Issue #25

Power Play


Born with extraordinary powers, Professor Charles Xavier and the X-men fight for peace in a world that hates and fears them. And lately, much of that fight has centered around the island nation of Genosha. Once ruled by a ruthless anti-mutant dictator, Cameron Hodge, their nemesis Magneto tried to use Genosha to stage an uprising that threatened to overthrow all of humanity. But they stopped him, leading Magneto to be captured and leaving the island in the hands of his children, Wanda and Pietro.

The aftermath on Genosha has been tenuous at best. Wanda has struggled to maintain order while Pietro remains bitter over her tactics. Despite help from Charles Xavier and the international community, Pietro isn’t satisfied with the course of mutant affairs. He stands opposed to his own sister and has kept his distance from Xavier and the X-men.

While this drama is unfolding on Genosha, the X-men welcomed a new recruit into their ranks. Kurt Wagner, a former mercenary of the mysterious Azazel, recently joined the team after he was saved from the clutches of Black Tom Cassidy. As the biological son of Mystique and foster brother of Rogue, he joins a team already reeling from personal issues including Rogue’s recent breakup with Scott. Despite these challenges, his arrival brings needed manpower to the team as new challenges unfold on Genosha.



“Is this the kind of life we want?!”

“NO!” said an angry crowd of mutants gathered on the shores of Genosha.

“Is this what Magneto promised us?”


“Then I ask you my mutant brothers, what are we waiting for? Let us take that which is rightfully ours!”

“YEAH! TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!” chanted the crowd.

It was another volatile rally on the once pristine shores of the island nation of Genosha. Over a hundred mutants gathered around a lone figure that made no secret of his dissatisfaction with their situation. It was Pietro Maximoff, the son of Magneto and the one most embittered by how things had panned out. He stood on a rock, rallying those who thought like him. Most had been part of Magneto’s initial uprising. Some were former Genoshan prisoners, including Rusty and Rictor. But there was one figure who remained stoic and collected throughout the whole affair.

Pietro stepped down from the rock and let his fellow brethren know he was with them. They kept cheering and chanting, eager for another chance to finish what they started. Pietro may not have had the charisma or subtlety of his father, but he had his determination. And as he made his way through the crowd they all offered their support.

“We’re ready to fight again, Quicksilver!” said Rusty, “Just let us know when we make our move!”

“We’re with you, compadre!” said Rictor.

Pietro nodded in affirmation and firmly shook their hands in a sign of solidarity. He could tell they meant what they said. They were all ready to move forward. They just needed a plan.

But while Pietro was making his way towards the crowd, the one figure not swayed by his rhetoric approached. He was a tall muscular man with South American features and long hair. He was wearing what appeared to be some sort of paramilitary suit. Pietro couldn’t remember him from the uprising. He couldn’t even remember him from previous rallies he staged. But he seemed very interested.

“Nice speech, Maximoff. Too bad there wasn’t much substance behind it,” said the figure in a gritty tone.

“Who the hell are you?” asked Pietro over the noise of the crowd.

“Fabian Cortez,” said the man as he handed him a business card, “I represent a small mutant paramilitary group that’s taken a keen interest in your fight here.”

“I appreciate the support, but we don’t need the help of mercenaries,” said the speedster.

“Who said we were mercenaries?” grinned Cortez, “I like to think I’m more a consultant. Everybody else here may be swayed by your little speeches. But I can provide a little something extra…something I know you need.”

“And what’s that?” asked Pietro curiously.

“A plan,” said Cortez with an ominous grin.

The cheering continued and as Pietro looked around at his fervent supporters, he realized this man had a point. He could sway others to his cause, but he did not have his father’s tactical brilliance. If he was to give these people the hope they deserved, he needed something substantive and this Fabian Cortez may be able to provide it.

“I’m listening…”


Xavier Institute – Library

Kurt Wagner was adjusting nicely to his new surroundings. It had been a couple of weeks since he joined and he had since learned his way about the X-men. He took part in training sessions, got to know his new teammates, and enrolled in a round of classes. Having been home schooled for much of his life, Kurt had some catching up to do. But he proved dedicated and bright. Between training and spending hours on the phone talking to Amanda, he spent much of his time studying. He was probably the only member of the team that spent more time in the library than he did in front of the TV.

In addition to his new responsibilities as an X-man and a student, Kurt took as much time as he could to catch up with his adopted sister. It was surreal in a ways because technically they just met, but they had known each other for much longer through the letters they exchanged. But no amount of letters could prepare them for something like this. They quickly discovered they had somewhat opposing natures. Kurt was focused and dedicated to his responsibilities. Rogue was more laid back, habitually late to everything, and spoke up more often. They had starkly different personalities, but they still made it work.

