Monday, 22nd July 2013 Area Meeting Kells Civic Offices

Presiding: Cllr. B. Reilly

Present: Cllr. O. Fox, Cllr. J. V. Farrelly

Officials: Ms. A. Bird, Area Administrator, Ms. F. Beers, Area Engineer

Apologies: Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. C. Yore, Kevin Stewart, Area Manager

1.  Election of the Kells Area Cathaoirleach

On the proposal of Cllr JV Farrelly and seconded by Cllr O Fox, Cllr B Reilly was elected Area Cathaoirleach.

2.  Election of the Kells Area Leas-Cathaoirleach

On the proposal of Cllr O Fox and seconded by Cllr B Reilly, Cllr JV Farrelly was elected Area Leas-Cathaoirleach.

3.  Confirmation of Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 24th June 2013.

The minutes of the Area Committee meeting held on the 24th June 2013 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr JV Farrelly and seconded by Cllr O Fox

4.  To approve the allocation of Amenity and Lawnmower grants for 2013

Members requested that the amenity grant allocation to Mr Ronald McGrane be held until confirmation that a licence agreement is being renewed for the Kells Victorian Waterworks.

On the proposal of Cllr JV Farrelly and seconded by Cllr O Fox the members approved the allocation of lawnmower and amenity grants.

5.  To consider the attached Notice under S183 for the disposal of land by way of lease and recommend to the Full Council for agreement.

On the proposal of Cllr B Reilly and seconded by Cllr JV Farrelly the members recommended the s183 be referred to full council for agreement.

6.  Reports

·  Housing

A report was circulated to the members and the following issues raised:

That the members receive a list of the allocations offered and to be advised of all future allocations that are being made.

·  Sanitary

A report was circulated to the members.

Members were advised that the Rathcairn odour issue is an outstanding snag and some works are yet to be completed.

·  Roads

Report circulated and the members raised the following:

·  Status of Roads programme

·  Fennor road – bad quality of materials used on this road last year

·  Consulting with the council to get extra crews in to fill potholes

·  Do we still have access to the pothole filler

·  Do we require a larger hotbox as crew ran out of materials

·  To clarify number of persons required to do particular works under Health & Safety

The area engineer responded as follows:

·  Roadstone contractors appointed and due to commence restoration works next week.

·  Will carry out some recycled overlay on some roads

·  Works will be supervised to ensure quality of works and materials

·  Will confirm if pothole filler still used in this area

·  Have a 2 tonne hotbox and use 4 tonne of materials a day so we know how much material is required daily.

·  Follow the Health & Safety National guidelines which require 4-5 persons depending on the job. Have to take account of risk assessments and traffic management plan so that place of work is safe for workers and the public. Satisfied that this area has the correct amount of persons at a particular job.#

·  Stop/Go signs more favourable for pothole repairs as men moving along with the signs. Temporary lights ideal for a job that remains in the same place.

·  Under Health & Safety individuals are now responsible for roadworks.

7.  Any other business raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

·  Require signage for Cul de Sac’s as causing confusion for motorists

·  Potholes on Newcastle road, Oldcastle near farm yard

·  L28111 – gravelstown to shop – potholes

·  Chapelbride road potholes

·  Footpath required at Cortown to School

·  Potholes at Bloomsbury cross to Oristown School.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

July 2013 Minutes Page 1 of 2

Kells Town Council and Area Office, Civic Offices, Headfort Place,Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: