Instructor Reference Card

PowerPoint Chapter 6 | Presentation Customization

Concepts –At a Glance Summary

§  KEY CONCEPTS (blue)–Most important concepts in this chapter

§  TIPS (red)–Useful shortcuts and information for more productive use of Word

§  STICKY POINTS (green)–Areas that might cause difficulty for students


MASTERS–Contain design information that provides a consistent look to your presentation, handouts, and notes pages; permit formatting of layouts, background designs, and color combinations for presentations, handouts, and notes pages, giving the presentation a consistent appearance; changes made to any master are saved as template with the extension .potx

TIP–It is best to make modifications to the Master before the presentation is put together to ensure that all settings are applied to all necessary parts of the presentation; it is possible however, to make changes to the master at any time.

HANDOUT MASTER–Contains the design information for audience handout pages; controls the orientation of the page, the number of slides per page, and the placement of elements such as the header, footer, date, and page number on the page

View tab à Presentation Views group àHandout Master

Portrait orientation–The layout of the page that is longer than it is wide

Landscape orientation–The layout of the page that is wider than it is long

NOTES MASTER–Contains design information for speaker’s notes; placeholders for the notes master include the same as the handouts master with the addition of the Slide Image and the Body options

View tab à Presentation Views group à Notes Master

SLIDE MASTER–Contains layout and formatting information for the slides in a presentation; saved as part of a template and can be applied to other slide presentations; blank slide master provides a title slide layout and ten slide layouts

View tab à Presentation Views group à Slide Master

The slide master contains formatted placeholders and not actual information. Headers and footers must be inserted: Insert tab à Text group à Header & Footer


TIP–Custom templates can be created for full presentations and they can be created for other purposes such as award certificates, advertisements, party invitations, work schedules, and timelines.

COLOR SCHEMES–Color combinations of twelve colors for the text, lines, background, and graphics in a presentation.

TIP–Correct color choice makes a significant impact in a presentation, choose these carefully. For example, blue, green, and violet are cool colors that are relaxing; yellow, orange, and red are invigorating, warm, action colors.

HYPERLINKS–Used to link to other places in the presentation, Web sites, or other documents

STICKY POINT–Hyperlinks are designed to display in one color before being visited and a different color after the link has been visited. Make certain that each color works within your color scheme.

Custom Colors

RGB–A numeric system for identifying the color resulting from the combination of red, green, and blue light

HSL–Color model where the numeric system refers to hue, saturation, and luminosity of a color

View tab à Slide Master à Edit Theme à à àdrop arrow àselect one of twenty-one Built-In themes from the list OR Create a New Theme Color

STICKY POINT–Newly created themes will reside on the hard drive of the computer on which they are created and will be available on that computer only.

TIP–Monitors and projectors show colors differently. Where practical, try out your presentation in the room and on the equipment that will be used for the presentation.


Animation–Makes text and other objects move, appear, and disappear

TIP – ‘Less is more’ - used correctly, animation supports the message of the slide and adds interest; used incorrectly, animation is distracting to the audience.

Animating an Object: Animations tab à

Animations group àclick Custom Animation àclick Add Effect in the Custom Animation Task Pane à select desired category, drop arrow and select desired animation

TIP–Use sound with animation only if it helps you make your point. Do not use sounds that will annoy or otherwise distract your audience.


Custom Show–Grouped subset of the total slides in a presentation

Basic Custom Show–A single presentation file, from which you can create separate presentations

Slide Show tab àStart Slide Show group à Custom Slide Show à Custom Shows àNew à name the custom show and select slides to be included in the custom slide show

Hyperlinked Custom Show–Connects a main custom show to other custom shows using hyperlinks

Running and Navigating a Custom Slide Show

Open the presentation à click Slide Show tab à click Custom Slide Show à àCustom Shows àselect desired presentation from list

STICKY POINT–When running a hyperlinked custom show, open the main custom slide show then click on the hyperlink when the slide appears containing the hyperlink to the other presentation.

Hidden Slides–Contained within a presentation but hidden from view while running the presentation

Hide slide: select slide à Slide Show tab àSet Up group à

Unhide slide: repeat above steps

STICKY POINT–The Hide Slide button is a toggle. Click to activate; click again to deactivate.

CONNECTIONS –Practical Projects for the Student Word User

  Create a presentation for a college club or organization fundraising event. Design a logo for the club or organization and include it in the background of all slides by entering it on the Slide Master.

  Create a handout for the above presentation. Set the orientation to landscape with 3 slides per page.

  Create a presentation for high school students visiting your college or university on Career Day. Include information about at least five different majors. Include custom animation where appropriate to capture their attention and interest.

  Modify the above presentation making it a hyperlinked presentation. Use hyperlinks to go to each of the five majors.

Case Study Lecture Demonstration Document:

Club Travel

CONNECTIONS -- Practical Applications to the Real World

In the following Case Study Demonstration Document, students learn about creating slide presentations. In the future, your students may need to:

  Create master slide presentations for other employees in a design firm

  Create templates for others to use in an educational environment

  Create custom slide shows for presentations to different clients of an advertising firm

  Modify a previously created template to meet current needs in a realtor’s office

1. Start PowerPoint

2. Modify Slide Master Fonts


To modify the fonts on the slide master:

·  Click the Office button and then New. Select New Blank presentation.

·  Click the View tab and then click Slide Master in the Presentation Views group.

·  Click the slide master thumbnail in the slide thumbnail pane if necessary.

