Addiction is commonly defined as the habitual and uncontrollable use of a drug. A drug is a substance, natural or synthetic, which is introduced into the body and changes its function.

The reasons which typically take one to use drugs occasionally include personal and social problems, bad influences from friends, to relieve pain, stress, anxiety, depression, to handle difficult situations or to find new sensations.

Tobacco is also a drug, but a legal one. People who smoke often have the risk of suffering from dangerous diseases. The addiction to tobacco affects not only the smoker himself, but also the people who breathe second-hand smoke.The addiction to tobacco may even cause death, because people may suffer fromcancer, cardiovascular diseases, breathing problems, etc.

Susana Carrapita, 9ºB

Hi, I am Cláudia, I’m fourteen years old and I’m going to talk about the stupid things that some people do.But before that, I’m going to give you my opinion about what an addictionis.I have been doing some research on the internet and my English teacher also talked with us about addictions.I believe that the word addiction means obsession or dependence on many things, such as video games, sports, sweets and many other things. But the most dangerous ones are the drugs, alcohol or tobacco.

I know some people, like my dad and my mom, who smoke and others that stopped smoking because they suffered from serious health problems!!!

Smoking may cause many serious problems that may lead people to death. My grandfather had an aneurysm, because he used to smoke four packs of cigarettes a day.Smoking also causes bad circulation of blood and that’s why he had an aneurysm. But this problem is only a small demonstration of what cigarettes can do!!!

Even so, all companies keep onadvertising tobacco and that’s not all. Advertising and everything that involves famous people or celebrities smoking may influence people (young and teens) to do the same.

Another reason is that teenagers sometimes just want to look cool, fashionable or to integrate themselves into a social group. I believe that isn’t absolutely necessary. Otherwise this group isn’t the indicated.

A drug is another very well known word. It’s the most dangerous addiction on “earth”, because it has many second effects. They may lead people to death, destroy our system (intestines, brain cells, etc…), change our behaviour, etc… But,as older people use to say“the forbidden fruit is the most desired one”, teens feelattracted by the drugs, because they have access to drugs, sometimes at school or from a friend, etc… and trying new things or discovering new sensations can sometimes change their lives and bring serious health problems forever!!!

I believe that all types of addictions aren’t easy to break!!! When people’s system is used to some substances, like drugs or cigarettes, it’s very hard to stop and people may need medical assistance and all the support from their relatives and friends.

Cláudia Guerreiro, 9ºB

For me an addiction means a dependence on some substances that we commonly associate with drugs, tobacco and alcoholic drinks, as they are the most well-known ones. Nowadays these problems are a constant subject in our society due to the increase of young drinkers and the sooner experiences of the use of drugs and smoking. To fight this problem it is required a big effort to influence the teenagers not to even try these substances, through school education, associations, the governments’support and above all the families’ efforts. But advertising campaigns produced by several industries isn´t helping, especially by the tobacco industry. They make smoking look cool to young people, so I think there should be created more restrictions to them.

I am used to heavy smokers around me. In my family it is no surprise to see someone smoking all day. Butthe thing that worries me the most is that they don´t seem to care about the ones around them.

We are already aware of the consequences that the smokers seem to ignore. Our duty is to keep on teaching and making realize the next generations of the consequences, like cancers and breathing problems. I think that´s the key to end this problem.

Francisco Vieira, 9ºB

Hey! I’m Filipa and I’m 14. I live with my family (mother and sister)

In our society there are many people with a lot of different kind of addictions. An addiction is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, an excessive physical or psychological dependence on a substance such as: drugs, video games, crime, alcoholism, etc.

In medical terminology, an addiction is a state in which the body needs a substance for normal functioning and this situation may lead to physical dependence.

Both my mother and my sister smoke but it’s nothing special, like 3 cigarettes a day. I always tell them that is not healthy but…well…what can I do?And I also have some friends who smoke, too but they don’t try to influence me and sometimes I have big arguments with them because of that. But I have to respect their options.

Tobacco is a legal drug but if you see look at the other side of the coin, it’s a drug like many others, such as heroin, cocaine, etc.

Sometimes, while you’re watching a film, some of your favourite actors are smoking. I believe that’s wrong because some people may think that if they are there and look so cool, with any kind of health problems, it’s because I can smoke, too. So, television can be a very bad influence, above all for young people. It’s the easiest public for them...

A drug addiction can be very dangerous and some of these substances may lead people to death. So, people must be careful and be responsible for their own actions.

When you suffer from an addiction, it’s very hard to break it. There some institutions that help people to get rid of drugs or alcohol. But it’s not that easy! People must want to break the addiction with the support of their family, friends and medicine, because I believe that’s a very hard process. Life without Addictions is a FREE LIFE!

Filipa Cambeta, 9ºB

The word addiction means a bad habit, a dependence on something in our life, as for example alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

In my family, many people smoke, but the closest one is my mother. I think she should try to stop because smoking causes heart problems, cancer and ulcers. But she has already tried and she has never had any success.

Advertising and movies on TV may influence teenagers and reinforce the smoking habit because they think it is something “good” and they don’t think on the problems and consequences. Many teenagers smoke because they lack self-confidence and want to join a group of friends.

Alcohol is another addiction that causes health problems, car accidents, violence, fights at home and poor school results.

For me the worst of all addictions are the drugs because theymay cause some serious diseases, make people feel depressed, get into crimeand decrease their mental capacity.

Many people take drugs because they are poor and unemployed, they are rich and famous, they have low self-esteem and are unknown and they have too little self-confidence. Although I think that drugs are the worst addiction, all addictions are difficult to overtake and heal.

Estrela Costa, 9ºA