Over the past few weeks, Rogue needed her brother’s support. Her breakup with Scott hit hard even though she tried not to let it show. Kurt still picked up on it. He got the whole story about her relationship with Scott from Kitty. It was not the best time to build a relationship as siblings, but Kurt did his best to help her.

He tried to concentrate while Rogue lofted about on the couch, a book resting on her chest while she smoked a cigarette. Since her breakup she had been smoking a lot more lately and it didn’t seem to be helping.

“You know zhose are very bad for you,” commented Kurt as he tried to wave away some of the smoke.

“Neither is eating bacon and waffles drenched in butter, but that doesn’t seem to stop you,” Rogue pointed out with a humored grin.

“I can’t help it. I have a high metabolism,” shrugged Kurt, “Teleporting takes it out of you.”

“So do breakups,” sighed Rogue, “Ah know it stinks, but it takes the edge off.”

Kurt cast his sister a bemused look. One thing he didn’t get from his letters from Rogue was just how rebellious she was. Her nickname was well-deserved. He was still getting used to calling her that since he still thought of her as Marie.

“Look Kurt, Ah’m sorry ya gotta put up with meh at a time like this, Kurt,” said Rogue as she finished her cigarette, “Ah know Ah’m not making it easy for us.”

“Don’t be sorry, Rogue,” he said reassuringly, “I understand you’re going through a rough period. It’s hard enough dealing with Mystique and Black Tom. I can only imagine how much harder it is adding a breakup on top of it.”

“You don’t have to imagine anything. It sucks, end of story,” muttered Rogue as she sat up and sighed, “You’re lucky ya got someone like Amanda. Not that Scott wasn’t nice and all, but it just got to a point where it couldn’t work. Ah can’t help but think it was mah fault because Ah went so fast with him.”

“Ja, Kitty told me about zhat. She said you didn’t have zhe patience to go through zhe formalities,” said Kurt with a humored grin.

“Kitty said that? Remind meh to dump a gallon of bleach in her next load of laundry.”

“No need to get vindictive, mien sister. You’re still dealing vith it. So is Scott. You’ve seen how off he’s been lately.”

“He’s probably just contemplating how he’s gonna hook up with Jean now that Ah’ve cut him lose,” said Rogue dryly.

“Now you’re just being bitter,” said Kurt as he closed his book and sat down next to her, “Seriously, Rogue, you can’t let zhis get you down. You have to have faith zhat zhis is all for zhe better. You said it yourself. You and Scott couldn’t work anymore.”

“Ah know Ah did, but it’s hard, damn it!” groaned Rogue, “Ah wish Ah could have faith like you. Guess Ah’m just a bitter gal in general.”

“It’s not about being bitter. It’s about being strong,” said Kurt intently, “And I know you’re a strong person. You saved me, remember? Zhat’s all zhe proof I need.”

Rogue’s gaze remained distant for a moment. But she took comfort in his words. Once they sank in she turned to her adopted brother and smiled. Kurt hadn’t been here long, but he showed a talent for reaching people. It was just what she needed during this difficult time in her life and it made her all the more grateful she had him in her life.

“You’re something else, ya know that?” commented Rogue.

“I do my best,” shrugged the young mutant, “Ve still have a lot to catch up on. Ve might as vell get zhe harder issues out of zhe way.”

“Guess it couldn’t hurt,” sighed Rogue, “The way things go around here, the fewer distractions ya have the better.”

“So I’ve heard. I hope I’m ready for vhen my first test as an X-man comes along.”

“If you fight half as well as you console foster sisters, Ah think you’ll do just fine.”

The two siblings shared a good laugh. It was comforting to have this kind of family support in a place like this. As nice as having friends were, there was something special about having a family bond to go along with it. They each had their share of issues and they didn’t just stop at Mystique or Rogue’s breakup. They helped each other as best they could. It may not be enough to stop Rogue from smoking, but it was more than enough to keep them strong in these turbulent times.


Xavier Institute – Backyard

Jean Grey had a lot of reasons to be distracted lately. Ever since Scott and Rogue broke up, she had been in an awkward position. She was still avoiding Rogue at every turn. Jean routinely picked up on her bitter thoughts. She placed a good deal of blame on her for breaking her and Scott up. To Jean’s surprise Rogue didn’t lash out at her, but that was probably only because Kitty and Kurt held her back. She wanted to reassure her that she did not intend to affect things between her and Scott, but it was probably going to be a while before she and Rogue could sit down and talk this through.

The breakup also affected Scott in a number of ways. It was just as hard for him as it was for Rogue. Jean did her best to be there for him just as he had done for her when she broke up with Logan. But it wasn’t as easy with Scott because of how introverted he was. He didn’t say it, but she sensed he felt guilty over how his relationship with Rogue ended. A part of him even believed Rogue was right. His friendship with her had affected their relationship. He didn’t cast any blame on Jean. He kept the burden on himself like he always did.