·  Select the text in the placeholder Click to edit Master title style, click the Home tab and select Lucida Sans from the Font group.

·  Select all the text in the Master text styles placeholder and select Lucida Sans from the Font group.

NOTE: The fonts change for both the title and the body text but the original sizes are appropriate for the presentation.

3. Modify the Title Slide


To modify the title slide:

·  Click the Title Slide Layout in the thumbnail pane.

·  Select all of the text in the Master title placeholder, and type Club Name.

·  Select all the text in the Master subtitle placeholder, and type Location of travel.

4. Modify Slide Layouts


To modify a bulleted list slide:

·  Click the first slide layout below the title slide layout in the thumbnail pane.

·  Click to the right of the first bullet in the text styles box.

·  Click the Home tab, and then click the Bullets down arrow in the Paragraph group.

·  Click the Arrow Bullets to select them for the bullet style.

·  Click the Slide Master tab and click the Footers check box in the Master Layout group to remove the footers from the layout.

To modify a slide to contain a photograph placeholder:

·  Click the next slide layout below the one you just edited.

·  Scroll to the bottom of the pane, press Shift and click on the last slide layout thumbnail. Click Delete in the Edit Master group.

·  Click Insert Layout on the Edit Masters group to insert a new layout.

·  Click the Footers check box in the Master Layout group to remove the footers from the layout.

·  Click Insert Placeholder in the Master Layout group and click Picture. Click and drag to fill the slide below the title. Move and size the placeholder as necessary.

·  Select the title text and type Photograph Title.

·  Click in front of the word Picture and type Place photograph here.

5. Save the Masters


To save the slide masters:

·  Click the Office button and then click Save As.

·  Click Other Formats.

·  Click PowerPoint Template in the Save As Type box.

·  Savethe chap6_case_solution.potx template and keep it onscreen.

6. Modify the Color Scheme


To modify the color scheme:

·  Click the Slide Master tab if necessary and then click the Colors arrow in the Edit Theme group.

·  Click Create New Theme Colors.

·  Select the Text/Background – Dark 1 and then click More Colors.

·  On the Custom tab, replace the numeric values in the Red color box with 46, the Green color box with 73, and the Blue color box with 92. Click OK. Use this same process and the same values for the Text/Background-Dark 2.

·  Click the Text/Background – Light 1 and then click More Colors. On the custom tab, replace the RGB numbers with 246, 253, and 181, respectively. Use this same process and the same values for the Text/Background-Light 2.

·  In the Name box give the color scheme Case Study Template. Click Save.

7. Modify the Title Slide


To modify the title slide:

·  Click the Title Slide Layout in the slide thumbnail pane.

·  Click the Insert tab, click Picture in the Illustrations group, select club_travel_logo, and then click Insert.

·  Use the move handles to move the image above the title box and center it on the slide. Use the sizing handles to increase the size to approximately 1 ½” by 2 ¾”.

·  Click in the left footer box, right-click to display the short cut menu, and click Cut to remove the date box.

·  Click in the right footer box, right-click to display the short cut menu, and click Cut to remove the page number box.

·  Click in the middle footer box and type student name, Marketing Specialist.

·  Savethe chap6_case_solution.potx template and keep it onscreen.

8. Use the Template


To use the template to create slides:

·  Click the View tab and then click Normal in the Presentation Views group.

·  Click the Home tab and then click the New Slide down arrow in the Slides group.

·  Click Title and Content to add a bulleted list slide to the presentation.

·  Click the Title placeholder and type Club Travel.

·  Start Word and open chap6_case_outline.

·  Select the text for slide 2 and click Copy in the Clipboard group of the Home tab.

·  Switch to PowerPoint and then click on the new slide after the bullet. Click Paste in the clipboard group of the Home tab to place the text on the slide and in the outline.

·  Click the New Slide down arrow in the Slides group and click Title and Content to add another bulleted list slide to the presentation.

·  Click the Title placeholder and type Locations.

·  Switch to Word and select points a and b under #3 Locations and then click Copy in the Clipboard group of the Home tab.

·  Switch to PowerPoint and then click on the new slide after the bullet. Click Paste in the Clipboard group of the Home tab to place the text on the slide and in the outline.

·  Click the New Slide down arrow in the Slides group and click Custom Layout to add a custom slide to the presentation.

·  Click the text Photograph Title and type Mountain Retreat.

·  Click the Insert Picture from File icon in the placeholder, and locate an appropriate image.

9. Create a Custom Animation


To create a custom animation:

·  Click View and then Slide Master.

·  Select the Title Slide layout thumbnail.

·  Click the title placeholder, and then the Animations tab. Click Custom Animation.

·  Click Add Effect in the Custom Animation pane. Point to Emphasis and click More Effects.

·  Select Grow With Color in the Moderate section and click OK.

NOTE: Use the outline in the Word document to create other photo and bulleted lists slides so that you have enough slides to demonstrate creating a custom show.

10. Create a Custom Show


To create a custom show:

·  Click the Slide Show tab. Click Custom Slide Show and then click Custom Shows.

·  Click New.

·  Type Seaside Fun in the Name box.

·  Select slides 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14. Click Add.

CAUTION: You might not have created as many slides as indicated in the above steps, so just select some of slides that you created to show the process of creating a custom show.

·  Click OK and then Close.

To display a custom show:

·  Click Custom Slide Show on the Slide Show tab, select Seaside Fun from the Custom Show dialog box to display the slides.

·  Save the presentation as chap6_case_solution.pptx.