Travel by air (commercial and small charter aircraft)
  • Travel on rough and/or winter (ice) roads
  • Accommodation in small communities may require the incumbent to share a room.
  • Incumbent frequently travels/works alone when performing field duties

Frequency: Two to three time per week

Duration: 4 - 6 hours per day, 10-14 days per month

Intensity: high

Sensory Demands

  • High concentration during inspections/investigations is critical to absorb pertinent details and avoid distraction from relevant tasks
  • All senses are required for personal and others’ protection while performing fieldwork

Frequency: several times per month – as required

Duration: 4 - 6 hours per day, 10-14 days per month

Intensity: very high

Mental Demands

  • This position requires critical decision making that affects the health and safety of others. Decisions have economic and social impacts on individuals and companies, and include fatality investigations and recommendations for prosecution
  • Frequent duty travel that takes the incumbent away from their home may cause disruptions to family life and regular lifestyle

Frequency: Health & Safety decisions – daily; Other decisions/investigations – as required

Duration: continuous, part of job function

Intensity: medium to high


Position Security (check one)

No criminal records check required

XPosition of Trust – criminal records check required

Highly sensitive position – requires verification of identity and a criminal records check

Official Language Considerations (check one)

The ability to communicate in an official language of the Nunavut, in addition to English, is an asset.

Bilingual required (state language):


Title: Safety Officer

Position Number(s): 97-4718; 97-6615; 97-9840
Employee Signature
Printed Name
I certify that I have read and understand the responsibilities assigned to this position. / ______
Supervisor Signature
Printed Name
I certify that this job description is an accurate description of the responsibilities assigned to the position.
Senior Manager Date
President & CEO Date
I approve the delegation of the responsibilities outlined herein within the context of the attached organizational structure.
The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the incumbents of this job. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and activities required of this position.

Reviewed by Human Resources: ______

October 30, 2009 WSCC Job Description Page 1 of 7