Jean could tell this issue still wore heavily on him. Sitting out near the pool, she was trying to read a book for a class. But her eyes kept diverting to Scott, who was sitting over on a bench overlooking the lake. He often came out here to be alone with his thoughts. Sometimes Jean joined him. Right now she decided to give him space.That still didn’t stop her from thinking about him.

She tried to keep her focus on her book, but it was no use. She was ready to give up and go back inside. Then Warren came flying in, returning from one of his daily flights.

“Hey Jean, doing a little light reading?” he asked as he landed next to her.

“Yeah…really light,” sighed Jean, her eyes drifting towards Scott again.

Warren picked up on where Jean was looking. He tried not to smirk and make a comment Bobby may make. He knew of Scott’s breakup with Rogue like everyone else. He had a feeling it would affect Jean like this.

“So how’s he holding up?” asked Warren.

“As well as any guy could in his position,” sighed Jean, “I think he’s coming around. Things are still a little awkward around him and Rogue, but she doesn’t seem to harbor any grudges.”

“Could’ve fooled me. I don’t remember Scott being this quiet after his last breakup.”

“Every relationship is different. Some take longer to get over than others. You ought to know. Remember how long it took you to get over your last girlfriend?”

“Don’t remind me,” muttered Warren, “But it’s been what? Two weeks?”

“Two weeks and four days, but who’s counting?” she answered distantly.

“Obviously someone is and I can only imagine why,” he said with a slight chuckle.

“Please don’t start, Warren,” groaned Jean, “I’ve heard enough of that crap from Bobby.”

“Duly noted. But if this keeps going on, I’m going to start worrying. I get the feeling Scott’s a little burned out from dating Rogue. I know the lure of a beautiful woman is hard, but I thought Scott of all people would be disciplined enough to take it easy.”

“We all have our weak moments. I know I’ve had mine,” sighed Jean as she thought back to her relationship with Logan, “We’ve been talking about it lately. It’s not easy for Scott. You know how dedicated he is to the people he cares about. He’ll go as far as he hast to in order to keep them from getting hurt, even if it means stressing on his relationships.”

“Funny, I thought that just extended to his powers,” commented Warren.

“Maybe on a deep Freudian level it does, but I still have to hand it to him. The man goes above and beyond for friends and lovers alike. I just wish he didn’t place so much of the burden on himself.”

Jean expression fell somewhat as she gazed towards Scott. She was saddened that she had to see him like this. Warren didn’t like it either, but he didn’t understand it on as deep a level as her. That didn’t mean he didn’t understand though.

“That’s Scott for you,” he sighed, “At least Rogue isn’t adding to it. Thankfully she’s not as bitter as her mother. Otherwise Scott might not be in one piece.”

“To be fair, she broke up with him,” Jean reminded.

“That’s never stopped some women. It’s a good thing Kurt’s here now to keep her in check. And Scott still has you so I’m sure you’ll get him through it.”

“Yeah…I hope so,” said Jean distantly.

Jean remained fixated on Scott. She couldn’t tell if he was just sulking or lost in thought. It may have been a little of both. She was somewhat tempted to read his thoughts, but she shared the Professor’s philosophy of not intruding on someone else’s mind. She probably wouldn’t even be able to since Scott guarded his mind so well. But she still couldn’t help but wonder.

Warren tried not to think too much of it. He had a painful history with breakups and was no good at helping others get past them. He empathized with Scott, but even he could see that his relationship with Rogue had its limits. It was just like Jean’s relationship with Logan. It didn’t have the long term intangibles. He wasn’t sure if they knew that or not. Whatever the case, it was something they both had to work on.

“I just hope it doesn’t impact the team,” added Warren, “At the rate we’re going, the X-men will be one big collection of ex’s. And that can’t be good for team chemistry.”

“Guess we’ll have to hope Ororo and Hank stay together then,” said Jean.

“You never know,” shrugged Warren, “I hear they’ve been having troubles lately as well. Oddly enough, Bobby seems to be the only one in a stable relationship.”

“I know. How sad is that?” said Jean with a bemused laugh.

“Pretty pathetic, not to mention ironic,” laughed Warren as he started making his way inside, “Maybe we should put a disclaimer in the front of the school. Date within the team at your own risk.”

“Yeah, but you never know. One of these days one of them may actually work out,” shrugged Jean.

“Maybe,” shrugged the winged mutant, “Guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

Jean didn’t noticeWarren’s wry grin as he made his leave. She remained focused on Scott, still wondering what was going to come of this. There were still a number of issues he hadn’t worked out. Even she had some loose ends to tie up with her and Logan. But she was still hopeful. Who knows way may emerge after all was said and done?